How does everyone feel about the Vanguard Shield now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DashRendar, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. MajiinBuu

    So I could finish them off with explosive darts? :D
  2. Slandebande

    Most of us weren't complaining that the VG itself was OP; and we also wanted a slight buff to another area in order to compensate for an eventual "simple nerf". SoE works in mysterious ways though :( Also, yes, Lockdown and Magburn got better at the lower cert tanks, because they were absolutely abysmal at those lower ranks, whereas the VG Shield was pretty nice at ranks 1-2 alone. Besides, both the Magrider and the Prowler actually have a viable choice to make regarding using either their ES ability or the NS abilities, as they are actually viable on those tanks, unlike the Vanguard due to the poor design, further enforcing the need for the buffs to the lower ranks.

    Some of this I don't understand.. It's not like the other factions have solid front-line vehicles for the rest of their troops to form up upon, and they do just fine. I don't see why NC is hurt by not having that specifically. I haven't seen a large drop in performance when using my Vanguard, but I rarely counted on the Shield to win me the fights, unless I could guarantee control of the situation (Stealth helps). The Shield still works fine for bailing you out against a single tank as long as you didn't get caught with your pants down completely (and any of the other two MBT's would be straight up dead in such a situation). I also don't see why the NC AV MAX is so flamed upon, I fear the Ravens much more than any other MAX weapon (except perhaps a Vortex MAX) simply because it is almost impossible to evade the fire of an experienced user, whereas Fractures and the likes can easily be dodged if you aren't hugging the enemy MAX. I do agree the NC MAX does struggle in open field fights, but that is nothing new. I don't feel the TR MAX is much better outside of 30-50m tops, as they won't be hitting much at such ranges either. I also fear the Phoenix much more than a Striker, simply because lock-ons are pathetic weapons against competent tankers, and can easily be avoided (or tanked if deemed appropriate).
    Have you tried using Stealth much on the Vanguard? I don't know if you remember, but I helped your crew and another of your friends crew out in my Vanguard a while ago, by staying behind you with Stealth as you got ambushed by, lets just say, quite a few aircraft near Dahaka. I positioned myself 50-75m behind you on a hill and unloaded on the unsuspecting aircraft, netting myself at least 6 ESFs, 2 Libs and some random vehicles in the short time-span of a couple of minutes. I love Stealth :)

    Great, you are using stats that aren't representative and don't include even close to all the relevant metrics needed for making such claims like you are doing. For one, good job using KPU, such creative thinking really makes me ashamed to be human at times, since KPU is such an important stat for estimating the performance, especially considering most NC use Lightnings for AI duties :confused:.

    If you really want to use your flawed stats, the Vanguard is performing better than the Magrider AP. The Vanguard is simultaneously out-scoring the Prowler on the secondaries, which you haven't included in your comment either.

    Another interesting find in the stats is that the average user of the Vanguard, is actually of lower BR than the users of the other two tanks. This isn't only regarding AP, it also happens with HE/HEAT.

    Do we have some new statistics yet, that actually include the relevant parameters needed for estimating the effects?

    Why are you only backing up at 8kpm? You must be doing something terribly wrong if that is the case.

    No, Anchored Prowlers still lose to the Vanguard in 2/2 situations, if the fight is even. If the fight isn't even the Vanguard is an idiot for trying to pick the fight, but should rather go for cover. The changes to the Shield hasn't stopped the Vanguard from winning the head-on slug-fests against Anchored AP/Halberd Prowlers. If you face a AP/Vulcan Prowler with Anchor (silliest combination in the game) within 10m, and the Prowler is already deployed, your TTK is about the same, meaning if you just drive forward a few meters towards the side of the (immobile) Prowler 10m away, you will win easily, and that is the best case situation for the Prowler. But yes, if the Prowler opens fire first, and the Vanguard is slow to react in order to fire back, or doesn't have cover nearby, it is screwed. Sounds like the other two tanks to me :p

    If Anchor Mode is now superior to Shield, why are there still many Prowler drivers driving around with Anchor, using Fire Suppression instead? Whereas Vanguards will only use the Shield at all times. That doesn't really make sense to me, but feel free to elaborate. Another fun thing, as long as you don't get caught with your pants down, you will still win against any single enemy tank in a an even fight, even the deployed Prowlers, you just can't get as easy a second chance when you have been flanked, but the other two MBT's would've been screwed no matter what, so I don't have a problem with that. I drive all three tanks btw, but mainly the Vanguard and Prowler.

    You were most likely both 1/2, as in 1/2 situations the Anchored Prowler wins against the Shielded Vanguards. 2/2 the Vanguard still wins pretty comfortably.
  3. Alarox

  4. Evilsooty

    One of them we were both 1/2 and one the Vanguard had 2/2. In the second one the secondary gunner jumped out and started repairing the Vanguard which is probably why they lost. Pretty surprising they did that in hindsight as I was fighting both of them for over an hour and they demolished so many other Prowlers and Lightnings.
  5. biterwylie

    Before the Nerf the Vanguard was the worst performing tank. Now this will just be more obvious both in gameplay terms and in stats. It was a bad tank with an ability that caused frustration.

    Myself I think the most sad thing about the whole sorry tale, is that SOE is listening to faction bias nerf threads.

  6. BengalTiger

    I use it to good effect on the Lightning, Sundy, Harasser, Liberator and Galaxy, i.e. all those that even if the enemy sees it, it won't scream "I'm a bad dude, shoot me!", but rather "Just another NS vehicle, nothing to see here".

