How do you play infil in Biolabs?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Haarth, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Haarth

    Hi. I'm rather new to the game and was wondering how you, the more experianced infiltrators, like to play in larger Biolab fights?

    I seem to find a role in most other situations, usually either going stalker with a crossbow or sniping from afar. I have tried some smg and will probably do more of it later on, but it's not my first choice. However, in larger biolab fights, I just seem to get killed by being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong gun... All the time! So, any advice?
  2. Shiaari

    The principle role of Infiltrator, if not sniping, is recon. In a Biolab the recon darts and motion detectors you can deploy are indispensable to your allies. You can use a mixture of both with the crossbow, too. Equip motion detectors as your tool, and then cert into recon dart ammunition for your crossbow. You can then place a motion sensor that will display the exact location and heading of hostiles, AND augment that data with your recon darts at range.

    While doing this try using your faction's activatable knife as a stalker, and hiding in strategic spots, and ambush targets of opportunity. When activated, that upgraded knife is a one hit kill. *SWIPE* dead... no need for a headshot, but you gotta be CLOSE, basically touching them.
  3. Dumpsterprophet

    Also as infil (and other classes) i carry the crossbow as a secondary with detect arrow since it carries way more than the recon gun.
  4. Colonelveers12

    250 cert sniper rifles. They are meant for very close range sniping.
  5. johnway

    I don't play infiltrator often, but one of the few occasions i do use one is during a defence of a biolab. My fav tactic is to defend the main entrance to the landing pads. If you look around there are some clear line sights for sniping and most people rarely notice you as many of them are too concerned trying to attack closer targets.

    Probably a good tip for infiltrators in general with a sniper rifle. use distractions, fight at ranges or locations players least expect or hard to counter and reap the rewards. In most cases take your time and observe before taking a shot.

    other than that? use motion darts? As for offense, i guess your only choice is to sneak out of the spawn rooms with an SMG except that will get you killed pretty quickly as one man making an attack will bring the whole base down on you very quickly.
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  6. _itg

    The most important thing is to use your motion spotter or recon darts (especially for the biolab, I prefer the motion spotter), since this will help your team and earn XP more than the kills you get. As for choice of weapon, I find that the CQC bolt-action works pretty well for these fights. Don't try to be sneaky, but hang back and shoot over the shoulders of your allies. The cloak may not help you sneak around in large fights, but it is still good for lining up your shots. Body shots will often result in kills, thanks to the general spam. Throw EMPs liberally when the enemy is holed up behind a choke point.
  7. Dualice

    Recon spam is usually atop my list, as it is in any other fight when there are allies involved.

    I usually go Shuriken, nano-armour cloaking and a bandolier full of EMP 'nades. Take advantage of the chaos, toss an EMP into a room, go to town with your SMG/knife, and if you get sprung you cloak for confusion and that tasty 35% small arms resistance.

    Screwed if you run into an NC MAX, of course.

    *EDIT* Another, rather more under-handed thing you can do, is sneak up on to the landing pad behind the attacking force with a silenced weapon, and wreak havoc. Also works well as light assault.
  8. Jawarisin

    Lots of new faces I've never seen before on the sub forum. Anyways, _Itg's suggestion is the best one. You can also run with an SMG, either works fine. Stalker is a bad idea 99.99% of the time.

    Recon is nice, but don't get fooled by all the people here telling you how important it is. There's honestly only a TINY (probably around 2-3%) fraction of the players who actively use their minimap, use the reconing for yourself; if it profits your team and make certs, all the better. Infiltrator is a killing machine once well used; use it as such. The only event where recon might be better than killing is when you run with an experienced squad (by experienced I mean some of the top outfits for eg: DA) where all the members will take multiple enemies down with them before they succumb. Then yeah, radar will profit a lot of good players and it might be more important to recon than to kill.
    In any other situation though, kill > recon. Use the recon to get kills.

    That's more than bad. 1 dart of my upgraded recon dart will cover more ground than all your crossbow darts combined and for a longer period of time...the circle on the minimap does not represent the range of the radar in the slightest.
  9. Problem Officer

    I grab my 12x and snipe those LAs off the roofs :>
  10. yeHHH1g

    A lot of awful tips in this thread. The stalker cloak with knife suggestion, I don't even....

    Actual useful tips:
    Most of the time there will only be a light enemy presence on one of the pads, I like to exit onto that pad and run around the rim of the biolab to farm the other pad. Drop a dildar down and bolt all the enemies trying to hide from the spam.

    If they are inside the biolab, use wall climb up onto the inside rocks and snipe down into the plebs running on the ground. Make sure to throw a dildar down on top of the rock so LAs can't surprise you and ruin the farm.

    Depending on which pad they are attacking from, there are several headshot angles you can bolt from that are very effective. Some of my favorite spots are on top of the tree that vies you an angle on the whole pad and standing on top of a dildar I threw down so I can shoot over the metal walls onto the pad.

