How i feel about the sniper changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Lividine

    I'm a relatively new player. I played a while ago then quit and am now playing Planetside 2 as a dedicated Sniper. The 150 Meter cap, even if changed to 200 meters will result in me, as well as a load of friends, leave. I've never been a cry baby that will quit a game over a Nerf. But this Range Cap will end up screwing me big time. I like to snipe from about 250 Meters. Mainly because I am inexperienced and get killed by infantry any time I get within 200 Meters of a base or capture point.

    I am not very good. Sniping takes a lot of skill and time to become efficient at it. I always laugh when people say Sniping is easy. I have a much easier time killing with a shotgun or my HEAT lightning. I am also a female player, and have dedicated a lot of time to learning how to snipe. My KDR is extremely low... I'm lucky if I kill 2 people before an infantry finds me. One time, I've been shot by a shotgun at 100 Meters. He blanketed the area with bullets and I couldn't dodge them (while cloaked)...

    What I'm saying is, from a woman's perspective, this nerf was never asked for, and is going to completely ruin this game if implemented. I'm happy to go to battlefield 4 because of this, and I know I'm not alone. The biggest problem we have with this is the Community. Most of the 12 year old cry babies say that they support this implementation. Little do they know it will result in a massive population decline. And, believe it or not, this game only works because of the number of people playing it. And no one wants to play a game that is completely open world, with miles of terrain and beautiful mountains you can snipe from, with a 150 or even 200 meter cap on killing ability.

    People may argue that we still can kill from range. But I can tell you first hand, People do not sit around waiting for the second bullet to come! I know because I miss the headshot a lot! And everytime I put a bullet in someones chest, they run away and don't bother returning to that position.

    Many of the trolls would say good riddance to all of us snipers that will leave upon this implementation. It doesn't bother me because I already know who's in the right. I'm a proud Woman that plays Planetside, and will be a proud Woman to stand up and leave the game because of the developers poor choices.

    Sorry so long, Had a lot on my mind
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    Snipers make the game boring thus should be nerfed. Simple as that. OHK's in general should be removed and everything should be made at least a 2 shot kill. It makes things more fun.
  3. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I wouldn't ever do that...

    As I said, both types of gameplay have their own challenges and are quite difficult. I, for example, have a very poor twitch response time which is the entire reason I started out long ranged sniping back in the days of DF:LW. I am terrible at run and gun oriented gameplay and understand well enough what it takes to actually be effective with it. The same, however, can't be said for the majority of run and gun oriented players in regards to long ranged snipers.

    They assume that because we don't die as's a high reward based gameplay with no risk.

    Why is death bad in a first person shooter? It costs you time that you could otherwise be spending getting more kills and thus more experience. Snipers don't have as great a risk from death, but we do have many time sinks incorporated into the playing style that can equate to a death if we are not being extremely efficient with our time.
    • We have to set up a proper position to snipe from.
    • We have to wait for someone to remain stationary.
    If we waste any amount of time, that builds up...and we can potentially be making less kills and experience than the run and gun oriented player out in the fray. When they die, they get right back into combat and rack up the kills. When we die, often from another sniper, we have to travel all the way back to a new position to snipe from.

    Time to kill equates to kill to death.

    Sniping isn't easy, neither is run and gunning.

    The problem is that one side believes the other is overpowered because we don't die as often. We do, however, still suffer from the same penalty that death causes...................a waste in time, a lack of experience gain that you would have obtained had you stayed alive.

    That's the balance between the two styles.
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  4. Tenebrae Aeterna


    Take out all explosive devices or drastically reduce the damage, all tanks and aircraft should also be unable to one shot infantry. Shotguns? No. They're one hit kill and shouldn't be in the game.

    All the Anti-Infantry mines, bye bye.

    Grenades? Nope, they can potentially kill in a single hit, keep them out.

    You're being silly.
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  5. Deronok

    The problem with snipers having 'skill' is it's entirely one sided, and cannot be countered by the guy in the crosshairs. Whereas being in the fray takes reaction time, situational awareness, and aim. That's why the change is being made.

    Also, while I've farmed a nice chunk of people who stood still while I was sniping, it takes no skill. None. If you can't hold your crosshair over someone, and press a button, then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe shooters aren't your thing?
  6. Lividine

    That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You do know this is a combined arms game right? Warfare, that kind of stuff? I'm pretty sure if you're shot with a .50 caliber bullet in the head, you'd be missing a head. The reload time on sniper rifles is extremely high, which points the design toward OHK. Can't believe that I'm a woman and I have to stand up for the integrity of this game. Most of you men are acting like 12 year old girls. And most of you know it.

