How about giving the game a bit more personality?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Paperlamp

    - Faction themed posters should be placed here and there - maybe even on top of the previous owner's - after a major base is taken.

    - Each faction should have a warpgate with their own unique architecture and theme, and the warpgate shouldn't move just be more balanced.

    - A little clutter would go a long way. Something to show more than just fighting goes on in this world. Bottles of booze, card tables, radios playing faction music/propaganda, etc.

    That's just a start to give an idea, much more could be done to make the game less copy/paste.

    Really doesn't feel like we're fighting for anything worth fighting for at the moment. After a certain point, you notice you're just capturing yet another area with box-like rooms with nothing in them.
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  2. xGreedFuSioN

  3. 5karn

    I agree, more of this sort of stuff would be awesome
  4. skoorviel

    Indeed. Some more varied building would be nice. And it shouldn't take that long to place a few props here and there.
  5. Benton!

    ...bottle of booze...

    I thought this was a sifi game...
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  6. Codeak

    All this is way to clever and you just need to stop right now before something good happens
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  7. Xind

    I'd really like to see empty MAX suits stored in some of the Bio-labs rooms or rooms in any bases dedicated to being Armories which have faction weapons on walls in racks and maybe some on tables being disassembled/cleaned.

    Anyway, I like your ideas, tryin' to contribute.
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  8. Wintermaulz

    Ever seen the cantina scene from Star Wars New Hope?
  9. Teegeeack

    There should be no booze, just premium grade Auraxian ganja.
  10. SpcFarlen

    I like the idea with the faction flavored warpgates. Though they should move, at least on Indar. The South East Warpgate, as many can agree on, is the worst one because of the canyon system. Doesn't matter if you play TR, NC, or VS it is the worst because of its topography.
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  11. Farlion

    Awesome idea, would make the game feel more alive.
  12. Chubzdoomer

    The interiors and such probably aren't very detailed due to performance reasons.
  13. Pikachu

    I suggested that the hue of bases should change with owner. NC would have the default color of bases, pale blue and yellow. When terrans capture it, it gets the fancy green effect like when vehicles disappear and it changes color to red and dark grey.

    Simplified version.

    The transition effect would actually be that of a vehicle disappearing like seen here.
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  14. Schnitzle

    absolutely right. for reasons I can't explain playing this game although can be entertaining has a shallow feel to it. I think it isn't anything big but many small things adding up. Boring as hell bases, weapons that look absolutely the same, lack of metagame support roles(everyone at war 24/7 gets stale), vehicles lacking any sort of oomph, lack of any real tangible capping or defending incentives.

    I agree, I think soe should look at the smaller things aka personality and start putting it in.
  15. daicon

    I agree with this. The buildings in the game are boring.

    My biggest fear is that when (and if) they add sanctuaries, they'll be just boring old NS buildings all over again.

    I'd really like to see them have some flavor, like maybe NC could have a certain building devoted to being a saloon, and for VS that building would instead be a rave nightclub or something funny but fitting.
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  16. Narufox

    I support this.
  17. void666

    Good idea.

    Also, correct me if i'm wrong, apart from ESF and MBT all vehicles look the same. Why is the VS sunderer the same as the TR?
    Shouldn't they hover like their MBT?
  18. HadesR

    The current Sundy kinda suits the TR. NC should be more rugged , a few more straight angles . While the VS's should have more curves
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  19. yadelah

    Oh man, I would love to see all of this. I think in a related note, this is an example of why we need sanctuaries for RPG purposes. It'd be nice to have a safe haven for outfits to group around and talk, like you can have a mall displaying weapons and camo or a bar scene that outfits can schedule to meet up at. All this to help the player feel an emotional connection to the game in some way.
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  20. Cpu46

    Thumbs up.

    I love this idea and it would make fighting over certain territories so much more personal, at least for me. I want a bar that I can take cover in with my pump action and have an epic last stand in.