How do you feel about the sensor darts on crossbow?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Taemien

    I like the idea of removing it from non-infils. But failing that. Let Infils use their unlocked darts with the crossbow.
  2. Ravenorth

    Recon tool hadn´t done that for a good while, there is only the pulsing effect and its the same for radar bolt.
  3. Wildclaw

    A single maxed recon dart is 36 times more powerful than a level 1 recon dart. A level 1 recon dart in turn looks to be at least 8 times more powerful than a crossbow dart from the numbers I keep hearing (half the radius and duration).

    Unless you have a fully-automatic crossbow with extra full ultra extended magazines, I won't worry too much about it.

    Which is kind of sad as it is one of a few abilities that pretty much pays for itself.
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  4. IamDH

    Well what the hell is the point of having an infiltrator class anymore? To hack terminals and turrets?
  5. Sovereign533

    I don't like it. And it makes me afraid what will happen with the medic update. I don't want to see everyone walking around with a medical applicator either =(
  6. Nitrobudyn

    Jetpack infi recipe:
    1x Light Assault
    1x Cross-class NS sniper rifle
    1x Sensor dart XBow
    1x A good camo

    -You cannot cloak
    -You don't have to since you don't glow in the dark.

  7. Ttariel

    i would say they should nerf the radius a little more so it can only cover 1 building, the dart would still be able to outshine it with the huge radius and 4x the time it will stay.

    It wasnt the best idea but dont worry, the crossbow hype will go in a week and the amount of darts will go down.
  8. JesNC

    Bought the Crossbow and the recon darts and tried them on my Engineer.

    They last for about 5 seconds/2 pings as far as I can tell. They're ok in a pinch, but totally useless unless you want to spend your entire playtime shooting darts at buildings if you want to get any kind of sensor cover up.

    While an Infil can just come casually strolling by shooting 2 darts at the opposite ends of a base/planting a motion sensor in the middle and be done with it for at least a minute.

    Verdict: Not worth the drama. And motion sensors are the ****.
  9. ncDieseL

    All I will say is, if it does get nerfed, I want my certs back if I do end up getting it.
  10. pnkdth

    I reacted quite strongly against it at first but the version that made it on live were not as powerful as it was on PTS(and what I saw from YT vids showcasing the new toys). Really isn't a big deal.
  11. HadesR

    Was hinted on Command Center that they might be doing more cross class items in the form of consumables ..

    The example used was a HA being able to use a consumable item to one off rez someone..

    Don't take that as gospel it might just have been an off hand example used by Higby..
  12. Hoki

    LA can use the NS sniper rifle?
  13. Scatterblak

    Step 1: Suggest giving radar darts to all classes.
    Step 2: Almost everyone hates the idea.
    Step 3: Let's try it out.
    Step 4: This is awful.
    Step 5: Let's push it into the next update.

    It's not like SOE listens to anything we say - all you have to do is read the forums and then the patch notes. It's almost comical how they ask our opinion and then disregard it.
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  14. VonStalin

    "How do you feel about the sensor darts on crossbow?"
    Feel bad, this thing should be for infiltrators only and not so spammy. On the other hand I think not a lot of ppl are going to use it anyway..
  15. Runner Coyote

    Take it out completely! Infiltrators pay a RIDICULOUS amount of certs for their few recon darts. That is their prized ability in squads next to hacking, and hacking is usually completed within a couple minutes of dropping on a site. Why would they dedicate a patch to giving infiltrators a new cloak and recon tool if they're going to to nerf one of their only uses to a squad by giving anyone with a handful of station cash sensor darts?
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  16. Ash87

    Well, this looks like an interesting post, I think I'll post in this one...


    This is profiling...

    I really doubt they will take out the class system, as there is so much development on it already. I'm not going to lie, I'd be all for it, but I just do not see it happening. I've gotten a couple hours IG at this point with the infil update having deployed. I didn't see a lot of people using the recon X-bow. I honestly Doubt it will be the most used weapon too. I am betting in a few weeks it'll be rather underused, so I am going to give it a month or two before I really pass judgement on whether or not this is a good thing or not, and here is why:

    So, you are absolutely right, but I just do not see any of my engi teammates going: "Man, infiltrator darts on a X-bow? I can totally light up this whole base with my X-bow now, gotta get me some of that!" Because they are saying: "Oh, infiltrator darts on my X-bow? Huh, well we already have a few dedicated infils, who cares." This is another one of those things in PS2: You Can, but why would you want to. Example: You -Can- get 8 sniper firing in unision and take out max suites, but no one wants to get that kind of organization together. And now: You -Can- get 2 engineers lighting up the base like a christmas tree, but why would you want them to, when they could be deploying turrets or using UBGLs?
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  17. Zinus

    Why not both? Having them on engy gives you versatility.
    Lets take a max crush for example, 99.9% squad leaders will kick anyone who is not a max, engy or doc (even though having at least 1 inf in there would make a huge difference with the darts). Now you really don't need an inf there. A engy can spam the darts and switch to repairing a max once he has to.


    The main problem I see is that giving the darts to other classes is just a bad idea. It reduces specialization, and balancing them becomes a huge problem. Too strong -> infs useless, too weak -> darts useless, mid-ground is really hard to find. If it was inf-only they could be more liberal with balancing them, but now they are stuck in this weird spot and i guess we can't really do anything about it now (the spirit is out of the bottle, so i guess they are gonna stay on every class...).

    Reducing specialization also makes the class look less unique, before this only inf could spot enemies on foot, now... kinda everyone can. Sure not as powerful but they can :/
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  18. Wildclaw

    Since you can't edit your own post after a certain time has past. I made an error above. 36 should be 14-15 (accidentally included the 2 vs 5 total magazine in the number). But really, the point still holds even despite that noticeable mistake. The crossbow dart has a tiny fraction of the effectiveness of a recon dart.

    And for those talking about the fact that you can spam it. Well, not only do they forget that with the short duration you won't have many crossbow darts up at the same time. It will also take all your time, leaving you unable to do anything useful but to drop ammo packs and the very occasional repairing. And you are left without having your primary weapon equipped when the enemy comes shooting.
  19. Gammit

    Really? I think it would easily get to to the roof of a 1-2 story building. Imagine a bunch of heavy assaults with roof access.
  20. Aegie

    I doubt they can legitimately go this route.

    The only reasons I purchased this with SC was because as an NS sidearm it would be available to any and all of my characters and classes. I, and I suppose many others, would never have considered making this purchase if it was an infiltrator only weapon.

    Now, removing just the recon bolts may not upset too many people but, as they saying goes, it is a lot more difficult to put the genie back in the bottle.