    This has sturred up way too much commotion within the community. Which leads me to believe that it is not a good idea. If it was, it would get support from those that actually use Snipers. The only people supporting it are those that either don't snipe at all, and use shotguns and call us skill-less, or they are CQC snipers that use SMG's or already enjoy sniping within 150 Meters. If anything needs fixed, it's SMG infiltrators. I've seen them clear out entire squads.
  7. Tenebrae Aeterna


    All you have to do is move and you're no longer a lucrative target. As for your adept long range sniping capabilities, as I have said previously...make a video of your long ranged sniping endeavors and don't just string together consecutive kills to present a ruse of your efficiency being on par with a run and gun oriented player.

    Unless your experience gain as a long range sniper is equivalent to your gain as a run and gun oriented player, it doesn't matter how easy you feel sniping still suck at it.
  8. Lividine

    Show me the stats that prove you use a sniper. It takes an immense amount of skill. Yeah, lining up a headshot at 150 meters or less is easy-mode, when you're shooting a stationary target! Go to 300 Meters and see if it's still "easy". And, on another note, Using ANY GUN is the same, "hold your crosshair over someone, and press a button." As a matter of fact, I find it much easier to run into a room with an SMG and spray and pray than to snipe. What's next, are you gonna tell me that using C4 or a shotgun takes "skill"?

    People do what's most effective for them. Period. If you were good at using a sniper you would use it. But, you likely are more skilled at flying, or operating a tank, or infantry. Either way, players will ALWAYS do what makes them the most XP. And if sniping was so "easy" and made so much XP, everyone and their brother would do it. Instead, whenever I'm in a 48+ battle, I see at most 4 snipers. The community acting like Snipers are now a pandemic is pathetic and childish. In a game of this size putting a range cap on snipers is similar to putting the last nail in the coffin.
  9. Lividine

    I could not have said it better if I tried. You raise an extremely valid point. Just as I stated, players will do whatever earns them the most XP. Players will do the most mundane task over, and over, and over, if it gives them XP. All these players saying sniping is easy would be sniping if it was profitable for them. But, they found infantry or armor more profitable. Then go to the forums and claim that sniping takes "no skill", meanwhile, they run around with shotguns or an m40 fury spray and praying and call it "skill". I would very much like to see these guys grab a sniper rifle and show us how it's done. Especially from 300 Meters or so. Put your money were your mouth is, right?
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  10. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Pretty much,

    The intelligent run and gun oriented players keep their mouth shut when it comes to expressing that sniping is easy...because they have actually tried it out and know how challenging it actually is. It's a completely different playing style that's balanced off a completely different has to be since our risk of death isn't as significantly high as theirs. I have never seen a run and gun oriented player try long ranged sniping and come back to say it was easy, and I doubt I ever will...or that if one does they will have proof of this belief in video format that isn't just a montage of kills presenting a ruse of efficiency.

    Both styles of gameplay are difficult and challenging in their own way, and both serve very important roles in first person shooter games.
  11. Kcalehc

    The headshot OHK range reduction being an indirect buff to MANA AV turrets (as I'll not be able to kill them past 150m, and they usually operate much further than that away from the battle lines) hasn't been mentioned yet, so there it is. And if the turret is past 300m and you hit him, all he has to do is exit the turret and the engie will stop rendering before you can reload and scope back in.

    Sniping isn't that hard, and there are a lot of bad snipers out there that really contribute very little when attacking or defending a base. Hanging back plinking off the odd shot, or hiding in a spawn room getting cheap kills. It happens, but not everyone who plays a sniper is so useless. But honestly, if you're getting killed by a bad sniper, then you probably shouldn't have been standing still in the open in the first place. A bad sniper won't be hitting many if any moving targets. I've made 250m headshots on running targets with a suppressed rifle; not always on the first shot, but enough that I can hit those targets maybe 1 in 5; better if they're running at a shallow angle to me.

    Still there already is a counter to long range headshots, Nanoweave. Though I understand they are changing it somehow that headshots work differently. My only real problem with that is, now it costs you 1000 certs to get immunity to OHK sniper shots past a certain range, and a few less for closer ranges, my rifle cost me 1000 certs; and if I add a suppressor, these ranges get even shorter. Now, you get immunity past 150m for free, but my rifle still costs 1000 certs. That's not fair.

    Perhaps better would be a suit slot for a nanoweave helmet. Adding the ohk headshot immunity as a cert-able option, more certs reducing the max range at which you can be killed by a single shot to the head. 50 certs for 275m, 150 for 250m, 250 for 200m, 500 for 150m and 1000 for 100m (or something like that). Good choice for snipers and turret engies, maybe not so much for others, but choice is better than an enforced arbitrary hard cap.
  12. Flapatax

    This is after all a realistic military sim, what with the space tanks and nanites and revive system as such.
    Are you a girl? I wasn't sure. It's good you are, it really has a bearing on the discussion.
    I find that the best way to get better at something is to avoid it completely, too.

