Hossin Bases ready for Testing.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by Freeze74, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Eyeklops

    The only way Hossin will become the "new" Indar is if the current Indar gets removed. Don't get me wrong, I hate Indar, but the "new Indar" statement was also made about Esamir, and Amerish (twice). Even with Amerish, arguably, being a much better continent all around (Tank/Air/Infantry), people still see Indar as the only continent they will play on. I think Amerish offers something like double the resource income that Indar does, and people still won't play there.

    I want to play on Mattherson at night, but Indar is ruining the game for me so I move to Connery around midnight and spend all my time on Amerish & Esamir. Mattherson outfits have a particular affinity for Indar and it truly brings the game down on that server.
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  2. SolSquad

    While I agree that the playerbase has a preference to indar, I think that Hossin will have a good constant amount of fights. I believe this is because not only will the map provide something "new", but fights will also be more bottlenecked, due to the smaller, dense map, and the nature of the lattice.

    More importantly, Hossin will provide players with an entirely different battle style. This continent will be hell for vehicles, allowing for more infantry-oriented battles. There will be so many angles of attack, yet the bases are built like fortresses. We should expect battles to be much more related to the fights in ps1, lasting forever. But that's pretty awesome, if I say so myself.
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  3. Soviman

    Hell for Non Magriders :cool:
  4. Caddy

    the game needs the continent lock badly and hopefully hossin will deliver it
    if it will be just "another" continent beside the 3 we already have it will not help much with the population already dwindled as it is

    i know alot of people will comeback to the game as soon as we get continent lock come to place, we need something to push forward and have an sense of accomplishment at the end of game session (getting dominations gets old easy)

    the best scenario its to make hossin like the crown jewel and to access it you need to lock an continent from other faction or yours
    hence make the actual 3 continents faction homes like indar for TR , esamir for VS and amerish for NC or whatever...i'm just giving examples here...doesn't mean it has to be like that exactly

    what i'm trying to point out its the need of a meta game badly and fast like yesterday...i'm sure u guys from SoE check your statistics enough to see the pop decrease

    anyway adding battle islands between continents on the way to hossin can spice the fight out and also open multile battle fronts and bring back the strategy to the game

    giving something more then just conquer a base to lose it 10 mins later and having no purpose in the game beside your stupid K/D
    alot of people just got burned out doing this since release

    actual VR can be transformed easily in a Sanctuary adding an warpgate there to allow deployment from there to the battle while keeping the VR function that it already has, it can also serve as a starting point for any operation in case your faction gets continent locked etc.
    VR its already Build/Done so it will make your job faster then to actually create a new Sanctuary from scratch

    Either way i know everyone has his own opinion etc,this was mine...either way i hope SoE thinks fast and deploy continent lock fast ...it was promised long long time ago and human patience is not something you should play with it:)


    PS: sorry for any grammar mistakes:) if any
  5. Strikejk

    For future testing of continents (Hossin, Nexus, ..) It would be awesome to show us our X & Y coordinates on the test server. That would make reporting a specific issue much easier. Thank you in advance! :)

    Also a Increased ressource income or full stock ressources in the beginning would be quite awesome!
  6. ScrapyardBob

    /bug reports already record your current position (from what I recall).

    The bad part is that the /bug window doesn't tell the players that this information is being reported.