Thanks to SOE we have an extra loadout slot. While re-jigging mine I ended up with: 1. Saboteur: first into base, hack terminals, turrets and spawn Sundies. SMG, NAC and mines. Also used in defense. 2. Hunter: fighting alongside a squad trying to pick off medics, etc. NAC, and a close range sniper rifle with med packs. Sadly, I am very poor shot and die a lot with this. Might need to try this with either a scout rifle or the NS-7. 3. Sniper: Trying to provide long range supporting fire. Hunter cloak, BASR and med kits. 4. Stalker: My new slot choice. Obvious cloak, crossbow and med kit. I have used flanking into a large battle and it was quite fun. I really want to try it as a sleeper agent once a base is taken - killing and disrupting the enemy once they have taken a base. In the first three I use recon darts to provide intel or fire them at distant targets to misdirect foes. Which got me to wondering how other folks use their loadouts. Different roles? Same role butt different weapons?
I use 3; 1. Stalker - Commissioner, EMP grenade, Proxy mine. 2. Sniper - Hunter Cloak, Phaseshift (usually Parallax but I'm trying to get use to this thing), Commissioner, EMPgren, Proxy Mine. 3. CQC - Hunter Cloak, Sirius SMG, Commissioner, EMPgren, Proxy Mine
I usually stick to one loadout for everything, currently: NS-30 Vandal, Hunter QCX (explosive bolts), Motion detection device, Hunter cloak, Adrenaline pump, EMP grenade, Medkit.
VS: 1. close-medium range fighter: suppressed Artemis with 3.4x objective (chevron), NAC, NW, mines or regen 2. medium range sniper: suppressed Nyx with 3.4x objective (chevron), HC, ASC, mines 3. medium range sniper 2: as above but with suppressed XM98 BASR and default 6x objective 4. assassin & hacker: crossbow, SC, ammo, mines I use 1 and 3 the most. Hunting that Auraxium medal for my Artemis... TR: 1. long range sniper: RAMS .50M with 12x objective, HC, ASC, mines 2. medium range sniper: as above but with TSAR-42 using 4x objective (crosshair)
I use seven loadouts for every class. Put a lot of thought into each, too. Got a nice setup now. For inf, I use these general templates for quick swaps. Commando: Cyclone, Commissioner, ASC, hunter cloaking, medical kit, nade, recon darts Renegade: Stalker, Underboss, nano armor, hunter cloaking, betties, emp nade, recon darts Long Ranger: Railjack/Longshot/LA80/Bolt-driver/Gauss SPR, Mag-shot w/ suppressor, adren pump, hunter cloaking, medical kit, decoy/emp nade, recon darts Scout: Vandal, Desperado, ASC, hunter cloaking, medical kit, emp nade, recon darts Assassin: Shadow/Impetus/SAS-R, Desperado, nano armor, hunter cloaking, medical kit, nade, recon darts Stalker: Rebel w/ suppressor/Commissioner/Hunter CQX, ammo belt, stalker cloaking, medical kit/betties, emp nade, recon darts Sentinel: Blitz/SAS-R, Underboss, nano armor, nano cloaking, betties, emp nade, motion spotter I'll frequently use #7 to place a motion spotter and a couple betties before swapping to another loadout (that uses recon darts) and moving out. I do this before leaving a spawn room or a deployed AMS. The spotter device lasts a while. #7 gets used in heaving fighting situations; such as, a defense (hence the name). The combo of nano armor and cloaking gives 48% bonus resistance. Which is rather helpful when I'm sneaking into clusters of badguys, during a tower fight, to place betties and knife/shoot everyone. The adren pump's bonus to sprint speed has proven to be a nice perk when sniping. I often have to huff it to get to my chosen sniping spot, or run from my pursuers. #1 and #4 are my preferred Wraith-Flash rider loadouts. The ASC, recon darts and medical kits are ideal for it.
Yep, in the absence of a particular reason to go with a different cloak, NAC is my default go-to. I have 8 loadouts, but haven't implemented all of them yet. I'll add them to this thread once I have.
1. Short range. auto scout with silencer, 4 emp nades Rebel and beautifull beties - used to be my smg loadout, plays fairly similar. 2. Mid range. semi auto scout with flash suppressor, explosive dart xbow, additional ammo and insta heals - for when i don't know what i want to do or i wan't to flank. Explosive xbow is there to zone out lighter vehicles. 3. Long range. Longshot, extra ammo, Rebel and insta heals. - for when i want to snipe. 4. HUM... i really don't know what to do with this slot ... i'll maybe try the stalker... or maybe get my smg back and turn my auto scout into a mid range option by removing the silencer... i really dunno. I also consider the short range bolt action, but i'm not sure about it.
