I just blew 400 certs into HSAF 3 and there is absolutely no difference between the HSAF 2 cruising speed 236 KPH and HSAF 3 cruising speed 236 KPH when an upgrade was promised. Anything you guys can do for this?
Yeah I don't trust any of their certs that doesn't list what it actually does. Some of them are laughable upgrades that only increase something by a few percent. And I don't doubt the one's that lack description are either unfinished or increase it by so little the difference is not noticeable.
Ive been wondering about the repair speed upgrade as well. I can say that I do have a faster re[air then a stock repair tool, but my last upgrade made no noticeable difference and it was expensive. It would be nice to see that actual hard numbers for a certable upgrade.
I swear most of the certs are broken, like in my other thread I spent 200 on the advanced vertical foregrip nd there is litterally 0 difference.
Yeah 300 certs for me on this. I assumed the first 100 spend had made a difference, then checked my flat inclination speed at 230. After getting level 2 for 200 certs I'm still doing 230 at flat inclination. Damn, what a waste!
yup I have HSAF rank 2 as and it made zero difference vs no airframe at all.. I even triple checked to make sure it was actually equipped... what a freakin waste I want my certs back
I wonder if you can make a support request (given annoying bugs like this!) to get certs back. Probably not... Or even a shift into something actually useful like the hover cert!
Hmmm, after some testing I've discovered (at least in the mosquito) that it does do something. Default flat speed with no high speed cert is around 219. Level one of the cert seemed to boost me to 230kph but level 2 didn't add anything after 230. Maybe it does something for ab though, I dunno... Does anyone else have some test figures for other setups? I wish I could drop back to level 1 just to confirm.
just tried HSAF 2 today after using HSAF 1 for so long i noticed the difference. i now recommend going for HSAF 2. maybe they have already fixed it since last post was more than a month ago. my test results today: HSAF 1 - cruise speed = 225 | Afterburner speed 328 HSAF 2 - cruise speed = 230 | Afterburner speed 337 so going to lvl 2 will give 5 kp/h while afterburner gives 9 kp/h imo this is good upgrade worth 200 certs i will sure to bump this thread when i get HSAF 3.
Been quite some time but i've just got the final HSAF and it gives the same boost as lvl 2. +5 kp/h to cruise and +8 to afterburner speed. (NOTE: These results are without the use of Vertical Thrust which can greatly increase speed.) so the final results are: HSAF 1 - cruise speed = 225 | Afterburner speed 328 HSAF 2 - cruise speed = 230 | Afterburner speed 337 HSAF 3 - cruise speed = 235 | Afterburner speed 345 The final HSAF is worth it but only if you have the certs to spend, which is mainly why i bumped this thread quite late since i got to rack up the extra certs. Well then i hope this post help those still wondering