    When someone says they are a dedicated anything I immediately discount any of their opinions about balance, because how could they possibly know?
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  13. libbmaster

    Wait wait wait!

    What if they used OHK ability to differentiate the sniper rifles?

    So you have "tier 1" BSARs, with a fast bolt, fast reload, decent mag size, but OHK capped at 150 meters and have iffy CoF at range. (Close support, designated sharpshooter).

    Then you have "tier 2", OHK capped at, say, 300 meters, much slower to fire than the "tier one" rifles, CANNOT BE SUPPRESSED, but more accurate. (Jack of all trades, master of none?)

    And then you have "tier three", the RAMS .50m kind, which take ages to work the bolt (and reload), have tiny magazines, CANNOT BE SUPPRESSED, but are OHK capped out to 450 meters and have insane bullet velocity. (For dislodging MANA AV turret users before they shred tank columns).
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  14. IamDH

    I think i know what MIGHT happen

    These BASRs we know now will get nerfed

    NEW snipers (t20 fist aka TRAP m1 and the others) might be 1hit
  15. Flapatax

    That would be a bit too blatant, even for them. As much as everyone likes to decry SOE for trying to make money, "shotgungate" wasn't all that bad.

    There would be some pretty incredible downsides to them if that was the case.
  16. Interlude

    muh extreme sniping skills

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  17. Tenebrae Aeterna

    So, where is your sniper footage then?

    I can toss up some SMG footage if you like...

    I think that plenty of snipers would be completely fine if the new rifle they are releasing is a long range oriented sniper rifle.

    Randomized offset on scoping in. (Ensures short range use is difficult.)
    Inability to add a suppressor. (Ensures short range use is difficult.)
    Increased duration for chambering a round. (Ensures short range use is difficult. + time sink)
    Decreased magazine size. (Time sink.)

    Those negatives would balance out the ability to effectively land OHK shots from maximum rendering distance. Hell, you could even throw on a more significant tracer effect if you REALLY wanted.

    That's how you balance a sniper, through time.
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  18. Lividine

    Nothing you said was relevant. And, yes, I take pride in being a Female sniper. I think it does have a bearing on the discussion because: I don't reply to forums, I was trying to be subtle and express a point that this change is so extreme and bad for the game and population (which is already in danger) that I am standing up while all these macho men claim that sniping is easy and the change is justified simply because they don't like being killed by skilled snipers. Hitting moving targets while having to calculate velocity as well as adjust for bullet drop is extremely challenging, and takes many hours of practice to get efficient at. All of these macho men will also not step up to the plate and PROVE that sniping is "easy". It's really quite simple, there are free programs out there to do recording. A 20 minute recording of a dedicated infantry player sniping from 250 or more meters while being able to maintain similar efficiency shouldn't be that hard to do considering how "easy" sniping from long range is...

    There's a big flip side to this coin as well fellas. If (or when I guess, because the devs clearly don't give a rats backside about the opinions of the players. ZOE/Lockdown are still broken, meanwhile, they have time to come up with bogus ideas such as this.) this makes it to the live servers Snipers will begin learning and practicing quick-scoping. I've played a whole lot of CoD back in the day and am quite skilled at the craft. It's a cheap tactic that takes advantage of game engines in order to get cheap kills. It honestly feels like SOE is doing this to make this game more like CoD for Playstation 4, so they can have more appeal to console players. The 1 and only reason I am on the forums is because this injustice cannot stand! I will fight tooth and nail, hair pulling and all to keep the integrity of the Planetside Universe.

    Even if I was dedicated to infantry alone I wouldn't want a change like this to go live. I know a game-breaking feature when I see one. They might as well just put in a loading screen and give us Team Deathmatch and other Game modes on specific bases. No reason to fly or drive to the battle when everyone's limited to 150 meters in the first place.
  19. libbmaster

    Hrm. Reasonable, and simpler than mine!

    I support it.

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  20. Sock

    As a man, I have a hard time relating with the struggles of the oppressed sniper class. I think we're privileged to have a game that offers such variety, and I just wanted to weigh in on the thread because I can relate to the title. Nine other posts are on the front page right now, but this really stuck out to me. There seem to be a lot of entitled snipers who just want to game to be handed to them, instead of getting out their and earning their keep. There are plenty of opportunities for snipers to succeed, both inside and out of 150m. Snipers' rights movements have really sprung up since this last patch, but in my opinion they should just be grateful for what they have. For a class that contributes almost nothing, they really want to mooch off of the rest of the game system. Out of all the snipers complaining, I'd estimate maybe 1% of them are actually competent enough to understand and defend what they're actually talking about.
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