How do you feel about NS Weapon Development

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Joexer, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. SpartanPsycho

    No. NS don't need more AV or explosives.
  2. Maljas23

    I would prefer more ES weaponry. NS weapons aren't bad to get, but we should be getting some more specialized weaponry, more often than not imo.
  3. DramaticExit

    The NS LMG is the gun that tops my list of primary weapons by KPM... It's one of those guns that just feels "right" when I use it.
  4. Foxirus

    You would be wrong.
  5. Bruhja

    I say balance what we have. I'm so sick of SMG's out TTK'ing Shotguns before you can get 3 rounds out, or commissioner pistols doing more point blank damage that a shotgun loaded with a slug.

    and that's just for starters.
  6. Bankrotas

    Slug at 8 meters 500 damage, 800 on PAS, Commie 450 damage. I call ********.
  7. Bruhja

    I'm sorry did you look that up on the data sheet?

    You do know they nerf and buff Items and weapons on every patch with out telling us right?
    It's been done since planetside 1.

    So what your quoting may not even accurate information...Funny though you didn't even touch the SMG statement.
  8. Rovertoo

    The only thing that irks me about NS weapons is that they are generally... well... NC.

    Not the primary infantry weapons, but most everything else. The NS Rocket Launchers, the Halberd, the Underboss and the Commissioner, all seem very NC in nature. If NS weapons are supposed to be middle-ground, mobile adaptable weapons, I think these oughta be changed. Give NS rocket launchers less damage but considerably faster reload, Halberd should be traded with the NC vehicle AV secondary, and Commie and Underboss should just... I dunno. I think they're a bit OP honestly. I'd like to see them as NC weapons but with a .5 movement multiplier instead of .75, and the NS pistols can be something like the Desparado.
  9. MonnyMoony

    I think NS weapons are in a pretty good place - but there are a few gaps.

    I think there should be an NS burst pistol for example.
  10. FactionTraitsFTW

    I personally HATE NS.
    All they do is water down faction traits even more. For example the Commisioner, Halberd and Decimator are more NC then most NC weapons and the 11A, 11C and 15M feel like VS weapons.
    The 7 PDW, MKV and Annihilator are worthless rubbish in my opion and do not add anything useful to the game.
    The only exception for me is the Baron. It is definetely not a Jackhamer and although it may need some slight buffs, it feels like a worthwhile contribution to the arsenal without stepping on any factions toes.
    The Vandal also seems okay, but I dont really know much about it or scout rifles in general.
    I personally would just like NS to be removed and be done with it.
  11. SerasVic

    What da fouck i just read
  12. MonnyMoony

    If that happened - some of the faction weapons would need to be reworked and/or new ones added.

    For example - VS have up to now relied quite heavily on NS pistols because the faction specific ones generally sucked (and probably will continue to do so unless the Spiker buff makes a big difference). Simply removing NS could have a detrimental effect.

    There is also no faction specific Max AA option, or faction specific Sunderer/Galaxy/Lib/Lightning weapons(or come to think of it - the vehicles themselves). Given we have only had two new vehicles since launch and both of those are NS - to create faction specific vehicles to replace the NS ones (which would require 18 new vehicles in total) plus faction specific weapons for them all - could take a decade.
  13. Moz

    I'm not sure, but i do know one thing.... he is 1/3 correct.

    The MKV is the only SMG in the game without its own place. There is nothing the MKV does better than any other SMG IMHO.

    The Annihilator is fine, the Decimator however..... as NC you might aswell take the Shrike since the splash nerf.

    The NS7 does have its own special place, giving you a more ranged suppor type of SMG (I like the NS7 personally as it suits my play style, but now i have the Tempest *evil laugh*).

    Other NS stuff - xbow, commi, vandal, baron all good items..... Underboss IMHO is rubbish (some people love it though) i would rather have a rebel.
  14. SerasVic

    MKV is silenced by default. It has lower DPS than other SMG but has less damage fall off at the same time. remember that silencer reduce maximum damage range and velocity. On MKV it doesn't.

    we were talking about Annihilator , and btw deci still has is niche.

    u little bastard, i want mine
  15. Moz

    :D you will be happy when you get it.... its great!!

    I thought this thread was about NS weapons as a whole and like i said the Annihilator is fine as it is. Its the best launcher option for an AA nest.

    With the Decimator vs the Shrike:

    Decimator - 1335 damage, 4 rounds, with a 5.7 second reload, 650 splash within 0.35m (1 after 5m), velocity of 60m/s
    Shrike - 1135 damage, 5 rounds, with a 5.2 second reload, 750 splash within 0.35m (1 after 5m), velocity of 115m/s

    I really dont see where the Decimator fits that the Shrike doesnt now, the shrike has one extra rocket, 0.5 seconds faster reload, more splash damage and a much faster projectile making it far easier to score hits, all this in exchange for 200 damage on a direct hit (which is more than made up for by the extra splash and rocket).

    In terms of total damage output the Shrike wins, in terms of indirect damage the shirke wins in terms of ease of use..... the shrike wins.

    The only real way i see of making use of the Deci over the Shrike is hits on Flak armor targets.... a plus that would still see me take the Shrike 100% of the time instead of the Deci.

    IMHO out of ALL the NS gear the Decimator needs some love the most.
  16. Xhaleon

    Still waiting for a proper support LMG, handgun and battle rifle from NS.

    Hell, just tart up any of the Glock models with white paint and some LEDs and it'll pass as an NS handgun.
  17. z1967

    You fokin wut mate. Don't you dare insult my mini-carbine.
  18. Taemien

    I think the NS weapons are fine as it is.

    What I would like to see is the ES versions of those weapons be half the cost.

    A 700SC Assault Rifle should be 350 if its Empire Specific.

    I mean its fair because NS weapons are unlocked for all factions on one's account. So its a bargain to get the NS weapon already. ES weapons shouldn't be as expensive since they only unlock for a single faction.
  19. Heyitsrobbie1984

    the NS weapons are very average at best. i cant see myself getting another NS weapon again unless they have a CQC varient of weapons that favour close to medium range combat.

    most NS weapons are made for medium to long distance but for me they just lack punch with their weapons
  20. SpartanPsycho

    Yup, still an infantryside fanboy who won't deal with the truth.