How do you utilize the existing MANA turret effectively?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Exlor, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Exlor

    There are plenty of threads suggesting changes to the turret or new varieties such as AV, but I don't want to talk about that. I want to know how to use the existing turret to its maximum effectiveness. So far, I'm not doing so splendid, because one of several things happen:

    If I place the turret in a safe spot, no enemy comes past for me to shoot.
    If I place the turret close to the action, someone will lob a grenade behind me and kill me fast.
    If I place the turret somewhere far from the front lines, I will get sniped by a bolt driver.

    I know I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure it out. Do any of you have suggestions on how to get a decent amount of kills with the existing MANA turret without being played for a fool?
  2. Faidwen

    They are a hindrance at best at this point. Not as effective as one would think.
  3. exLupo

    You hide behind enemy ones and let them get grief while trying to shoot you.

    Enemy turrets are the best cover in game.

    For real, tho. I poop out a turret now and again to hose a blind corner that baddies keep charging around. Don't ever do it in a place where you can be flanked/seen/grenadebounced.

    edit: Baddies meaning bad guys, not bad players. Everybody sucks, that's just how it is.
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  4. Blitzkrieg

    Best use for the MANA turret is placing it in a door to blockade the enemy, or using it as physical cover.
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  5. Fallout10mm

    best use for the mana turret is as a stepping stool to get someplace or as a ammo crate (press B when you have the turret placer otu) when using mines.
  6. exLupo

    If Engis get a deployable wall I'll probably never equip the MANA again.
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  7. Blitzkrieg

    I'd love something like in Global Agenda, that shield was awesome.
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  8. Exlor

    Hey guys, I've already heard of the usual alternative uses for the MANA turret as a distraction or as cover, but does anyone have suggeestions on how to use the turret correctly as its intended purpose?
  9. exLupo

    *sigh* that damn game breaks my heart every time I think about it.

    A lot of people try to use it as a camping tool and it's no good at that, for the reasons stated above. Besides using it to spam blind corners and various unwatched exits, I've had a lot of luck pooping one out at random during fights, hosing for a second and then abandoning it.

    Treat it like a short duration, stationary LMG buff. Once you start getting comfy, move on. That's exactly when you'll eat a grenade, rocket or headshot.
  10. Blitzkrieg

    The game was an extent. They had some great stuff, the medics and engineers were done really well.
  11. Prudentia

    you can camp a spawn with it if you place it at a angle where it can't be seen from inside the shield, got my first kill with it since launch this way yesterday, but i will not use that tactic again, its not effective at all, i could have just shot that guy in the face and then go to another door, noone came trough that door again while the other doors were massacres....
  12. exLupo

    HA shield stepping out and popping you.
    Grenade toss.

    Camping with a MANA doesn't fly in PS2. Don't feel bad when it works, it's not something you can rely on.
  13. Prudentia

    it was a Heavy with shield throwing a grenade.... he just tossed it at a weird angle so it bounced of my shield and did only minor damage^^
  14. Shiaari

    Turrets are situational weapons, and will always be situational weapons.

    They excel at laying suppressing fire, but being stationary will never--and I do mean never--be a principle means of attack. Don't waste certs on the turret, and has been noted be careful where you put them, because the enemy can use it for very effective cover by exploiting the friendly-fire threshold.
  15. willTell

    I like to place turrets in long hallways or on one side of a rock/tree.
    You can hop in until overheat and abandon it, go to the other side, drop an ammo pack and use your rifle, hop back in the turret and soso.

    It all depends on the enemy composition and the awareness of those players.
    If you are lucky you target the enemy infiltrator, which often kills him or make him retreat for a while.
    HA also seems to be good at targeting the turret, but rockets are not very fast,
    which gives you the opportunity to jump out and prevent getting hit.

    The most annoying thing I constantly run into is with placing the turret.
    There are so many places where you can't place the damn thing,
    which makes you an easy target when fiddling around trying to get this thing down :D

    All in all, I like my turret - but it takes some time to find the situations and positions to effectively use it.
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  16. OmegaDestroyer

    Drop it in a heavy firefight. Watch as your teammates constantly run into your line of fire.

    In all seriousness, to me, the Mana turret is more of a novelty than an effective tool.
  17. Takoita

    I've seen players use it a bait - spawn it and hide somewhere else to wait an see from where it would be shot.
  18. Duckforceone

    Deploy as a decoy, so that when enemies come around a corner, they will see it, and either stop, or shoot at it. Warning me.
    Deploy as a mobile cover, and crouch behind it
    Deploy as mobile cover for friendlies camping corners and doors
    Deploy in large doorways, and drop a mine on the other side, forcing the enemy to run over the mine
    Deploy near high object, so i can jump on top of them and hide, and shoot down
    Deploy and stand on top of it, and see farther, or more down, or crouch, to be out of the way of friendlies running out the door and still be able to shoot...

    Deploy to actually shoot with it? sorry, it's such a bright mark, that everyone knows where i am, and the spread is horrendous... it's only when the enemy is bunched up, it's even worth using. Rest of the time, my GD-7F is better.
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  19. Exlor

    Derp.. no one is talking about this... which is exactly what I want to hear more. Even with all its faults, I want to be able to use the MANA turret to gun down ppl... not use them in the ways you just described.
  20. Chrysalis

    Almost no one expects to find Mr. Turret staring at them when they investigate a destabilized generator.

    Highly situational, can be very effective in those situations. Just don't use them on open ground, it's a great way to get dead. (The shields are practically a giant SHOOT HERE FOR HEADSHOTS sign)
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