Hossin Lock reroll VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by toddman, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. toddman

    Im not kidding I rerolled VS last night since they capped hossin in under 4 hours. 25% xp constantly is a huge advantage and YOU SIR are the one fooling yourself if you say it doesnt effect players empire choice or gameplay experience while playing.
  2. Ronin Oni

    There's a serious aversion to fighting the VS on Emerald.

    It's disgusting.

    TR and NC don't need to "Team Up"

    They just need to stop being bloody cowards!

    DA and AT move with impunity and almost no resistance until they cap it... which they always do because they want that benefit, but the TR and NC just go "Oh, VS are here, lets go to Indar"

    Blame your comrades. I know I do. I fight against VS "overpop" constantly. Which is usually almost even actually, it's just TR and NC spend 2/3rds their forces fighting each other, and 1/3rd to fight the VS.
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  3. Furluge

    This study pretty much explains the current VS attitude right now Basically they rigged a game of monopoly so one player started with twice the cash of the other players, could roll two dice instead of one, and got more money for passing go. They found the players who won the rigged game became ruder, greedier, and talked highly of their ability to play than the others... even though the game was rigged and the player could tell it was rigged.

    We have the same situation in PS2 right now. 7 months of ZOE unerfed created a lot of VS BR100s. Outfits mass switched during this time or outright left. O:MFG to me will always be remembered as a dev excuse to ignore the broken stuff they gave their favorites. Now we have the same situation with PPA. Maybe fixing Hossin will become their excuse to ignore that.

    That NC population surge you see is Goku going back to playing their NC alts in Goon. That NC pop is also much lower BR in comparison to he VS pop you noticed because they have not had over half a year of broken maxes and easy alerts the VS got. As long as Reddit is primarily Vanu and the devs love Reddit I don't see this changing.
  4. toddman

    So VS outfits are now rerolling into NC? Is that seriously what is happening? Id love that!
  5. Furluge

    No. It's NC people who rerolled to Vanu Q1 of this year playing their old NC characters they created at launch. When you look at the old Mattherson population graphs you can clearly see a point where the population on NC drops from first place and VS rises up by the same amount.
  6. PurpleBeefer

    I know this is a bit off topic and I am not on this server where this is rampant but had a question.

    Was PPA that much of a problem before hossin? or since the climate topography and whatnots allowed PPA to become more effective as a weapon? I wasnt here during the ZOE phase but now all i see is PPA but i played a short time before hossin and never really saw that, mainly saw saron mags or halberd harassers. then hossin came and PPA became used more?

    back on subject.

    Sucks but this seems to happen on other servers, seems when a lock is done, specially on hossin, population shifts. too bad we cant have single empire account per server a la PS1 :rolleyes:
  7. Negator

    What are you smoking kid? This is called a "metagame". Get gud or get rekt, but please domt beg for handouts on the forums.
  8. 0scar

    The reason you are seeing all these desperate cries for some kind of VS nerf has nothing to do with Hossin. This is how the Waterson folks are reacting to having a competent VS opponent. The Waterson people want to go back in time to when it was NC/TR all the time winning everything. Instead of trying to elevate their game, they cry for nerfs like little spoiled babies.
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  9. Pootisman

    People dont like to fight VS on Hossin because they are almost invisible with their dark default camo.

    Its the same on Cobalt. Hossin is often locked by VS, which sucks because i want to play on the new continent. I have never seen Hossin locked by TR or NC.
  10. Mongychops

    In December (PU02), the PPA got net buffed with the game projectile size increased to match the actual graphical size (30 mm, to 200 mm diameter, which outweighed the nerfs (nerfs to direct damage, splash radius, ability to damage armour). Also, Harasser nerfs.

    During the winter to the spring, VS was mostly underpopped on most servers, so there wasn't really any complaints about VS faction specific weapons.

    The Liberator buff meant that most infantry farming was done by Libs, or at least they were the focus of whines. Also large quantities of Libs will destroy tanks. VS were still underpop on most servers.

    The Liberator joined the Harasser in being nerfed, both reducing the complaints about A2G infantry farmers, and reducing the amount of tanks being killed by libs. VS pops increasing.

