How i feel about the sniper changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. DeadliestMoon

    Prioritize? There really isn't any "important" targets due to the fact that anybody can be anything. Also, your recon darts can spot stuff and once MAX icons come in, those will be more valuable.

    "...more frustrating to die from." That's subjective because I think sniper rifles are more frustrating to die from. Also, why not just ask to make sniping easier if it's too hard?

    I actually think the SMG infiltrator is what the class should be like by default; instead of forcing everyone to take up the sniping role right from the get go.
  2. Tenebrae Aeterna

    This is actually what I, and several others, initially believed they were doing with these new sniper rifles to begin with. Effectively giving us what we wanted at the cost of having to purchase yet another bolt-action sniper rifle. I think many of us were pretty floored to hear about this potential outcome, and downright horrified.

    Either way,

    As I expressed previously... The run and gun oriented players are heavily focused around our reduced risk of death, but death isn't the penalty...time is. The time it takes for you to respawn after death is the punishment for getting killed, that's time you could have used to rack up more kills, capture more points, and essentially do the other various things infantry do within the fray.

    Snipers have a reduced risk of death because we are further away from the battle, so instead of having to deal with that...we deal with time sinks and the time it takes to line up a shot. The entire reward is the one hit kill upon perfect aim, and that's what keeps our time to kill ratio on par with a run and gun oriented player's kill to death.

    So long as the experience gain between the two playing styles is equivalent to one another, it's balanced.

    This idea of balancing sniping to close ranges isn't based upon actual balance, it's based purely upon frustration from people who don't understand sniping in general. I blame that on new age games that forced sniping into quickscoping due to drastically small maps and narrow lanes of fire, the very pseudo points they presented that "offset" the power of the OHK.

    It's just plain wrong...that's not what balances sniping out.

    Time sinks and effectively reducing the effectiveness of various rifles to their respective range zones is what balances sniping out.

    A long range sniper can't reload, they'll have to take the ammunition belt if they want to bulk up on rounds...or make a long run home to a Sunderer.

    Things like this is what makes us balanced.
  3. Tenebrae Aeterna

    That's wrong...

    If a HA is about to rocket one of your tanks, they are a high priority target. If they are taken out before they fire off that rocket, that means a high priority target has been neutralized.

    If an engineer or group of such are trying to repair the defense turrets of a base and they are killed, those too are high priority targets because those turrets could have caused a great deal of damage to the valuable armor on the ground or in the sky.

    If an engineer on a AI or AT turret is killed, same thing.

    There are many situations like these, and a long range sniper excels in taking out these targets. More often than not, these high priority situations are where people stand still...making themselves the most lucrative target a sniper can find. So, even as a lone wolf, a long ranged sniper is performing the function his faction needs by taking these targets out and simultaneously serving their own interests of increased experience.

    Having a drastically superior advantage point means that we can look over a larger area than a person in the fray. We can take out high priority targets throughout the base with a sway of the scope...ensuring that these situations are few and far in between IF we're doing our job right.

    This permits our faction to take the base, or defend it depending on the situation. Our greater field of view makes us unmatched in taking out high priority targets...hence why long ranged sniping is so important.

    ...because then people who claim that sniping is too easy would actually have a legitimate argument. Besides, our precision and intelligence based gameplay balanced around time management is a sort of badge of pride. Many of your dedicated long range snipers, like myself, don't have the twitch response time to run and gun.

    To be able to play a different way that's equally challenging and difficult in its own right gives us a feeling of importance just like a run and gun oriented player gets from their epic twitch response time.

    We don't want our style of gameplay to be easy, we just want it balanced.

    This probably wouldn't have been a bad idea.

    The NC are the only ones who start with a bolt-action, so it's a pretty shaky start for TR and VS Infiltrators.
  4. IamDH

    I mean things like take out the Engi healing his tank. Doing something like that would be far more valuable than sniping the lone LA 200 meters away. Spotting a sundy first then moving on with your daily sniping
    Recon darts also provide a valuable asset to the team

    This isn't really a shotgun and sniper comparison thread because that isn't really related but here goes. To clarify what i said

    Shotguns are (well..were) present in abundance and required a lot less effort to use. I (personally) find sniping harder than shotgunning but thats just me. Others may feel the opposite way and thats also fine

    Yes that is a good suggestion but the main problem is that there are only 3 SMGs in the game which each cost 1000certs. I'd suggest starting with the NS one since default infils SMGing might lead to madness
  5. Lividine

    You have a hard time relating to what we're going through because SOE has never told you that they're going to cap infantry gun range to 30 Meters. It's the same thing as capping our range to 150 Meters.

    You are right, there are a few snipers that don't contribute much. I've known snipers that snipe just because they don't have an adequate computer to get within infantry range. I see no problem with that. It's a sandbox game, what they do affects me in no way, shape, or form. However, when people are in a platoon and sniping they should be contributing. There are many ways to do that. I've headshot a couple engies healing a sundy and ended up turning the tide on the base capture. I've killed medics that were healing max units, allowing our team to finally break through the zerg to capture or defend a base. I've also (MANY TIMES) sniped other snipers that are impossible to find and are eliminating our engineers and medics. And the amount of snipers actually doing something productive is nowhere near 1%. That's insulting. I think you'd be surprised if you followed a few snipers and watched them mark targets and shoot the engineers, snipers, and medics. There are a lot of snipers out there that are helping just as much as any other class. And most snipers are lone-wolfs anyways (I have no data to prove that, but in my personal experience). So what does it matter if a lone-wolf wants to be a lone-wolf? This is amongst the only games that can provide that experience, and they're deciding to take it away....

