How Auraxis would look if the War Stopped and an Empire took over?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, May 27, 2014.

  1. G.O.A.T

    Im gonna use pictures to represent how Auraxis will look if an Empire actually won the war...

    First up, if NC won the war.

    How the average life of a person would be in NC auraxis
    How the average city would look like in NC Auraxis
    The type of Society that will be under NC
    Average House in NC Auraxi
    The rich houses in NC Auraxis
    Type of leader NC Auraxis would follow

    2nd up VS

    How the average life of a person would look in VS Auraxis
    How the average city would look like in VS Auraxis
    The type of Society that will be under VS
    type of leader VS auraxis would follow

    3rd up TR

    How the average life of a person would look in TR Auraxis
    How the average city would look like in TR Auraxis
    The type of Society that will be under TR
    Type of leader TR auraxis would follow
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  2. Leftconsin

    Nope. No bias towards NC here. Not one bit.
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  3. IamDH

    Everyone knows the forums has absolutely no bias, just ask the TR Minisitry of Truth

    Actually, TR is the best tbh. Everyone is happy and its pretty advanced even compared to VS
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  4. z1967

    TR images need more dakka. Everything TR needs more Dakka. Commissar hat needs more Dakka, too.
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  5. Posse

    Not biased at all.

    Btw, thanks for the new wallpaper (the second "TR" city) :D
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  6. IamDH

    Notice how the TR guy gets the girl
  7. IamDH

    Notice how the TR guy gets the girl
  8. jiggu

    Commissar approved.
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  9. Strottinglemon

    I've actually given this a lot of thought. Society would be radically different from anything in human history regardless of the victor thanks to Vanu tech giving us immortality and other technologies.

    The TR would set up a fascist system ruled by the military. Socialism would be the dominant form of government. With all this new technology, they would have to make some tough decisions. Would the general population be allowed immortality? Perhaps. If they do allow citizens to live forever, strict reproduction regulations would need to be put in place. The Republic would expand rapidly. Nanites allow entire cities to be constructed in days. Redeploy/teleportation tech all but eliminates the need for spaceships. Food becomes unnecessary, for nanites would deposit nutrients directly into citizen's bodies. Eventually, as is the case with any oppressive government, rebellions would arise. The concept of a fascist government equipped with such incredible technology facing a rebellion is scary. Nanite sized cameras could observe every citizen with ease. Soldiers wouldn't be needed, for the hearts of malcontents could be stopped with the press of a button. The ultimate result would be either an AI or a council ruling over the entire Republic with an army of nanites. Doesn't sound very fun.

    The NC would be a democratic government with a heavy emphasis on capitalism. Right off the bat they would be faced with problems that directly contradict their goals of freedom. Would the general population be allowed immortality? Perhaps. If they do allow citizens to live forever, strict reproduction regulations would need to be put in place. But wouldn't that go against their promises of freedom? Letting citizens run wild with nanites could prove to be an issue. Anyone could nano-construct weapons to go on a rampage with, or just write a program that uses nanites to initiate a gray-goo scenario. The Conglomerate would expand rapidly. Nanites allow entire cities to be constructed in days. Redeploy/teleportation tech all but eliminates the need for spaceships. Food becomes unnecessary, for nanites would deposit nutrients directly into citizen's bodies. A possible path is something akin to Wall-E. Humans become too grossly indulgent in their nanite-assisted lifestyle and enter a new dark age.

    The VS is the only faction that's truly different. They focus on finding enlightenment and evolving humanity through technology. "Enlightenment" refers to full comprehension of a situation and, in many religions, the breaking of a cycle. In Bhuddism refers to enlightenment being "an understanding into the causality by which sentient beings come into existence". It seems like the VS is trying to get away from the eternal cycle of war, greed, and power hunger that's plagued humanity since its conception. Genetic and cybernetic modification would abound. Scientific knowledge would progress at a blistering rate thanks to nanites eliminating the risk of death from any experiment. They would "find enlightenment" by eliminating human vices like greed and hatred while enhancing virtues like curiosity and empathy via a sort of artificial evolution. A quest to become the ultimate life form. I'm not sure where this would take us, though. Perhaps a technological singularity or beings composed entirely of energy or nanites.
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  10. Ownasaurusrex

    The NC would follow Willie Nelson duh.

    TR would follow Putin
  11. TheBlindFreak

    I can see someone really enjoyed their TR propaganda films. Next time, be more realistic. Auraxis under TR rule would be akin to the Soviet Union.
  12. Hatesphere

    so for some reason the leader of the TR is a famous scientist? sounds like you got some wires crossed there.

    also you got the VS wrong, this is all you need for the life of an average VS after people leave them alone and they ascend or kill themselves, either way ball of energy.

