Hit Reg, wtf happened Emerald?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Grandizer, Mar 25, 2020.

  1. Grandizer

    Played Connery earlier today, hit reg was spot on. Could duck and evade fire and get kills with appropriate shots. Even as medic the ttk against me seemed normal and the headshot/body shot ratio was right on.

    Went on Emerald sfter patch, my main, I'm getting cut down instantly in one on ones as heavy or any class versus everyone. Everyone is running away from me while i'm getting hit markers only to be cut down in literally half a second from an assault rifle 20 yards away from what seems like 5 shots total, not constant hits, with no assists. I literally saw 2-3 headshot markers on players and then body shots and then they fire back as if I didn't hit them and totally go through full adreno armor and I lose, with no headshot "tinks" on my end. I mean they just stand there while I'm shooting them and don't even run away as if my hit markers are not actually hitting them

    Enemies come around corners in wide space and I get hit and insta killed before I can even fire. They wouldn't even have time to right click and aim because I'm partially behind a structure, meanwhile I'm already dead,
    when I could be anywhere around the corner.
    Players facing the opposite direction when I'm moving and killing me while I'm doming them from 2 feet away. I'm seeing team mates running and gunning and face slamming players in crowded rooms but as I walk and ADS and get a target, I'm dead.

    Ping is still 38-50ms, no dropped packets on my end, I've done tests, upload is solid at 12mbps. This happened few months ago as well where the whole experience seemed like something was really wrong.

    Plz don't tell me about client side, I know what it is and this is not a client side issue, especially against non moving players who are camping and take headshots and don't die. Connery didn't perform like this over the last 2 weeks of going through this update nor today the 4 hrs I played on it.
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