    The reason you see 9 threads about this issue is because it is, in my opinion, the biggest, most unnecessary nerf ever done in the history of Planetside 2. There are a lot of people with similar thinking, that snipers do nothing on the battlefield. Not a single one of them made a thread about nerfing the infiltrators. Now all of a sudden they're rooting and supporting a range cap that will essentially ruin an entire play style. A play style that many people thoroughly enjoy. A play style that is not offered in 9 out of 10 shooters!
  6. DeadliestMoon

    Not really. If someone is targeting a vehicle then you can be assured that it isn't just one HA, one will go down, but that doesn't matter when there's two more to take his place. (you play VS, surely you can vouch for that) Also, max medic tool can revive in 1 sec, so those engineers will be right back up in no time.

    Again, darts are immensely useful, especially now that allies up to 150m can see pinged enemies. Also, if you like being far and "scouting" remember that you are getting a recon drone.

    This will hurt you more than you realize. Also just because sniping can be made easier, by say a 1.5x body multiplier, doesn't mean the "skill ceiling" will be lowered. It just means players will reach it faster and that the punishment for missing a headshot will be less punishing. Pride can be your downfall.
  7. ChicoFuerte

    You make decent points, but broadcasting your gender as if it gives some sort of unique insight is a little unnecessary.
    • Up x 1
  8. Lividine

    It's called pride. My father taught me to have it. I'm extremely proud to be a woman that plays a shooter against men. You making a big deal out of it is unnecessary. I appreciate you actually reading through my points though, sometimes I tend to write quite a lot about what I'm thinking.
  9. Tenebrae Aeterna

    That's not really the point.

    One less HA is one less source of damage for that tank meaning that it will last longer than it would have if that HA lived. The same holds true for all the situations presented, a sniper buys time.

    As for Medics,

    Lets say that there are three medics within a clutch of infantry holding off your forces. These three medics are ensuring that the forces are resurrected quickly enough to maintain the stalemate. Suddenly, a sniper takes out one of these medics...which prompts the other medic to heal that medic and leaves one medic out of three to support that clutch of troops. Meanwhile, your factions forces push forward with that permitted time and break the stalemate.

    Time is everything.

    I never said that recon darts weren't useful.

    A long ranged sniper is still going to be able to locate those Sunderers far faster if they have an adequate advantage point. Normally, I see them rolling in before they even deploy and can spot them for my faction.

    With that said, in regards to the recon drone, no one is going to use it because there's not going to be a reason for an Infiltrator to be at long range. The drone is not going to support long ranged scouting all by won't be worth it.

    You're speaking to someone who used to play DF:LW.

    The Barret could effectively one hit kill targets from up to 900m away, 1000m if you were a damn good shot. This was balanced for the time period, but today...the one hit kill being limited to a headshot is perfectly fine and balanced. It's not pride that makes me say this.

    I would rather be rewarded for an effective headshot than be buffed when I miss.
  10. DeadliestMoon

    Lol. Pride. Anyway, you don't need to be seeing as how, despite social expectations, video games don't require a gender in order to have fun. I think you may be making a bigger deal out of it, which is unnecessary.

    Yeah 1 whole second before the other medic revives the other does make a difference, in CQC. But if those medics were smart, they'd know not to use the medic tool in order to heal people; since healing stacks with other healing abilities (except for resto kit + resto kit).

    Vantage points aren't exclusive to snipers. LAs on top of towers or rocks can see Sunderers just as easily.

    I don't know what "DF:LW" is. Oh course you would, but that doesn't mean it has to be enforced by the game itself. This will shoo away new players who want to snipe but aren't extremely accurate. You can still go for headshots only, but it'd be more of a personal challenge instead of a requirement with harsh consequences if you don't succeed.
  11. Flapatax

    I would just like to say that something wonderful happened here.

    Truly majestic.
    • Up x 2
  12. IamDH

    I do believe he was pointing out the fact that you said it multiple times. I agree with your points but i think stating you are a female multiple times was rather pointless but no harm done
  13. Maljas23

    ESFs and Lib flying are about the only things I think take more "skill" then sniping.

    Maybe you can name a few?
    • Up x 1
  14. Sock

  15. efil4mocx

    That is perfect.
    Why don't you knock some sense into SOE?
  16. Maljas23

    I love you.
    • Up x 1
  17. ChicoFuerte

    I sniped in BF4 last night and landed 4 headshots in a row. I couldn't think of a good simile as to who I was so I said I was like Ben Afleck in Sum of All Fears.

    They have sniping in that, right?
  18. Sock

    No you're thinking of Good Will Hunting
  19. IamDH

    What else would the new snipers fill? I do predict incredible downsides like locking yourself in
  20. Maljas23

    Twitch sniping is just as "fun" as long range sniping. Why we cannot have both? I dunno. Not like they'd be overpowering groups of people.