    I've also tried it on the Reaver (mixed results, once seen/heard everyone knows which empire I work for), but not on the Big V yet.
    On the Vanguard I used to use frontal armor, then I switched to fully upgraded nanites and enjoyed playing the tank like an oversize Harasser with either engaging or maneuvering to get a better position while my battle damage gets fixed.

    I'll probably stick with autorepair though, it's possible to get used to having to wait 4 more seconds for the tank to start fixing.

    Stopping for repairs can be also be really quick - 3-5 seconds of 2 repair tools and then the NAR handles the rest on the move. This is a really important ability, especially because the V is not a race car.

    BTW - nice to know there are people who can help out when the deep $#!+ my unit regularly gets itself into is deeper than expected.
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  7. MarkAntony

    Because those people are to dumb to realize how stupidly powerful anchored mode is. Or they use the charging type of tanking that suits the vanguard better. If they were smart they'd hang back 500m and kill everything in sight, advance 100m and do the same. Rinse and repeat. If it works for my Vanguard it'll do wonders for a prowler.
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  8. Epic High Five

    This was like man, at least edit things down

    The stats are perfectly relevant. You're free to support your case but if your response to mine just a puff of hydrogen them I'm afraid it's not worth much.

    Also you weren't even involved in that request or response so I imagine it WOULD feel a bit irrelevant to your opinion.
  9. Ganjis

    The gunner may have been out of ammo.
  10. D3GGY

    The Magrider gets a free Rival 3 in terms of turning speed, but it can't upgrade it any further, which is strange. Vannie and Prowler turn as fast as Mag does when all of them are running Rival.
  11. Taemien

    I only had rank 1 in the shield. I never really got the chance to put more points into it. So all and all.. Mine got buffed lol.

    But overall I think it was just a bone thrown to the vocal minority. I mean which tank can deal 2000 damage to the VG within 6 seconds? In a normal situaiton (250m+) what two tanks could do that much to a moving VG? It can happen, but not really. In other words, it was a way to 'nerf' the VG without actually affecting what it could do. But a duration nerf of 25% and a damage warding nerf of 33% sounds substantial on paper. So there you go. NC MBT drivers and SOE devs can point at the patch and say "something WAS done."

    Personally this is what I'd like to see done. Take the rank one of all the MBT's ES abilities. Make them standard like they did with Sundy AMS. Then adjust the armor, hp, speeds, acceleration, turning, and weapon stats of the tanks to make them more distinct from each other. Its going to be a balancing nightmare, but give the factions something unique that the players have more control over.

    Hitting F or B isn't much. But give prowlers/magriders some mobility and allow the players who are good use that mobility. Give NC more punch at the cost of mobility but give us more control over that punch. Let distinctness prevail with Player Skill and not merely spending certs.

    The other bonus of making those abilities standard is we can use Fire Suppression, IR Smoke, ect on our MBTs like we do with the Lightnings. It'd give us more options. More options, more skill based solutions will make a bunch of people happy.
  12. Alarox

    I'm fairly certain that even with Rival a Vanguard can't turn as fast as a Magrider. A Rival Prowler should though.

    Also... Rival doesn't increase turn speed for the Magrider?
  13. Odamit

    Not surprised or impressed at the change implemented to the shield.

    I think it seems to hold up against most infantry encounters (large / small fights) still fairly decent, but as far as vehicle combat goes it's underwhelming.
  14. D3GGY

    Nope. That's part of the reason it's a little bit of a subpar chassis. The Magrider's turn speed will always be the same, it can't be changed.
  15. Ransurian

    Eh, I've noticed a fairly significant difference in terms of my being able to DPS Vanguard shields down with my AP / anchor loadout. They're still pretty tough to kill. Not a whole lot seems to have changed. I'm less reluctant to engage Vanguards at close range without a secondary gunner, though, since their shield nerf gives them less time to react and counter effectively.
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  16. dedgaem

    Every tank with an average driver/gunner can achieve this from sniper distances; hitting the strongest (+2% more than the other two front in the game.

    In fact, a prowler with halberd now can delete your vanguard from the front within 9 seconds (3secs more than what you were asking in order to break the shield only), including the 2k shield.

    Good aiming prowlers were devastating before the patch against vehicles (and infantry ofc). Now even fighting a BR15 prowler is going to make you **** bricks if you are in a vanguard, yes even with improved front.

    After patch, everything the vanguard can do, the prowler can do it better. I don't even want to talk about the enforcer nerf.
  17. D3GGY

    While I'm sure that everything you're saying is grounded in fact, I haven't seen a single Vanguard that shouldn't have died explode.

    On the other hand, before the Shield nerf, I saw plenty that should have died that didn't explode.
  18. dedgaem

    btw soe, who do you have in charge at the balance department? greg street?
  19. Taemien

    In the VR maybe. Not against a VG that is actually moving. A prowler that lands 2 shots on me from sniper distance (assuming I didn't see him first) is going to cause me to pop shield and go behind cover like before (assuming those are AP rounds and Halberd attacks, most don't run that however and are in for a world of hurt as I return fire). I'll be fully repaired and shield almost off cooldown by the time the Prowler can move in. Most smart prowler drivers won't pursue that however.

    Remember, VG's have Halberds too. The enforcer's never matched it. Nerfing it didn't change anything.
  20. dedgaem

    Interesting reply which basically answered nothing, while mine was very direct answer to a single question. Here, take this muffing with LOADS of sugar in it.