How it looks and feels every time I Tank mine a sundy.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ravenwolf Foxtrack, Mar 24, 2013.


    lol. The short video in the first clip was highly misleading. I already responded, admitted I was wrong, and explained the reasons for this. In short clips, its nearly impossible to differentiate between explosives and propellants. I made assumptions and I was completely wrong. Ive already stated that. Now that Ive seen the video of the whole thing, it becomes VERY obvious that there was nothing more than slow burning propellant in that bus. I was now "pwnd", i was wrong, and there IS a difference for people who understand this language.
  2. FreelancePanic

    Business was 'booming' back in the glory days.

    *sigh* Nerfside 2...
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  3. crazyoldfart

    Every time I see this... It's so damn close it ain't funny to blowing a sundy.
  4. MilitiaMan

    This was posted a long time ago, I honestly came in here to see who Necroed the thread ;D

    And yes, I love doing that and yes that video is hella funny.
  5. chrisbeebops

    Since the tank mine nerf they look a lot more like delivering boxes of pizza to a party bus.
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  6. OddChelsea

    Pizzas so good it's like a flavor explosion that will blow you away.
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  7. Phrygen

    Tank mine nerf needs to be undone...

    and i'm a tanker.

    However, tank mines should no be able to be thrown under sundies. Thats what c4 is for. At the very least, the driver should have to move the thing before a mine goes of....
  8. PieBringer

    Nonsense! I recently got tank mines, and there are still plenty of tankers that run right over them. Sadly, the stupid medal tracker has only counted two of the players it's killed... (As opposed to all five of the players, and four or so vehicles I've blown up with them.)
  9. Llaf

    People shoot them to make them detonate. If you just leave them there they will sit there until the sundy moves. Can't nerf shooting to detonate unless a disarm ability is added for engineers, otherwise there would be no need to try and hide mines at all.
  10. Phrygen

    15 second arm time then? whatever the case they are just thrown explosives atm... hardly work as mines.
  11. Llaf

    Probably wouldn't work either. Once you have two mines down underneath a sundy, its a death sentence unless by some miracle you can get one to detonate at a time, or you have mineguard.

    EDIT: Unless you mean they'd be destroyable in that arm time, but then 15 sec is pretty long.