    Hossin release. So, while Hossin is a good continent for PPA farming, there are other factors at play. I suspect a lot of former Lib farmers on VS are using PPAs, and while Libs were NS, PPA is faction specific, so of course lots of unhappy players.
  11. toddman

    What are you talking about CHILD? I never asked for anything........ I dont want anything.... I am playing VS now its over. Take an anger management class or something I had no agression in any of my posts so if all you got for me is negativity and no constructive feedback go eat a bag of tirds. This is the second time you have posted complete garbage in my thread go get a job or something quit wasting your time here.
  12. Champagon

    you misread, please reread my comment. OP=Orginal Poster
  13. Slaughter919

    People had several discussions about this the other day. People just don't like fighting the VS. I hate it and most people do too. Between Dark Purple spandex that blends in great at night, Annoying Pew Pew lasers and the PPA which shoots projectiles that are bigger then the damn player and other weapons that are gravity resistant and very hard to dodge. Along with the Scythe, the quiet pew pewing horse shoe of the sky that's insanely annoying to fight. The magrider which can roll up in any direction, strafe and has the best AV weapons in the game. There's just no fun fighting them. When I'm TR I fight NC, When I'm NC I fight TR, When I'm VS I fight NC and TR. I find when it comes to ESF battles, Reaver or Mossie vs Scythe is the most annoying battle for me anyways and I know most people dislike it too.
  14. ProfessorHobbes

    Ever since the new continent hype died out for Hossin, it seems like all of the TR and NC players went back to playing Indarside. The VS players clearly see the advantage and benefit to having 25% bonus exp, so they tend to focus on Hossin more than the other factions. Yet here you are, a TR player complaining about this when your whole faction refuses to fight there and stop the VS.

    People keep saying the same things over and over, "nerf th VS, so op" or "omgz purple = op @ night". To these people I say thanks! I love it when the other factions complain and sit there there in a slump with this mindset that they already lost. So keep complaining and avoiding VS while I enjoy my 25% bonus experience.
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  15. Negator

    Couldnt have constructed a more childish post that got to the point i was making. You didnt ask: you whined. You want things handed to you on a silver platter. Hop on that bandwagon, kid.
  16. JudgeNu

    I love fighting the VS.
    I hate fighting them while my "teammates" are oblivious.
    The solutions to the problems have been given.
    They just get brushed aside.
  17. Stormsinger

    I recorded the sound of 3 PPA rounds firing, after which I uploaded it to my phone, and set it as my text alert. I enjoy texting my phone via Email whenever my TR playing co-worker walks by.
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  18. Umrtvovacz

    This is not an Emerald limited problem. While on Woodman we don't have VS capping Hossin, they literally win 90+% of all prime-time alerts (from like 6 PM/18:00 to midnight) and they usually have two continents capped (while other empires have zero).

    There is definitely something wrong with VS. They stomp with not much higher (in some cases even lower) world pop than other empires. And I doubt that VS players are so different from TR and NC, so different in organization, skill, whatever. I don't even think VS have so OP stuff to make a difference. I just think NC and TR find fighting NC or TR more fun than fighting VS.

    I don't know what the problem is and I don't know a solution, either. It will most likely be a combination of stuff like color scheme, visibility, Magrider movements, VS specific weapons etc. I am not saying any of those is OP, just that it works in such a way that is less pleasant to fight against or be on a receiving end of than NC and TR toys.
  19. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Same on Cobalt, maybe VS pure Hossin haters...
  20. SpcFarlen

    The other day every faction on Emerald had their own continent they were trying to cap. TR was trying to get Indar, NC on Esamir, and VS on Hossin. I logged in, having a character on all three faction and just straight logged out since no where was going to have even fights.

    The problem is with continent locking, its not doing its job. It is meant to funnel players to fight each other rather than ghost capping continents. However on Emerald it was only allowed to have one continent locked. Hossin update, merger, and double xp all brought an influx of players in to the point where there could only be one continent capped or else people would be stuck in VR. Pops have now settled down and people arent staying logged in for half the day (12 hours) as much as they used to.

    Players dont want to get steam rolled. When every fight on a continent is always 60+% enemy, why fight. So they leave to go elsewhere. This is why the factions all had their own continent they dominated, population wise, on. Though i did see a post on upcoming changes stating that continent locking would scale dynamically with population. So hopefully this wont happen again and it will force factions to fight each other more evenly.

    PS. I dont enjoy hossin because some bases are terribly balanced (under construction still), and performance is meh. Both of those are getting addressed but its not polished enough to really enjoy.