How can a Lonewolf Influence a battle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReNz0r, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. ZTallon

    Exacly, and I feel one Sundy kills is generally more productive than any kill streak.
    • Up x 1
  2. blzbug

    The wraith guy definitely came across as a kd padder. But as a confirmed lone wolf, I will say that the fury wraith is a *fantastic* tool for defending a camped base. I can almost always break out, even when the vpad is heavily guarded. Once you are out, the wraith can really wreak havoc. That line of 5 tanks shelling the base? Whack a few of them in the azz and they will go crazy trying to chase down your little 50 cert flash. Meanwhile, the spawn barrage has stopped letting the defenders get out. People hate wraiths LOL
    Knock the attacker's AMS around a little. Even if you kill nobody, you slow down the flow of troops from the AMS. Now they have to rep the ams, wait for shields, stand around looking for that fracking wraith to show back up, etc. 1 person with a 50 cert wraith can easily distract 10 attackers. Suddenly the defenders inside have a numbers advantage and can push forward.
    The wraith is also a great counter-sniper. This is just a free side benefit of breaking out and driving around. You will clean out tons of snipers. Maybe even the one that is camping your vehicle term...
  3. Calisai

    Running as a long wolf doesn't mean you have to be Rambo or Selfish. If you are running alone, and am playing as a engy.... tag along with a random max sometime....

    Play off of others... let them lead, follow and help them... if they are pushing a point room, cover them, and if they go down you now know the location of the enemy, and most likely they are wounded... finish them off and continue on.

    Playing solo doesn't mean you have to Rambo into a building alone... wait and group up with others running in... It's not always best to be the pointman entering a room. On the flipside, if everyone seems to be standing outside... don't be afraid to throw a grenade and rush inside yourself.... maybe you'll be the one to break through and give courage to the others.

    You know that sundy that you spawned at? That nobody is guarding... keep an eye on it... switch to engy and repair it... throw out some mines, a motion spotter, etc.

    Is there Air pounding our guys? Be a hero and pull some AA... everyone hates doing it, so step up and have at it.

    Playing infil? Dart up the area or throw down motion spotters. A motion spotter near a building that is being assaulted will help out your faction immensely.

    Are you a medic? Cert up triage and sit in a contested Sundy... Triage will help the engineers repairing to stay alive (It has a radius around the Sundy now)

    Watch the Map for those 1-12 caps... go defend them... maybe you can stop them before they become a problem and require a squad to resecure... thus freeing that squad up to be useful elsewhere.

    Drive a Sundy... deploy it... you'd be surprised how many battles are lost because the last Sundy is destroyed. This is probably the single most effective thing a single player can do to effect the battle.

    There are a myriad of ways to be lone wolf and still be effective and worth more than your K/D. You can even do some of these while still kill whoring to your hearts content... and you won't feel bad about switching fights if you get bored.
  4. DashRendar

  5. Onhil

    I for the most part lonewolf in this game mostly becuase of two reasons.

    1. The people I play with are usually not on when I play.

    2. Most platoons are useless zerglings anyway that only helps by giving a froce multiplier and nothing else.

    I go around to fights from 24 - 96 not below or over becuase that is my sweet spot.
    I play Heavy for the most part (go figure) quite agressivly too in my mind. Because of my playstyle as a lonewolf heavy I have to then rely on my fellow faction members even though most of the time they are completely useless becuase their KD is so important.

    Whenever I see the battle become a spawn camp against us I start to look at the map to see where their sundies are and if they are well defended by tanks and such if they are not I will try to take them out. Unless ofcourse there is a similar battle on the continent becuase I'm extremely lazy.
  6. Magma52

    I get about 100 to 140 kills per hour with Wraith Flash. If I am hitting attackers traveling from their Spawn to my base (where else was Wraith Flash supposed to be used?), then they are not getting to my base. This means more time for my allies to get their act together. Once it is no longer sensible to stay with Flash (usually when a lot of tanks show up; it's very easy to be shot!), I get back inside and go for conventional infantry play. Or I might spawn at the nearest base and hit them from behind somehow.

    Also, the Fury is great for toasting Lightnings/MBT from behind. I do that a lot. Also great for taking on Sunderers, if you have a little help.

