How does everyone feel about the Vanguard Shield now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DashRendar, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Jalek

    Everything blue needs to be balanced to be killable with the Beamer.
    I don't make the rules here..
  2. DrPapaPenguin

    It's no longer a panacea, so I'm perfectly fine with it.
  3. Epic High Five

    Since the HEAT nerf I actually see a LOT more HE Prowlers around. Can't wait for the Vanguard to get another round of nerfs because it's suddenly performing well against the Prowler, just like the Enforcer/Halberd thing, ignoring completely that VG's are almost exclusively AP/AP and Prowlers are rarely 2/2

    The Vanguard is a tank whose game-worst mobility is compensated for 6 seconds out of every 45-60, and whose AV prowess stems almost entirely from being crewed very regularly and running AP/AP loadouts centered around tank hunting. The shield nerf hurts, but it's not like our AI isn't still hilariously godawful so what else will we do?

    It's fun playing between the TR and NC sometimes. Magriders and Vanguards will stay at a base yelling for a gunner for a long time, but Prowlers are almost never 2/2 and many will straight up kick you out if you jump in

    Oh god, please, no Prowler ZOE. The game simply cannot handle another 6 months of that insanity
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  4. Epic High Five

    I told you not to hold out hope for some kind of balanced nerf. I told you it would just be bundled up with someone nerf we haven't been told about. Why didn't you believe me? It's like believing that the Scatterpistol is going to hit live in anything like a useful, not-terrible form.

    Blast radius is for AI, which inferior tanks specialize in. Not Vanguards. If anything the AP should have its base reload reduced or the cert line to reduce it should have an increased effect
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  5. sindz

    Still OP, its still free extra life with no downside what so ever.

    Take magrider, last 0,1 sec and you have to expose your backside to enemies to get away - couple that with it turning slow as **** and its a death sentence alot of the times.

    TR deploy - Guess what the weakness is there. Yes, you guessed it, cant move at all if crept up upon.

    Vanguard shield will always be too strong until it gets a downside. Like, cant shoot, cant shoot as fast, cant move, cant turn turret. Basicly any one of those would make it balanced.
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  6. Epic High Five

    How about we balance it by making the Vanguard the most ponderous, frequently killed, lowest scoring tank?
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  7. lothbrook

    You realize literally ONLY deploy has a downside, nothing else in the game does, of course only deploy is useable 100% of the time, lol.
  8. sindz

    How about I don't care what joe simpleton br 1 does with a tank? I know those stats, and they dont even remotely tell the whole picture. If you go up against any player who put any certs and got a brain into a vanguard can demolish any other tank.
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  9. sindz

    Excuse me what? You don't think having to turn the slowest turning tank ingame to use your speed boost a downside? If you go in close 1vs1 with a magrider (use boost as aggression) you die. TR blows you out of the water with pure dps, NC shield, armor and superb dmg owns any magrider.
  10. Epic High Five

    I do realize that there's nothing to suggest that more BR1's pull Vanguards than any other tank, right? This comment makes zero sense. Everything comparing tanks compares them equally and pulled from the same data.
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  11. sindz

    You are not getting it. Find stats that show high BR's that put certs into their factions MBT and then we can talk. Using stats for all players in the world no matter what rank, is of zero usage.
  12. PrimePriest

    Things that didn't change:
    1v1 - still can pwn any MBT in any situation

    Things that changed:
    flyboys attitude - now you have Libs fearlessly dive in, break your shield with Tankbuster, then simply hover and finish you off with second clip. All of this knowing that now they CAN break shield easily and they CAN eat like bazilion AP shells and give 0 bothers.

    Back in the old days no flyboy ever dared to get this close to Vanguard. Now they fear nothing.
  13. Epic High Five

    So the larger the sample size over a longer period of time, the less accurate the data, got it. This stunning reprisal of the "well just look at how the top 0.025% of people use their tanks and then use that as the gold standard!" argument is certainly something that isn't totally eye-rolling and frothing mad in the face of common sense.

    I bet those stats will also show that the same tankers on the VS/TR side will performs equally bettter EXCEPT OH WAIT WE DON'T HAVE TO WONDER

    Here's the breakdown of the most recent data from BEFORE the changes, when the Vanguard was stupidly OP. Notice that the Q4KPU is the KPU of people of BR 75-100, the exact ones you're discussing here. Dat performance, nnnngh. Did you see the Vanguard had the gall to come in 2nd instead of 3rd in 2 categories? NERF NERF NERF I GOT KILLED BY A VANGUARD NERF NERF NERF

    lol #rekt, your move. Don't make me repost the same tired stats that have been posted and ignored a thousand times already at you EVEN MORE
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  14. sindz

    Here is something for you, since you obviously can't read. Your stats doesnt matter. I'll say it again for the deaf people in the back. Those stats mean nothing you little kid, stop trying to showcase them as if they did.

    Now, instead of you grasping at straws and using them as a life preserver. Try to use that mushy thing inside your head. Look at the numbers of this game and look at the vanguard tank. Not even gonna list the numbers cause this wasnt about the vanguard tank it was solely about teh shield so stop trying to derail this thread by your constant crying about how bad and nerfed the NC are.

    The OP asked a question, i answered it. Its OP, if you don't like my answer then too bad, go cry in your bathtub full of tears - I don't really care what you think.

  15. Epic High Five

    Haha, okay, well stats don't matter only opinion, I've obviously got more experience with the game ergo my opinion matters more. I say I'm right, and by your own standards I am. #DUNKT #RACK'EM

    edit - oh I forget that you had actually REQUESTED the same statistics you said were meaningless, thus invalidating your own opinion at the root and throwing my entire argument of pre-supposed superiority into the air. Suffice to say though, that this has been upgraded to #CHAOSDUNK'D
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  16. Hoki

    Are there any NC using fire suppression yet?

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  17. SharpeShooter

    the entire ability needs a rework tbh. I don't play prowler enough for it to be a massive problem for me. However, I can put it this way, imagine the Heavy Assault shield was only for NC! it would clearly be overpowered, and not fair. There shouldn't be any ability in the game that gives a player invulnerability for a set period of time.
  18. Paragon Exile

    I think the problem (the only one, imo) with the vanguard shield is that, even if it's not OP, it's annoying. I really dislike "Invulnerability at the press of a button! :D" in games, at least when people retain offensive capabilities.

    I'd like if the shield was tougher and lasted longer, but disabled your main cannon. That would address the main weakness of the Vanguard (pitiful acceleration and mobility) by letting it have a grace period, while not actively screwing over the enemy facing you by letting the driver pound away without reservation because of what is essentially a big health boost.

    We need a revamp, not a nerf. :3
  19. Epic High Five

    Becoming marginally tougher at the cost of all of your offensive capability is something that I cannot imagine ever working in any real world scenario. Giving up offensive tools for...the ability to absorb a couple shots while you back up at 8kmph? Except retreat is impossible because people will swoop in on a glowing blue Vanguard just like they do smoking tanks now.
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  20. Paragon Exile

    Don't Vanguards get several extra shots-worth of health from the shield? If you buffed that even more, the Vanguard could get away.

    Vanguards are best suited to shelling from a distance too, don't tell me you weren't doing that yourself yesterday (before getting wrekt)