How flanking/parkour helps infils.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by LordDethir, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. LordDethir

    Hey guys, LordDethir here and I just wanted to point out some key factors about Parkour and how we INFILs can use this to our own advantage.
    To quote CuteBeaver, One of the best people who can Parkour in PS2:

    This is how to Parkour, But some may ask, How does this help us?

    This an example from one of my previous play sessions:
    EDIT: Bugged, Giving a link instead:

    Doesn't that look so nice. ;)

    What I did here was basic parkour, All I did was climb an Esimir spike, but it allowed me to get the upper hand, If you will, in this fight.

    Parkour does not have to be a complicated series of jumps to climb a techplant, All we have to do is just get a tiny advantage, Jump up an esimir spike, use gravity lifts to get slightly above our enemy, but then we have the advantage completely, nothing can stop you. . . Well Maybe the Rage-shotgun LA can.

    If you want any help with Parkour, I would suggest you talk to CuteBeaver and I, All though CuteBeaver Is probably better suited for the task.
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  2. Cookie5000

    Parkour could be a great edition to the game for getting around, but it might render Light Assault useless
  3. LordDethir

    Oh it is a real thing. Look up Cute .Beaver (dot is important) and watch her parkour videos.
  4. CuteBeaver

    I'v been too busy to actually write a proper guide, however that is pretty much everything in a nutshell. Here is a link to a playlist.

    Each video I try to show climbing a different type of object, in addition to running around in a fun creative way. Combat is much less fluid, you would want to use deep cloak, cover, and take advantage of clusters of enemies bellow you. Just be mindful of how the sky affects your cloak. Finding an object behind you is often slightly safer depending on the quality of your enemies eyes.
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  5. DCWarHound

    Will test this later today,would be helpful for the sniper directives because i can't get into good spots with lower velocity rifles to farm sundies.
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  6. Dualice

    Cracking series of vids. The one at The Auger gave me some ideas particularly, there's so many great sharpshooting perches there, that before now I'd dismissed as unreachable.
  7. actionpark

    Hmm will have to try out this stuff. Looks awsome! :D

    Question: Is there any help to use adrenaline-pump while climbing walls?
    I've started playing infiltrator on my alt and just use adrenaline pump so far (want bandolier later)
  8. LordDethir

    I go at 14 frames, And I use adren as my "get out of jail free" card when it comes to parkour. When your climbing a tree, avoid Adren. Like the plague. When your doing more tactical jumps (Gravity lifts, Getting on roofs, and climbing walls etc.) Adren is very useful to get up there. Another thing with adren pump is the bonus is only active while sprinting. I also forgot to mention that the higher your frames are, the easier it is to do parkour.
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  9. Iridar51

    Eesh, third world problems. As LA, I never even considered there could be such a big, thought out part of the game in this.
  10. iller

    Wall orbiting and glitching up inclines that are usually too steep has become my favorite part of this game.
    If they ever gave Adrenaline pump a "turbo functionality" like Flashes have, I would never use any other suit

    ...though is a few cases, it's just a lot faster and easier to cert a Valk with squad deploy chutes and be confident that no one will even notice that you just flew it over that spire and dropped from it... You'll be back to 750 resources anyway after like 2 kills