  13. ColonelChingles

    I foresee a NC domination to quickly spiral into a Marxist utopia.

    I mean how can capitalism exist when there's the infinite abundance of nanites? Sure they say we need "resources" to pull tanks and planes and grenades and whatnot. But have you actually ever seen anyone work in the mines, logging companies, or farms? No? That's because the "resources" are a lie. Nanites are self-sustaining engines of limitless power. They can be whatever you want them to be on demand.

    Want a big-screen TV? Boom. A new mansion complete with a biological maid? Done. Your own private astroid on which you can have your own kingdom? Why not?

    Now imagine a situation of such abundance where there are corporations making products from nanites, which essentially costs them next to nothing to produce. Corp A starts selling widgets for $5 a piece. Corp B, in a bid to undercut Corp A, sells theirs for $4. Corp A in turn lowers their price to $3, and so on.

    In the real world there is a minimum floor that prices can drop to. This is because corporations can't sell for less than the costs of production. But on Auraxis the costs of production are basically non-existent, due to the magic of nanites.

    What happens then is that the profit margins on the widgets that Corp A and B are making are super tiny (not like they have to pay their workers much since everyone can essentially get everything for free anyhow). At that point the CEOs of Corp A and B look each other in the eye, and figure that sticking around the office doing CEO stuff for such low returns really sucks, and instead they take off their ties and go home to enjoy their families and their unlimited supply of everything.

    That's when Marxism happens. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." There's no more point in producing things for profit anymore; the margins are too low. Instead people produce things because they need or want those things. Yea you still need workers pressing buttons so the nanites transform into things, but they just do it because someone has to.

    In the end, capitalism (and economics actually) is based off the unyielding law of scarcity. But since nanites eliminate scarcity, there can be no capitalism as well. Hence a classless society where people are swimming in luxury and able to fulfill their every wish.

    I give society a week to survive until everyone dies of heart failure/obesity, but thanks to nanites they can just respawn.
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  14. Pelojian

    Are they? or is it merely a smokescreen for the ambition of the leaders of the VS to create a regime they control?

    Also about greed, hatred, curiosity, empathy etc. removing or altering these aside from being unethical what is to stop them(VS) from selectively altering/removing these from groups of people and essentially turning them intro more easily controlled people.

    Think about it this way you modify one set of people and remove their capacity for hatred, sadness, greed, empathy, another group(ether regular people or physically/mentally enhanced) can abuse them and see how far they can push the first group around and look for any flaws that could cause them to rebel against the second group and then modify the first group again and try again.

    The first group essentially become tools of others willing to do things readily that no normal human would. (normal defined by those healthy of mind)
  15. eldarfalcongravtank

    fixed that for you you dirty commie
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  16. Regpuppy

    >He says while at gunpoint, reading his lines off the approved script.
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  17. AdmiralArcher

    what part of propaganda do you not understand?

    the TR isnt a facist regime, the history and lore of PS2 says that they replaced the old countries to unite under a single banner, as a single race. the TR was the stablizing and prevailing force. they renewed interest in the stars and brought forth a new era of properity, the NC started from corrupt and greedy buisnessmen on mars, and they sent agents aboard the voyage through the wormhole. the TR was the only military force then. the NC ****** everything up after they got through the wormhole and slaughtered something like....11000 TR citizens including Tom Connory. after they landed on auraxis, briggs touched a vanu artifact and went insane and killed himself, which is why the TR took the vanu stuff away because it was an unknown factor, and the TR set up their cities, the NC wanted the prosperity that the TR had in their cities and wrecked havoc trying to get it. and thus the war started between the TR and the NC....a few years later the VS came along too....

    the NC are the agressors in all of this, the TR isnt brutal, its all propeganda, the VS arnt enlightened, they are fools chasing after technology that would destroy them and the rest of the planet.
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  18. LT_Latency

    This is confirmed TR is the only sane choice
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  19. Luke15g

    Transitioning down from the cult leader to generic happy family stock photo #428 gets me every time.
  20. Ronin Oni

    You missed everything after the Auraxians got stranded on this side of the wormhole where the TR clamped down, declared martial law (that's been running the last ??? years) and even had their own leader (Connery) assassinated under a false flag attack so they could justify war with the NC when they were just starting peace talks.

    Wouldn't be surprised to "find out" that Briggs was killed under false flag too so they could clamp down Vanu Tech all under top secret dissection.

    TR are unequivocally the tyrants, NC are the greedy capitalists with freedom loving pawns, and VS are the perfectly logical scientists somehow lost all sense and turned zealots :rolleyes:

    TR were the benevolent peaceful leaders back home on EARTH. Never in Auraxis.

    It's kinda like the Terran Dominion in Star Craft.

    Honestly the VS story makes no sense to me. How is it the scientists turned religious nutbags?
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