How do i cancel my subscription?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Radioactive Bomba, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. Radioactive Bomba

    So i know this is the wrong place to post this in.

    Im having troubhle finding the damn "cancel" button. I got to Daybreak games and Log in

    Then i go to the drop bar and choose the tab "Membership Info" But the only option i have is.

    "Upgrade membership" "Add Other Source" "Edit" or "Redeem Game Card" There is no cancel option, i've tried the MS Edge browser, and the Google Chrome Browser.

    So either in some kind of strange way the Cancel button have dissapeared because of a "bug" or they have just hidden it very well. I think that's extremely dirty, and if that's the case i have contact my bank to get to ban the payment. I don't care if my account will get perma banned.

    Please help
  2. Ronin Oni

    You try this page?

    You might need to click "Edit", did you try that?

    Fastest way to get a quick cust service response is usually tweeting RadarX

    If you are unable to use the link I posted above to cancel (again, I think you might need to "Edit" the membership) then open a support ticket too, and be ready to PM it to Radar when you tweet him. (kinda depends on time until auto renew whether you have time to let ticket be handled normally or might need to call faster attention via tweet)
  3. Radioactive Bomba

    Exactly, that is the page, there are no Cancel option there. And yes i have tried the "Edit" button doesn't lead me to other than my general billing adress.

    I have contacted their support and see if the reply to me this weekend. Or else i go to my bank and get them to ban the payment, and maybe ask for a chargebank through my bank, evne though it'll get me perma banned.

    But else thanks for your answer.
  4. Noooooch

    You have to go and like, select your credit card or whatever and remove your credit card information. I forgot how, but I remember they don't make it easy to simply cancel your membership subscription.
  5. Radioactive Bomba

    Ooh i see, it'll be another hour or so trying to find wher ei can edit my card information. If that's even possible.

    I had no problem then it was Sony, but since everything got Daybreak buying things has been easier, but cancelling them has become harder. That's what i call shady buissnes.

    But you can't do that to a card that has been attached to the subscription so through the bank it is.
  6. Ronin Oni

    Like I said, just tweet Radar that you're having a problem and need help.

    Link this thread

    He'll get back to you prolly Monday at the latest, he may even answer on his time off over the weekend if he knows where to do it.
  7. Taemien

    Going through the bank to stop the payments will likely close out the station account for good.

    Do so at your own risk.
  8. Pfundi

    Dont you just pay for the membership in advance and it just runs out? If you could cancel it they would have to pay the money back and thats no good for them (and unnecessary work). Or did I misunderstand something?
  9. Razzyman

    I do not currently have a subscription, however, I can go to Daybreak's page and sign into my Daybreak account and select membership info, it says you can modify or cancel your subscription from there. When I click on it the page just tells me I don't have a subscription so I don't know what options you get from there, but may be worth looking into if you haven't been there yet.