    You need to chill bro. Drop your confrontational demeanor. I am not familiar with solo players ever being called useless. Maybe it's just you saying these things? I don't know man...

    ...we are all in this together just to have fun. Peace.
  7. Keldrath

    He's Polish.
  8. Magma52

    Not true, I am not a K/D padder. I am often going on suicidal missions to hit vehicles with my Fury when on Wraith Flash. I also scout ahead and destroy tank mines. I also hate it when my team loses a base, so I pick my Heavy friends up and hit the sunderer. That is hella fun.

    If I didn't do these things, my K/D would be much higher.
  9. Mythologicus

    I like to run 2/2 pure-AV MBTs with a friend. While not lone-wolfing in the typical sense, we do it in a private squad with just the two of us, in a single vehicle - it may as well just be a single entity.

    Bases have been saved in spectacular fashion. Small base surrounded by Sunderers and lockdown Prowlers shelling the open ground? Delicious certs while simultaneously giving the defenders breathing room. While I can't remember the exact details, there was an occasion where an entire push against the enemy occurred simply because of us clearing a few tanks off the road by flanking around behind.

    Same goes for Sundie-hunting in a 2/3 Liberator. It tends to be more dangerous to engage the target, but it's easier to slip in behind and attack from unexpected angles.
  10. MrForz

    During the time I've lone-wolf'd, I've been fully certing my MAX to have the potential to do on my own what the 30 other allies can't be bothered to do at times, take out vehicles, destroying or holding air units at bay, breach through ennemy infantry defenses, absorb incoming fire. Many people are willing to follow, and support a well geared MAX unit during battles.
  11. Taemien

    Solo players, who pad their KDs are useless, sorry. They don't contribute to taking bases, which means they don't contribute to winning alerts. In my eyes, that's useless. You're not going to change that opinion. If the shoe fits, wear it. I'm not going to drop my confrontational demeanor in a PVP oriented game. I fight, you fight, one of us wins, the other loses. If you're on my team, keep up or stay out of the way.
  12. Psyra

    Stalker cloak, high ground. Sit still, spot every enemy vehicle in spot radius coming at your position. Keep your faction in the know where the heat's coming from. Strategically AP-mine the access to points if you're defending. It's a kill as well as a big "Someone's here!" alarm for your team. You don't even really have to shoot, just spot everything you can, dart locations of sundies that are out of visible range from below, use your decoy nades/smoke if you got them, Part of being an infiltrator is all about mind games. Keeping the other team looking for the invisible is another way of letting your allies surprise them. Hell, even just using your quick key taunts can get people spinning in circles and fumbling around peeking behind stairways and facing away from your forces.

    Find enlightenment! :D
  13. AlterEgo

    A team player is a player who will do anything for the hive.

    A lone wolf is a player who makes her/his own hive.

    In summary, lone wolfs aren't as bad as people think; I play better as lonely than with a squad, because:
    1. I seem more focused.
    2. The noise that may be emitted is slightly distracting.
    3. I really start to not care about anything but the objective.

    Although, rolling in a 48+ man platoon is fun as hell. You have imbeciles laughing and shouting everywhere, and sometimes, just sometimes, I feel like I can call myself a veteran:D
  14. LodeTria

    I was playing on me NC emeraldian 2 days ago, I was tanking in that base north of the AMP station in the south of amerish with 3 points. I had a gunner too but it was some random guy. At first we was defending C point by destroying the VS sunderers that were trying to set up there so the vanu couldn't capture the base one friendly's took back C. Once they had stopped pushing C we went behind all their sunderers and an AI magrider that were camping B point from the hill southwest. Once we destroyed all 3 or 4 of their sunderers & 1 magrider our armour that was locked up near the tower had free reign and was able to push onto B point and destroy the sunderers there.

    Once the vanu was pushed out I did a check of C point in case hey managed to sneak a sunderer there. There wasn't any but then I hit some tank mines in the middle of no where. Wasn't a very satisfying end to a great tanking session.
  15. ReNz0r

    Just to clear something out, i didint show anything more of that battle because the point was how to do something more productive than just run our of the spawn and get killed. People say that the spawnroom is still camped but they will risk much less now that they cant spawn back right into the fight making each kill the spawnwarrios get a much needed help. In addition i did a lot more after that part and the base was saved because they had to focus their attention somewhere else and people left the spawn.