Highest killstreak without dieing?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by LegioX, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. LegioX

    Just wondering what everyone's is. What is your highest killstreak without dieing? I mean attacking/defending, but not spawn room camping. The highest I have gotten is 37kills....seems the higher I get the more cautious I get and nervous I get too...lol
  2. Weatherchild

    I once had a 81 kill streak with a lightning and a viper. There was just so much infantry going around and everybody seem to ignore me.. :D I lost the video, I'd post a screen cap from the death screen if I had it.
  3. Kevanov

    I have been playing for probably a month, my best is 14 in infantry against infantry only. I often get 11-12. My KDR is 1.75 average so im far from good but im still happy with it for now :)

    I used Orion as LMG.
  4. vanu123

    My personal highest streak was about 180 (with a swagrider), for infantry probably 30-40, for MAX about 70-80, for air about 50 (prenerf prenerf dalton with a 20m blast radius) :D
  5. FuryM4

    60 with a max, 12 ish with infantry, only 6 as scythe.. Flying is hard...
  6. asdfPanda

    64 with the RAMS .50M. I was an infil scrub sniping even scrubbier NC between Indar Excavation Site and Quartz Ridge. Pick a good spot at the flanks of the enemy sundies, defend that spot with the Repeater, and you're guaranteed headshots for days.
  7. Rogueghost

    All time best is 186 as LA at Snowshear Watchtower.
  8. garret0451

    41 as miller tr with carv or mswr i dont really remember. and 70 on emerald with lasher NOT in biofarm , just random amerish bases. and on miller with m99 was 62 as sniper
  9. player16

    14 and i thought i would give someone a satisfaction when i had run out of bullets instead of redeploying i fought with the pistol to the end!
  10. player16

    vanu pistol
  11. Onhil

    Exactly 100 kills with the Parallax at an NC/TR battle
  12. Gutseen

    65 vanuses using only MSW-R
  13. Leivve

    37 as light assault with nighthawk/underboss. Captured 3 different bases before i finally died (20k exp son!! Don't ask how math works that's the just number that was on the screen.)
  14. MisterSlim

    My highest streak was 106 with the Parsec VX3-A, no deaths or redeploys.

    Also, this thread should be in the Gameplay section, rather than the HA specific section (unless you were talking about HA streaks, in which case, not very high at all in my case).

    -All the Way from the Cloaker Forums
  15. TheShrapnelKing

    As heavy assault? I assume that's why this is in the heavy section?

  16. DirArtillerySupport

    Tried for 100 the other night...took 4 hours but only got to 80 something as a Max...mostly a Max a night...mostly.
  17. z1967

    17 using a Trac-5 Burst and explosive crossbow. People should really look up more often.
  18. repairtool6

    How can you ppl even tell? Do you REMEMBER this stuff?
    Is it listed someplace? I dont have a clue about my record
  19. Shiaari

    My highest kill streak was about 200 back in the hex days, using a VPC swagrider, before the HE nerfs.

    I think that's why HE got nerfed.
  20. Spankay

    If you didn't click anything after you just got killed. The score screen would come up and it would show how many you killed in 1 life.
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