High certed Combat Medic wanting recruitment

Discussion in 'Cobalt (EU)' started by talonhazza74, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. talonhazza74

    Hi NC Outfits,

    I am Talonhazza, I am a NC Combat Medic. I have certed out most attachments for my Gauss Rifle (I can use it to engage at any range), the laser and silencer for my Magshot Pistol, up to the treble digit marks on my healing abilities and third rank on shield regen suit slot. I am a decent pilot in a Reaver and believe that I am pretty good in Vanguard tanks and at stealthily inserting a Sunderer behind enemy lines. I have over 100 hours poured into Lithcorp at the moment and currently wish to join a tactical outift and make a difference, as currently I am pretty much forced to join pretty badly planned assaults to get certs. If any Outfit wants me, please drop me a message. As stated above I'm a Combat Medic... however it doesn't stop me playing other classes if needed during an assault!