    If they are heavy on both pads, take an esf and throw down a beacon on top of the biolab dome. Proceed to bolt everything and redrop on the beacon when you are out of ammo
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    (Assuming you will use smg). Put suppressor on, 1x reflex scope, motion spotter and MEDKITS. If attacking, choose less crowded path into the biolab. If team mates get enough attention, you can run into biolab gate. while running away from gate (inside biolab) dance left and right with your mouse to dodge bullets. You will probably get hit and thats why you have medkits. Place motion spotter near where your enemies are and farm people who are alone. ALWAYS BE ON THE MOVE. If you want to attack groups sitting near biolab gate, you should also use EMP grenade. Dont bother with bull**** like hacking and similar to support(rofl) your teammates, you will gain nothing from that.
  12. Leivve

    If you want to snipe, you do it from the outside shooting in, you stand next to the ramps on the sides of the landing pads taking shots at heavies and engis in their turrets before ducking back into cover behind the ramp.
  13. Vivicector

    There is quite enough of opportunities for Infiltrator. Though most other classes can farm XP better in Biolabs. There are variants:
    1) Enemy has pushed inside the base and is trying to capture points. Use SMG, flank attacks, kill 1-2-3 people with a clip.
    2) Enemy is holding landing pads. Use close range bolt action sniper rifle to get onehit kills. Or so.

    In any conditions, your darts should cover the whole Biolab and your mines must cause curses.

    But sometimes in standstill games, its just better to switch to medic/engi and get some more XP.
  14. 0fly0

    I play it as usual with cqc sniper and underboss, emp grenade.
    yeHHH1g told you all you need for farming in biolab, i'm not a big fan of staying in one place so i just move cap back or defend point, it's always funny to watch a group of ennemy who don't want enter into a room because they are scarred of getting headshot.
    The more important in biolab i think is to always put your motion spotter, keep looking the minimap and try to always stay next to a cover so you can hide if you miss your shot.
  15. PurpleRobe

    If you want to be productive, spam recon darts for detection & certs. Or you can use high RoF SMG and shred everything. Or troll the zerg with activatable knives all day every day. But remember to cloak and wait for chances.
  16. Krinsee

    I like to Place my Motion tracker, or spam darts so they can't Hide... and throw EMP grenade at enemy choke points like the building with the Generator.. Nothing can crush a defense quite as fast as all their regen shields, motion trackers, mines, and beacons popping along with temporarily disabling their engi turrets and spitfires. Not to mention the HUD disabling. Cordinate this correctly just before a friendly push and win. Oh and don't forget the shield removal as well.
  17. ezaroo

    Ok so there are loads of ways to play in bio labs as an infi. In no real order here are my favourite ones.

    If you faction are going to attack a biolab soon, get there before the defence is up, get your self up the tree in to one of the many God mode spots with a silenced sniper rifle and when the air pad defence starts you can shoot all the silly people who think they are in cover :)

    If you are defending but going to be zerged, same as above but this time shooting silly people spawn camping your team.

    Get on the roofs of the buildings with an smg/auto scout/Tsar (SAS-R or Ghost. Sneak up on LAs this works attacking or defending, easy route on to the roofs is from the rocks near the air pad that doesnt have the tree near it. The rocks are basically stairs.

    You can run around on the ground in the swamp bit under the tree or circling through buildings to get behind people and cause chaos as well.

    The Hossin biolabs outside environments are good as well, lots of trees and medium sized rocks you can run round or up and over to set up sneak attacks on people, again smg/auto scout/close range sniper rifle.

    Ohh! Also if you can get on the ground then up on the pad behind the enemy you don't survive long but it is funny and you get some kills.

    Sniping on to the pad from on the dome works if you sit behind one of the little support things on the dome, you'll knownwhat I mean probably (the lowest one works best)

    Ohh and for the air pad near the tree, you can get on the roof of the building nearest the entrance from the little tree or the other roofs (from the rocks and jump down) and you can snipe out. Or take ammo to your LA buddies as an engie.

    Yeah biolabs are fun.
  18. NinjaEarnBikes

    Recon spam inside all you want, its not going to give away your own position as much as it does everywhere else.

    Pad-farm for kills. Do it from on top the dome or from along the rim. If you have enough meat-shields grabbing attention, then you can do it from the rocks. But some MLG pro LA is going to get you eventually because rooftops + rocks are their stomping ground.

    And don't forget to mine.
  19. Takoita

    Can't claim to be any kind of good at playing infil, but, from what I've seen, the suggestions above about motion spotters and anti-infantry mines are going to be your bread and butter regardless of what you choose to do - the cost/benefit equation is just too good not to use them all day, every day in such conditions.

    Your weapon of choice and amount of people crammed inside can affect your options, but you can basically make use of everything you have in your arsenal.

    - Sniper rifles with bigger zooms might work better outside the dome, but you'll still be well within range of the biolab or even right on top of it to get that capture/defense credit. Sniper rifles with lower zooms don't have to deal with scope sway and can bring down some serious pain due to not losing damage over distance very much when everything is so close.

    - Making attack runs with smg and whatnot might make medkits seem like a no-brainer choice, but that doesn't mean you can't place your mines first before departing, especially if your team is on the defensive. And you can always make suicide runs with the mines in tow anyway.

    - EMP grenades are your friends! Everybody bunching up in such a small space (and deploying their mines and C4 everywhere) makes the biolab perhaps the most ideal place to use them.
  20. Cz4rMike

    I play 1x aggressive sniping. Planting motion spotters in different spots - which is helping my teammates and me myself.