For the past few days I've been getting horrid server lag/desync. My player is on Connery and today (7/8 around 1am PDT) it's the worst it's been so far. I have good internet, and have never gotten desync problems before. It was so bad I decided to make a video showing it. (at the time of the post it is still's 2gb and as you can see my upload speeds aren't that amazing (but good enough for planetside..)) Is anyone else experiencing this? Or is the issue on my end?
Getting the same problems here man. I thought it was the typical double xp weekend making the servers take a poopie, but it's still going on after double xp has been removed. At first I wondered if it could be an issue with being on the East coast, but people in Seattle are having the same issues as myself. I hear many aren't having this issue as bad as others, so I don't have the slightest clue WTF is going on. Game is unfortunately unplayable for myself right now D:
After further fiddling around with the wonderful world of the internets, I have stumbled into some interesting pieces. First, I popped open Command Prompt and ran a couple of ping tests on the Connery server ( if you'd like to do it yourself) and all seemed fairly normal. Second, I ran a tracert (a couple of times to see if there was any change) on said Connery IP and found it would time out rather excessively on the servers located in Las Vegas. Third, did a google search on switchnap and stumbled into a thread posted 2 months ago: where the OP states: I had an asterisk on only the switchnap servers with IP addresses: -- which was the address that above quote mentions. All I got for right now, hope this helps. EDIT: Submitted a support ticket, leaving my reference # here for future access: #130708-000194
How sure are you you're using the correct IP? Has Sony said, specifically, that this is the game server? Has anyone run a packet sniffer to be sure? Second, tracert and ping aren't going to do much for you if you want to figure out why you're lagging. You might have edge server issues which would never show up using these two commands. Instead try MTR and PingPlotter: ; I'm reluctant to run the game through WireShark now for two reasons: The game rig has only games and the utility rigs don't have PS2 installed. Sony's banhammer might not like me snooping around. However, I plan on dl'ing copies upstairs for my niece and nephew so I'll get a chance to do it soon... unless someone confirms the ip is indeed the actual game server and not just some test machine in the same server room.
Logged on to Connery last night between 10 PST and 10:30 and lag was the worst I've ever seen it (since beta). I was on indar, at Tawrich and pod dropped unto an enemy position. Burned a clip into a sniper... he didn't notice. Tried stabbing him, he noticed me. He shot me, I shot him. He stabbed me, I stabbed him. He disappeared, I ran off. Ten seconds later, I died from his stab wounds. Flying tanks and people, midair crashes, shooting people repeatedly without hits registering. Unplayable.
I'm getting the same thing here in New Mexico on Connery. It's like packet throttling as everything pauses (well, drifts off doing whatever they were at the stop), then races to catch up in hyperspeed. Then it's okay for a few seconds, and it starts up again. It seems to be the big fights and/or crowded areas, mostly, and it definitely started around Thursday. I'd suspect it was me, but everything else I use on the net runs smooth as silk, and even these forums have weird load time hang-ups that they did not have before. Edit: Quick video illustrating my symptoms. Pay particular attention to the minimap icons.
+1 from me. started happening last night around 22:00 PST after about 4 hours of uninterrupted play time.
I've googled the Connery server IP a number of times with same results. That's good enough for me. What tracert does is tell me that the problem isn't on my side nor my provider so... downloading those other 2 programs for extra fluff seems irrelevant when it's clearly Sony's side. Please note that I'm one of the MANY people experiencing this exact problem in the video above.
Mattherson appears to suffer from similar symptoms: terrible lags and fps drops to zero (!!), lasting 2 to 4 minutes, up to four times late at night (between 12:00 am to 6:00 am EST). It happens in crowded areas, but also in much less populated ones.
I wasn't having any problems on my Waterson alt this morning, but Connery was horribad. If the problem were in my ISP-to-computer tract, I'd expect it to show on the east coast servers, as well. Yet, it does not.
