How about doing a Bugfix and Quality of Life Patch next?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xebov, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Xebov

    The game is now out for ~16 months and there are some interesting things on the Roadmap to come. But if i look at the current state of the game i would like to see some Bugfix and Quality of Life Patches to get some stuff working.

    Im not entirely sure what standards are used for game developement at SOE, but if i look back over the past 16 months i can see several Bugs coming back on a regular basis, with the Hitdetection Bug beeing the most noticeable. I would realy like to see more time being used to get stuff working correctly and listening to feedback instead of getting more stuff into the Roadmap that will come out much smaller then it was planed. A good Example for this is the Liberator Update wich got several things removed from it and some stuff that was still inside never came, for example the changes to spare ammo capacitys for guns. Also i notice that several "temporary solutions" become permanent, a good example is the C4 despawn on respawn, that was first made until Devtime is available for doing a real solution, this solution never came and is now forgotten.

    Some things that need to be fixed:
    - Squad vehicles sometiems dont show on the Minimap, reported several times and in since 5 months and very annoying
    - Squad vehicles on the Worldmap sometimes dont use squad colors, they use faction colors instead, happens more often if the player seen on the map is furtehr away
    - Shields sometimes block GSD vehicles, i have this in around 1 of 5 tries when i try to use the GSD to get through a shield
    - AI mines dont getting triggered correctly, ive seen several occasions where players moved over several times without triggering
    - if a Platoonleader promotes a Squadleader this one needs to reequip itself in order to get a Spawnbeacon, it will only be autogranted if the recend Squadleader promotes someone
    - recently generators showing there status on the minimap wrong again (i dont know how did you break it this time)
    - respawning sometimes send you to a random location, even if your chosen location was still valid
    - respawning choses a new spawn loacation if the old one got invalid, but dont telling it to the player
    - AV Mines under parked vehicles sometimes go off, if they are armed and the vehicle starts to do micro movements due to physics bugs
    - vehicles on hills can stand still without sliding down, but as soon as they start to drive they will start sliding down (do they have some kind of superglue active when they dont move?)
    - driving over other players still dont works correctly since the client of the player who got driven over tells if it was successfull, making it hard to drive over someone moving
    - the Squads spawnbeacon soemtimes doenst get rendered correctly on the map, making it invisible to the squad if not close enought (spawning still works)
    - if a Squadmember uses Squaddeploy and this Squaddeploy uses the Spawnbeacon, the respawntimer for the Squadleader for the Beacon gets resetted (if teh Squadleader dies and has the Beacon spawn ready and someone uses Squaddeploy on it he will have to wait for the full timer again)
    - Engineer AI turrets cant be destroyed from sone angles, they withstand even direct rocket hits without any dmg
    - if the private squad is disabled anyone with autojoin can join the squad, no matter of limitations due to Outfit only etc
    - if Outfit and Friends is checked in on Squad recruitment the Friends will overwrite the Outfit, so Outfitmembers cant join
    - When changing continents the Skybox and Lightning are not correctly changed for the ones of the other continent, if you log in on Amerish and paly for soem time and move to Esamir you get the Amerish lightning resulting in yellowish snow

    Some things needed to improve Quality of Life but not yet even planned:
    - C4 is still not disarmable
    - there is still no visible counter that shows the AV Mine, AI Mine and C4 count that are still in the world, nor does it show you where they are on the Map
    - Platoonleaders still dont have acces to smoke, Offensive/Defensive Requests, the Orders and Leaders channel, so a Platoonleader allways need to be a Squadleader too
    - the current status of the spawn beacon is not shown to the Squadleader, so he never knows if it got destroyed if its not within sight
    - the current status of Turrets on Bases is not shown on the Minimap
    - there is currently no way to set a player as second in command for Squadlead and Platoonlead so players in charge can say who sould get the command in case they crash or something like that
    - there is currently no way for a Squadmember to show something on the map for the Squad (as an example if someone can see a vehicle but the Squad is not in range for the Spot)
    - Squadvehicles dont show numbers for there crew on the map, so its sometiems hard to say who has wich vehicle when only seen on the Map and if the Squad has teh same vehicle several times in the field

