How it looks and feels every time I Tank mine a sundy.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ravenwolf Foxtrack, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. SinerAthin

    They thought the man got killed or critically injured. They were worried. That's a perfectly sane reaction.

    I'd be more worried if they thought he got really badly wounded, and then didn't care :p
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  2. h00n

    No one died in that video you big ******. Jesus Christ.

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  3. gaiam

    i wonder how that guy got roped into that job.

    years of training and an old bus to explode, but they couldn't get him a longer stick?
  4. MuNrOe

    Its a breaching tool with many names (Breaching Staff, Boom Stick, Pole Charge, etc) and it is commonly used for breaching thick brick walls. dont know why the **** they would use it on a bus.
  5. Jizanthapus

    Because Russians go big.
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  6. Tasogie

    yes, it was a demonstration, they are not going to film a EOD getting killed for public entertainment. I would say it was a demo for some event. Quite impressive an the guy has real balls to do it.
    just be careful though. I got banned for a week for posting the "Man v tank" vid on youtube because they think I was glorifying peopel dieing or something or other... Where as I was simply showing what real tanks do v in game. As people were complaining tanks are to powerful in game an should be nerfed....

    Sigh, forum warriors...

    already noted and commented on in a later post. cant edit original for some reason.
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  8. MagicBlubber

    Doesn't happen to my sunderer, can tell you that much.
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  9. Krayus_Korianis

    Armor ftw. I got it on mine as well. C-4 makes my Sunderer go down to about 1/4 health. lol. Not sur eon Tank mines or whatever, but probably the same or boom boom. I need to invest more into the armor.
  10. vulkkan

    It's a concussion grenade of some sort. Now if people tried using concussion nades on my sundie I'd just run them over.
  11. DeltaGun

    He was operating a tactical boom noodle.
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  12. drNovikov

    Nope, he's alive and fine. It's a concussion charge.
  13. Kedric

    Relax everyone, these are Russians we are talking about, descended from Vikings who wanted to spend more of their time raiding and pillaging than sitting on a dumb boat in the middle of the ocean. No self-respecting Russian would walk away from a blast like that with any more than a few scrapes and bruises.
  14. PyroPaul

    no it isn't.

    the video is a Russian SWAT/Military team training in hostage rescue techniques. Russian Style.
    the thing on the end of a stick is something analogous to a Flash Bang which basically incapacitates every one, obscures occupants vision, and breaches doors and windows in close proximity making for an easy breach of the enclosed space by surrounding teams.

    Now did he want it to go off half a second after it hit? Probably not.
    maybe he waited too long, maybe he got the bad fuse... it is hard to tell (Grunt Maxim: all 5 second fuses go off in 3 seconds)

    but he has full Kevlar and Tactical Blast Protection Gear.
    He walked away from that with little more then ringing ears and a bad headache.
  15. Sulsa

    First I was like :eek:

    Then I was like LOL
  16. Acuta

    HAHAHAHA, ok...Gods that is so perfectly fitting.

    I'm convinced that guy lost a bet...

  17. Tasogie

    I thought they were pliable C4 hoses, that stuck to walls? As a usable "stick" that is hardcore heh that EOD has balls of steel to say the least.
  18. siddar

    That engineer must have flak armor level 100.
  19. Nyscha

    Wrong, thats what happens when someone mines my mineguard sundy and it doesn't blow up and the engineer dies instead. lol
  20. h00n

    my b