You could have just said, "no". Googling Connery doesn't give you the server's address. I asked the question because it's highly unlikely that Sony would hand out the actual game server ip on a public forum. It's even unlikely they'd hand it out while troubleshooting individual problems. In all likelihood, the IP that you're testing is a test server located in the same room as the game server, but it's not the actual server. If this is "good enough for you", that's fine, I just don't see how you plan on resolving server lag issues when the actual game IP isn't a concern of yours? Are you pinging and running trace routes to the login server; to their ps2 website; to a test machine in the server room? You don't know. One thing I know is that it's doubtful you have the correct ip if all you did to attain it was use google; for an accurate ip you need a packet sniffer. Tracert does not provide any meaningful details as to where the problem lies. Flat out, it just does not. mtr and pingplotter are more than just fluff. If anything is useless fluff, it's ping and tracert. Having said that, for sure these tools won't paint a complete picture; for that you'd also need sony to run reverse traces... and getting them to do that is also unlikely. It's also probably all server related, for the most part, for most people... and so us doing these little exercises is really rather pointless, but still, it's always better to *know* that it isn't you.
I don't understand what's going on here with your posts. It seems like you want to help but you're coming off as if you want to assert your massive knowledge on things that aren't necessarily relative to the thread itself. Either way you're not helping my son. I'm just going out on a limb here and assuming you haven't even watched the OP's or Morpholine's videos? In the case that you have, what are your thoughts on what's going on? How can this be happening all across the U.S.? Only the Sony Gods can save us.
I asked a very simple question: has anyone verified that the ip we're using is accurate? What's difficult to understand is your reply to this basic question; in fact, it's mind--boogling: checking to see if the ip is accurate is a waste of time and using more advanced tools to more accurately diagnose the issue is... "fluff". Now I'm trying to assert my massive knowledge on you? Really? That's quite a leap. My thinking is simple: why bother testing an ip, or asserting that your line is clean if you don't yet know if it's the right ip? Is this really that difficult to understand? How can this happen to a bunch of clients across the states? I don't know yet; I haven't run any diagnostics and compared them with others. What I can tell you is that the game I just came from (tribes ascend) has very similar issues. Everyone I know connecting from California has edge server issues, no matter the isp, everyone from the entire state. Does knowing this help us? No, but it can help sony resolve the issue. Did I watch the video? No, I don't need to. I experienced it first hand last night. I know exactly what everyone is talking about. I happened to be running the performance monitor and gpu monitor while this was going on, so at least for me, I can say (show) that the issue wasn't related to my machine, and I'm sure that's pretty much the same for most people, but not everyone given the state of the game.
+1, I also experienced ridiculous lag on Connery last night, just as bad if not worse than the videos shown here, in some instances, when I was near towers, players were walking on thin air for upwards of a minute or more, and when the lag would finally subside in many cases I would be dead. Really the most disconcerting experience yet, even worse than the constant crashes. Hope SOE fixes this, but it seems that instead of actually getting PhysX crash-free/stable and addressing RIDICULOUS server lag such as this, they are directing all 6 employees/programmers into marketing micro-transactions and adding new "features" such as illuminated decals and flare-guns. I full understand it when veterans of PS1 are talking about walking away from this universe for good. SOE has taken a brilliant concept and rendered it hopelessly unplayable, uninspiring, and unimmersive. Can't wait to see what kind of garbage they will think of next. FIX THE GAME. NO MORE STUPID "P1MP" "FEATURES". WE DONT WANT CHROME SPINNER RIMS ON OUR HARRASERS. WE WANT PHYSX FUNCTIONAL AND NEXT TO NO SERVER LAG. I WILL BE VOTING WITH MY WALLET, STARTING NOW. SINK OR SWIM TIME SOE.
Hmm, I'll have to check tonight, but considering the testimony here, and the fact that I have exactly the same internet as OP (live in Seattle as well) I'm going to hazard that the answer will be yes.
I also live in Seattle, and also have been having massive issues on Connery starting this weekend and continuing through today. Some outfit members are affected, others are not. Seems random. It is unplayable while it is like this. I would like to play the game I've spent hundreds of dollars on, and would like to spend more on. As of now, I see no point playing until it's fixed. I have a beast of a computer, tons of bandwidth, and haven't had a single issue like this before including beta. I've changed nothing on my end. Must be SOE.