    Im sure there is alot more stuff to do and it would be realy nice if we finally could get soem stuff to work correctly in this game.
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  2. Pikachu

    Go eat a pine cone! :mad:
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  3. AdmiralArcher

    AI MANA turret shields are invulerable to all damage, but if you hit the gun part then it will die
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  4. Pikachu

    Shoot a phoenix missile and you'll see they're not invulnerable. :D
  5. Eyeklops

    Don't really care about the QOL stuff, but FIXING PS2'S BUGS should be at the top of the coders list. SOE, get ALL EYES on and knockout the bug queue. Pull a few coders from EQ Next/H1Z1 (or whatever), which isn't released, to fix your RELEASED game.
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  6. OldMaster80

    Good job. You should make a top 5 and report it right in the game. I don't know why but it seems much more effective than posting here or opening tickets.
  7. AdmiralArcher

    its actually the splash damage hitting the gun that it causing it to die, but the shields are indeed impregnable
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  8. Pikachu

    But the phoenix splash damage is negligible. One missile can't possibly have enough to destroy a turret. Is it not the case that the phoenix missile is a vehicle and it causes damage by ramming?
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  9. IamDH

    Actually, i think they should focus on releasing un-bugged patches first then fix the bugs. Whats the point of fixing bugs if your just going to add more next patch.
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  10. AdmiralArcher

    i may be mistaken, but thats the way its always seemed to me
  11. Xebov

    Maybe its a problem with collision detection that not happens with all weapons.

    Everything mentioned has been reported alot of times by alot of players. Yet every Patch brings some old Bugs back in or some new Bugs. The problem may be that tehy have alot of Developers and some may not do so much for QA, some may simply have not enought time. If i see how fats Patches got shipped the last months it may be a problem that the time planned on getting things done is simply to small. Maybe they fear to loose players, maybe they simply underestimate the work that needs to be done.
  12. Tommyp2006

    I'd just be happy if they finally got around to fixing the nVidia driver issues. They can stop updating for a month for all that I care if that issue gets fixed.
  13. Xervous

    Fix the lack of aircraft tracers and vehicle smoke/fire past 100m

    and if you're feeling friendly fix the cosmetics not attaching to the ESF properly (remember old lib composite armor?)
  14. Codex561

    I dont know why but that made me laugh hysterically.
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  15. HLM

    A game that doesn't crash every time you do anything would be nice. Also actually being able to log in to said game.
  16. LibertyRevolution

    The player location bug is DRIVING ME MAD!!!!

    I can relog and it still wont show me generators or cap points at sungray when I'm standing in it and it is my mission..
    The game insists that I am at what ever base it first shows me to spawn at on login...

    The only way I can "fix" the bug is to warp to a different continent causing my game to crash to desktop..
    Then it will only be "fixed" if I spawn where it tells me to on first spawn, or else I am stuck at that base until I crash to desktop again.

    Broken since they implemented the game starting you on the map instead of the warpgate.
    Only made worse by mission system..
    This is the same bug that brought about the invincibility glitch, as the game thinks you are in warpgate/VR..

  17. PlatoonLeaderG

    The game should be called crashside 2.

    I try different computers and accounts from my friends and so far all are the same in where crashes happen.

    -change continent will crash
    -use any vehicle except flash will crash after some time
    -change location that is far from your location will crash

    I want feedback from other users on what you do and crash so i can make a post and hopefully get some fixes.
  18. Iridar51

    One of the new bugs:
    - Sometimes after spawning can't see myself on the minimap
  19. Kristan

    look at his sig
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  20. Winfield

    New NC gun sounds please.

    The current ones sound ridiculous.