Hitreg issues on Waterson

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by GTGD, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. GTGD

    Was just experiencing some bad hitreg issues. Seemed kind of random, certain enemies and at certain times my shots just weren't registering at all. For instance, against the last VS at Northpoint Station on Esamir. I wasted half a magazine of my carbine trying to put the guy down. At the distance I was at, it was not only impossible to miss all the shots, but I saw the tracers going through his chest, neck, and head. However I was given no hit markers at all when shooting him. He started shooting back at me (and doing damage) so I ran away, and a couple others ended up killing him (I didn't receive any points for an assist or anything). I had similar experiences multiple times before that, but that was extreme and very clear what was going on.

    I understand the servers are pretty stressed and with all the crazy stuff going on the past few nights with the grenades and vehicles, it wouldn't surprise me if there are still bugs. However I wanted to bring this to attention, and was wondering if anyone else experienced the same thing and if so on what servers.
  2. Sneekee

    Happened to me yesterday on Cobalt. Got so bad at one point it was a 50/50 chance I would actually be able to hit anyone or thing I ran across. Rockets going through sunderers. Flak going through aircraft. Entire clips into people at point blank, nothing. Had an encounter that would have been a lot funnier if it werent so frustrating. Met a Vanu that had the same problem as me, stood face to face unable to hit each other, rockets, bullets, melee. He had friends who could hit me that I couldnt hit.
    I could actually hit stuff reliably again after I restarted the client.
  3. AdamantK9

    I'm going to jump on this bandwagon as well.. because I've noticed this since the last hotfix.

    I'll be running along with my Piston shotgun, and I will constantly get the jump on people.. but I will sit there and unload 4-5 shots at point blank range and they will just turn around and kill me dead- with themselves having only been drained of shields.
  4. GTGD

    Bump for primetime
  5. NostalgiaForInfinity

    This happened to me for the first time today. Connery, playing VS, shooting Ruskies ... sorry, TR. Point-blank range at the guys chest - almost 100 bullets before the guy took me down, yeah. Spawned a min later against the same guy - same thing. Happened to a few others, on and off. Didn't matter what weapon I was using - missed all 5 shots on a Vanguard from pretty much point blank as well. So, definitely an issue.
  6. Eugenitor

    Can confirm that this happens on Connery. I've had rockets go into the sides of Sunderers and do absolutely nothing.
  7. sneakbyte

    I am guessing this started happening when they updated PS2.exe with the 40mb update aye?
  8. Eugenitor

  9. GTGD

    For me, yes, it's only been a problem for the past couple days.

    Check your pings, whenever latency increases for me I notice hit detection goes to ****.
  11. Drakortha

  12. GTGD