How do you deal with enemy snipers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Captain Kid, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Captain Kid

    I'm getting my *** kicked by snipers at the moment, I zag zig like crazy never standing still but they can still kill me in one shot.
    How do you deal with snipers you cant see before it's to late?

    I tried Light assault but it takes forever to flank them and I usually die before I get to them anyway.
    (mostly by another sniper)
  2. WycliffSlim

    SMG infiltrator and cheese the piss out of them :D
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  3. Archiadus

    Spawn / drive 1 base behind them, carefully sneak up on them while they're ''in the zone'' then send a tell saying ''Behind you!'' after that follows a quick stab in the eye and if that's not enough a few rounds of hot lead in the head ;)

    On a more serious note: Most snipers have this bad habit of staying in 1 spot while firing multiple rounds before cloaking which gives you a perfect chance to counter-snipe. If it 's an above average player that keeps getting the drop on you then teamwork is the answer, use yourself as bait while the other strikes back.
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  4. Captain Kid

    1 I don't snipe; it is extremely hard and not fun.
    2 You suggest team work is needed to take out a sniper?

    I just tried going infiltrator to hunt enemy snipers (stalker cloak) but while sitting stationary a mosquito just killed me with deadly precision.
    Why is this game so fricking hard, sucking all the fun out of everything I attempt to do.
  5. Paperlamp

    Don't run in straight lines out in the open and don't sit stationary for too long. Rarely get killed by snipers. But I do camp out farming in biolabs/towers a lot so that's probably part of it too.

    Alternatively, be in a tank.
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  6. Dahwhatsdat???

    How do I deal with snipers? I look for the nearest tunnel visioned person made of water, walk up behind him, and unload my mag. Makes me feel so much better if I've been having a rough day :3
  7. z1967

    Banshee ESF
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  8. doombro

    I look down a lot. Looking down shrinks your head hitbox, making you much harder to one-shot. I try to move erratically when under fire, and that definitely saves me half the time.

    Other times I'll just pop my head out briefly so he'll take a shot at me and reveal his position, at which point I'll either flank around and kill him myself or spot him and hope a friendly with a long range weapon takes him down.
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  9. ChampagneDragon

    Lighting with thermal = dead snipers. Love to hunt snipers.
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  10. Eaderout

    At first you will suck at the game until you find your nitch.

    I have ran INF my whole time. Im about 80% certed on my main player. I got alright as in INF by reading the forms and watching videos on youtube and also playing.

    To counter a sniper its best to be the sniper (whoaaa right).
  11. SinerAthin

    Simply observing my environments.

    Snipers usually go to places they expect a lot of targets, so when I solo they are not a problem.

    When in groups, I always pay attention to the hills, surroundings & what killed my allies.

    The moment a sniper fires his first shot, I will know his position; and the only chance he has of surviving is if I decide I'm too busy to go after him.

    For hunting down snipers, I prefer to use my ESF, Wraith Flash or Counter-Snipe.
  12. Eaderout

    but really all you have to do now is get killed once, look at your kill map and see the direction he fired at, go that way and find the sniper. Go killmap! (really it just needs to go)
  13. iller

    Almost none of the game's objectives are out in the Open. Why are you being shot at in the first place OP?
    Try actually playing a Bolt Action sniper sometime and get a clue about how difficult it actually IS to headshot serpentining players
    In many cases, pulling an MBT with 2x Optics safely gets the same instant kills w/o even having to aim well

    My new field sniper babysitting loadout: Carnage /w Flashlight, Radar Cross-Bolts, Nano5, Healgun 5 - cost: 1800+ certs?
    EZ mode revive XP & Making SMG filtrators rage: priceless!
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  14. Deschain

    Pheonix from the spawn, safety + cheese always wins.
  15. DrPapaPenguin

    I just ignore them :D If you don't pay attention to them, they will crawl back into their den and sulk in the corner beacuse someone doesn't think they are cool :p
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  16. IamDH

    Run with the zerg, less likely you'll get picked off. Siriusly (hehhehehehehehe) tho, counter-sniping is not hard at all and is the ideal counter
  17. KnightCole

    Then he would be back wondering why as soon as he pulls a tank hes ***** by Liberators....
  18. Paperlamp

    Then we could say "be in a liberator" and the argument would pretty much end since libs have no direct counters.
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  19. KnightCole

    A Lib flown by a better player....
  20. iller

    SOE needs to just get rid of Flares on Galaxy util and replace it with Afterburners. ...maybe even add Ramming-Plate too :p