Hossin and Thermals

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Okjoek, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Okjoek

    Dev makes video trying to understand why players don't like Hossin. (Hint: too vehicle unfriendly)
    Devs decide to take away Thermals which was one of the biggest advantages advantages against infantry targets on that specific continent.
    I'm not going to say Thermals weren't OP AF because it was, but I feel they could've handled this a LOT better than curing the disiese by killing the patient. This would've been an excellent thing to add to that implant update they're working on, like crate an implant which helps hide thermal signatures. That would've atleast added a new dimensionto vehicle-infantry combat.
    That's just my thoughts though.
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  2. Campagne

    I've found Hossin to be the very opposite: A paradise for A2G spammers. Can't even try to fight back with all the tree cover.
  3. Okjoek

    Yeah it certainly does disrupt lock-ons.
  4. Eternaloptimist

    I struggle generally with poor lines of sight and movement difficulty (I'm just a footslogger). And yes, playing anti air is hard, even with a G2A launcher.
  5. LordKrelas

    Vehicles beyond aircraft have barely use-able roads, murderous trees, vines, weird plant things, and tons of water that hides tank mines & AP mines perfectly.

    Aircraft with thermals on any map, made it easy, let alone with Hossin's damn anti-lock-on, anti-flak, anti-rocket tree cover.
    Drop podding into that is also a mess; You can get stranded in a tree, with your only exit being death unless Light assault.

    You could just fire into the trees from above, in a fight, and simply move up, blocking any weapon hitting you.
    While land vehicles were basically isolated into exact paths, with long *** paths for infantry... all generally exposed to aircraft.

    Unless I'm with my outfit, that place is a hell-to-the-no.

    Can you imagine losing to an opponent due to 1 implant-option being available, since they had aircraft?
    Hell, Can you imagine being the literal glowing target, on the screen of the aircraft, whom can use two implants regardless, without either being anti-thermal?

    Like with the new implants, having only one & anti-thermal, sounds like a damn death sentence.
    Just like not having it, sounds like a death sentence due to sonic ESF's.
  6. stalkish

    If your drop pad lands on a tree, as long as you quickly leave the surface of the tree, youll not die on landing, so as soon as you land run straight to the edge and jump off.
    You get an invulnerability to fall damage after exiting a drop pod for a small amount of time, you also get this invulnerability after exiting a grav lift, or a jump pad. So you can climb to the top of a tech lab on the grav lift, run to the edge and jump right off landing all the way on the floor unharmed.
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