1. Leon The Professional - Stalker Cloak, Commish (or Suppressed Beamer if I'm feeling really saucy and daring), Adrenaline Pump, Frag Grenades, Prox mines and Sensor Darts (I use these always cause the range they give you is amazing for false flag baiting)...not so hot with this loadout yet, but omfg I see some serious potential here. 2. Storm Ninja (Thanks Cheryll) - Hunter Cloak, Sirius/NS SMG with suppressor, XBow with exploding tips (just the tip!) then the same (Adren, Frag, Prox, Dartgun)...this is my least used, as I only really like it if I'm pulling lots of people out of turrets and/or run and gun base fights with lots of other people around and no good long range opportunities. 3. Predator - Hunter Cloak, Ghost (3.4 Dot Sight with Suppressor if the situation dictates it like air dropping onto the top of a tower) and again xbow xploders. Depending on what kind of fight it is, might use Ammo Belt...this loadout is by far and away my most lethal. Sitting on top of a tower locking down platforms and hitting MAX/Turrets, hide sniping from right behind them in their base/under Sundy/bushes etc...and also for midrange run and gun fights with nice cover (Hellloooooo Amerish)...I just love this loadout. Favorite by far and away and would use it always and forever if I could. Personally the Ghost is my favorite gun in the game, and at the right ranges, it's just murder. 4. Headhunter - Hunter Cloak, Parallax, Commish...obviously this is my long range sniping setup. I find with the Parallax 6x, 8x and 10x are the scopes I like (12x for V10). Adrenaline Pump is great for long runs to the perfect spot (also helps you get away when they come looking for ya), would use Decoy Grenades if they worked (til then Frags boooo), Dartgun (again only effing morons shoot them at their own feet) and when sniping I usually save mine to shoot at someone else's darts, because chances are they'll be standing in the middle of theirs and it's just funny as hell to watch their dot move then run up behind them and POW POW POW (I always triple tap with the Commish). I sometimes use medkits in this one, but usually stick with Prox mines cause they always come looking for me. Always. Which I'd also like to point out, this is a great loadout for flanking and harassing (obviously derp) but using it for psych warfare is sooo hilarious...I love dropping one guy in a herd, let panic ensue while sitting still...things settle down, pop another herd member, rinse and repeat until you have 10+ guys, a MAX and a tank or two looking for you. Run and hide, occasionally popping off shots at them. Congrats, you just rendered a whole bunch of dudes useless as they got scared and came looking for you...which is 100000 times more useful then spawn camping a Sundy (as they're out of the fight for longer this way etc.) This is my most tried and true all around loadout (spend sooo much time with it even tho #3 is my fave)...and with the Commish/Knife can still do fine sneaking around bases and pulling turrets etc.
SMG Bolt-action Full-auto Scout Stalker (crossbow) Names are self explanatory for the weapon used and purpose.
Ordered from short to long range. [1] I Heart Xbow: Heartstring Crossbow, Stalker Cloak, Bandolier paired with EMP gernades and AP Mines [2] Assassination: COMMY, Stalker Cloak, paired Ammo Belt, EMP and Health Kits. [2] NAC CQC: Eidani SMG (not silenced) paired with Nanoweave and medkits, EMP's for heavy CQC fighting. [3] Extended Stealth: NS-7 PDW (silenced) with Bandolier, and EMP's for conservative play and mobility. ---- [5] [VETZ]: My Outfit Required Infiltrator Loadout. Typically involves SMG, Proxies, EMP's and designated motion spotter or darts. [6] The Art: Artemis (grip and comp) hunter cloak, ammo belt, and EMP's paired with medkits and LUMIFIBER <3 + splatter camo [7] Vandal: Vandals Ideal Setup undetermined. ---- [8] Urban: Ghost (silenced) hunter cloak, ammo belt, EMP and camo to match grey buildings. [9] Medium Range: Parallax (silenced) hunter cloak, ammo belt, camo to match trees. [10] Long Range: Parallax un-silenced, hunter cloak, ammo belt, camo to match the ground area. [//] Not Purchased (Yet)
All loadouts have comissioner as a secondary, usual nade and prox mines. 1. Phaseshift /w foregrip - Fun loadout 2. Vandal /w foregrip, x6 optics, foregrip, compensator - Optimal build for fun and effectiveness for almost any range 3. Sirius /w lazer sight, reflex sight - when I'm too lazy to aim 4. Spectre /w foregrip - you die now all range loadout
1. SMG loadout (my most used) 2. Long Range Sniping loadout 3. Xbow Stalker loadout 4. Low Zoom Bolt action loadout 5. Stalker pistol loadout I'm always mixing stuff around within the loadouts as well.
