How do you play infil in Biolabs?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Haarth, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. salembeats

    Yep, pretty much all of this.

    Usually, your only real option when defending a jam-packed biolab stalemate as an Infiltrator is sniping.

    As a Stalker Infiltrator, Frag Grenades can be good, too. Almost all of my Frag kills have come from driving a Flash up to the elevator where the enemies are clumping up onto the pad, and once arriving on top, waiting slightly off to the side and behind for some major clumps to develop. Works great with Grenade Bandolier.
  2. blzbug

    The infiltrator's number 1 weapon at a biolab has 4 wheels and sounds like impending doom :)
    I am shocked and disappointed that salem didn't fully endorse flash murdering at the elevator pads :eek:
    A cloaked flash can get outside of even heavily camped biolabs. Once outside, 1 inf on a flash can cause 10x more havoc than 1 inf plinking away inside the lab.
    Even if you're a noob flash driver, you'll still do more for your team (and have lots more fun) outdoors on your wraith.
    Get on your bike and go wreck shop!
  3. salembeats

    *Only if defending the biolab, and if it's not that weird Amerish biolab style with one vehicle terminal, which is often camped by 10 tanks

    Of course, if you're good, you can hunt those tanks...