1. SMG (NS-7) - Close Range, getting around and behind enemies to take them out up close. 2. Aggressive Sniping (LA80) - Close-Mid Range, thick of the battle often quickly scoping in and out to take targets out before fleeing to avoid taking too much fire. Also my general range flexbility loadout, I can go from <10m firefights to sniping on a hill 150m away without a break. 3. Aggressive Mid Range (Vandal) - Close-Mid range, often engaging enemies up front and taking them down before they can take me down. 4: Long Range Sniping (Railjack) - Taking down targets at 100m+, aka the K/D padding loudout. 5: Cautious Mid Range (Shadow) - Mid Range, maintaining distance while taking out targets of opportunity. 6: Auraxium Work (Impetus) - Working on an Auraxium Medal. In the Impetus's case, beating my head against a wall and yellingcurses at the random number gods. 7: Stalker Loadout (Crossbow) - Observer mode and generally being sneaky. More of a fun loadout than one I actually find application for in combat. Weapons change from time to time due to me still working on auraxiums for a fair number of weapons. Most of those have the weapon I prefer in the role, but SMG for example is simply taken up by a weapon I'm currently in the process of Auraxiuming.
2. Squad Intel Support: Armor Cloak, Eridani SMG with darklight, motion spotter. Moves up with the squad to check for other infiltrators and keep motion spotters up so no one gets the drop on us. 3. Assassin Sniper: Hunter Cloak, silenced Ghost with triple chevron 4x scope, recon darts. Sneaks around to snipe enemies from an unexpected angle. 4. Line Sniper: Same as Assassin but no silencer and a 4x crosshair scope instead. I saved 1 for last because it's a little weird. I call it the Gadgeteer. Stalker Cloak, Silenced Cerberus(don't judge me, I love that thing), Grenade Bandolier(3 grenades total), 2 Medical Kits, and a Recon Dart Gun. I've been using it to creep around the flank of the enemy to get in behind them, killing any targets of opportunity with the Cerberus, Medical Kits to restore any health lost away from medics, and then using the advantageous positioning to roll grenades right into crowds of enemies hiding behind walls in protracted firefights. It's difficult but ridiculously satisfying. I've managed to break two stalemates single handed so far. Take out all the support staff with a few explosives then watch the line break and allied forces pour over the breach.
1) Sniper: Ghost. Agressive mid-range sniping and sometimes - getting in close, when needed. And yes, I was using Ghost waay before they gave it out for free! 2) Infiltrator: Sirius SMG+silencer, NAC (if in bio-labs). This is the most close range variant for towers/biolabs and other tight spaces. 3) Scout: Artemis with 2x zoom. This is for the first drop, when you don't know what's going on and for open bases with a lot of mid-range distances as well as close ranges. In fact, they are all one and the same playstyle differentiated by range. All 3 use Hunter cloak, EMP nades, darts. I am going to put Phaseshift into the 4th slot when I will get it, and call it "lone wolf" or "Assasin" or whatever. Also, gonna try the Stalker cloak some day. But overall, I don't like things like long-range sniping since it is not very useful for the team.
I love that movie! My loadouts: Mid-range snipe: SR-7, flak armor, hunter, medkit, sensor Long-range snipe: RAMS.50, ammo belt, hunter, medkit, sensor SMG: Armistice or MKV, ASC, NAC, medkit, recon dart Mid-range scout: TRAP-M1/SOAS-20, bandolier/EMP, hunter, medkit, recon dart SASR (interchangeable with all semi autos): HSR-1, ammo belt, hunter, medkit, sensor Stalker: Crossbow, stalker, medkit, sensor EMP grenades for all now that they are useful again. When I'm not working on weapon auraxiums, I primarily switch between the mid-range snipe or the SMG loadouts, sometimes reaching for the SOAS-20/Trap build in the right fight. Still getting familiar with stalker.
Had three loadouts before SOE ****** up my loadouts by giving me a fourth one and then put it in a stupid place (2nd instead of at the end). SNIPER: generally my default BASTARD: armed with suppressor and smg. STALKER: haven't played much