@Higby, what happened to the other mine fixes?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badgered, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Badgered

    You realize that by allowing mines to be detonated by taking damage you've done nothing but minorly inconvenience kamikaze engineers, right? Where are the rest of the changes you promised, like allowing other engineers to disarm mines, shooting/blowing up mines without them being set off, and allowing players to create minefields?

    What gives?
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  2. Zaik

    probably working on them still, it's not like you are commenting a few lines of code out or something
  3. NC_agent00kevin

    Protect your vehicle; problem solved. This goes for initial placement as well as while in use.
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  4. Badgered

    Trying to defend cheese is adorable. Please continue for our amusement.
    I know it isn't simple but he seemed to allude to them all coming out at once. I'm wondering if they're still in the works or if they've been dropped. It's been a while since he's talked about anything regarding mines.
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  5. Gisgo

    First give us a way to know how many of our mines are still deployed.
    You deploy mines and then who knows... maybe they stay, maybe they vanish...
    Atm deploying minefields (lets pretend 5 mines can be called a minefield) is just frustrating and ineffective.
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  6. NC_agent00kevin

    Why is defending your sunderer and placing it in a relatively safe location so hard to do? Instead, you'd go to the forums to whine and cry about how its 'cheese' when a lone Engineer can somehow get through the wave of allies that are spawning on it and blow it up.

    Personally, I think the Engie deserves the kill and you deserve to have it blown up if you cant figure out how to place and defend it. Sadly, the business model of this game panders to players like this.

    This is a prime example of a poorly defended sunderer. I casually walked up to it and put 2 C4 on it. I blew the C4 and nobody stirred for quite a bit. I even shot two guys before I placed the C4. Finally two engineers went to repair it - both at the same time, and without shooting me first. Two other guys were facing me but seemed to be AFK or in a menu.

    Defend your Sundy. My Sunderers rarely get blown up by mines, and its not just dumb luck. We place it in a safe location and then have a crew dedicated to defending it. A Flash with Scout radar or even a couple sensor darts really helps you out in this case. Try it sometime.
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  7. Badgered

    Everyone places sunderers in stupid places except you. Everyone who has ever had their sunderer blown up by a kamikaze engineer had it coming. Gotcha.

    This horse has been beaten to a pulp and cheesers lost, so I'm not going to bother arguing with you anymore. All that's left is seeing how much harder you will lose. Your tears sustain me. Nom nom nom.
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  8. MiZrY

    How hard is it to place a radar flash next to a Sunderer and keep tabs on it via map which you (actually ALL your allies as well) can view constantly?

    You got to be pretty dumb to not be able to think of these things. You have all the tools needed to guard your Sundy from a suicide bomber.
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  9. LonelyTerran


    They have won.
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  10. Fenrisk

    You not have more time to kill the guy before the mines go off as he has to throw a nade or shoot the mines. It's now faster to use 2 C4.
  11. ACE McFACE

    Wait, did you mean to post this in the EVE Online forums?
  12. GamerOS

    Well, they do have the signs of typical carebears.

    Refusing to adapt or change their ways and instead complaining on the forums that their getting killed by the enemy and their 'hard' work is undone by a suicide guy with mines or C4.
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  13. phungus420

    This was a stupid change anyway. The sunderer is the most rediculously overpowered item in a game, and one of it's few weaknesses, a 150+ resource melee engineer attack should not have been removed.

    There should be more ways to kill sunderers, they shouldn't have AA turrets. It's implementation right now is garbage, and merely serves to skinners box reward crappy players, resulting in poor utilization. Ding, ding, ding.... they need to ******* remove XP from sundee spawns so you aweful players stop crying about your sunderers and stop putting them in horrible spots and ruining assaults.
  14. Nyscha

    When I place AT mines they seem to enter a time paradox and then slip into an alternative universe in which the dinosaurs are still alive and the mines turn into the extinction event by dropping on the last bit of food for the dinosaurs and destroying it and then falls through the earth once more and into a black hole which teleports it back into our universe which detonates a vehicle in iraq as a IED and goes back in time to WW2 and is the contraction which destroyed the dams in the dam busters raids.

    And then almost kills Hitler in one of his bunkers but he survives and the scientists experiment on the mines and somehow reconstruct it and it flies back to 2013 and then explodes in entry to our atmosphere.

    And then it's particles after exploding get inhaled by SOEs devs and travel back into the computer and back onto the terminal ready for me to restock my mines after the first two fell through the ground.
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  15. Siro

    I fully certed mineguard. The only time my sundy dies is to c4 or tanks. I adapted to tank mines. Put it in a location away from where the enemy can jump down on top of your sundy and it's fine. If a LA or HA or even a c4 engie takes the time to flank my sundy and blow it. then they deserve the kill. If you want to rush your ammo sundy into the middle of the base and get a few respawns on it before it gets mined then be my guest. Mines aren't the problem. People who think that the best place for a sundy is right next to a wall or a big rock are the problem.

    Guess I can't drop my mines off the edge of the wall now. If the sundy had mine guard then I just go back with C4. Too easy to blow it when it's next to a wall or big rock. Out in a field if you place your sundy right up next to a big rock, all the players will spawn and run around the rock. No one is going to bother looking up. Just takes a LA to jump on the rock and drop the c4 on the sundy.

    I would think by the time you got to BR 74, you would know this stuff.
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  16. Tasogie

    why do you think SOE are nerfing mines into uselessness, its because all this lot refuse point blank to defend themselves, or be responsible for emselves at all. hence why SOE are pandering to them.
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  17. NC_agent00kevin

    Correction: Everyone who runs to the forums in tears because someone broke their toy. Not everyone, just people like you place Sunderers in poor locations. (and then whine about it)

    Looks like you are the only one crying here bub. As you can see, I blow up Sundies regardless. Dry your eyes a bit and maybe you can read the posts clearer, and possibly even see the video!

    PS if you understood anything about your link, you wouldnt have posted it in response to someone beating you at a game. I think you might need to go back and read it, then let it sink in. You'rte just bad at this game and tend to do things that dont make much sense. If you would open yourself up to new strategies, you'd find a wonderful world of win waits for you. Or, you could continue running to the forums and demanding whatever ruined your day gets nerfed.
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  18. CitizenSoldier

    Another mine whine post because he can't get xp from a broken (not working as Higby intentnded) tank mine. Mines have been fixed. Stop salting up legit threads with your tears of outrage. Spare us your WWII videos and lessons on demolitions. All we need now is for engineers to be able to disarm existing mines - which is what the OP was asking.
  19. LonelyTerran

    Don't let me near your spawnderer and everything will be great.

    Defend it perhaps?
    1.AP Mines in the area
    2. Tank mines setup along the path
    3. Gather a few like minded players and defend your vital asset
    4.Arm yourself with shotguns
    5.Man the Turrets(Preferably a Bulldog and Kobalt with NV
    6.Cert Mineguard
    7. Laugh at their futile efforts to destroy your spawnderer
  20. gigastar

    Thing about an abandoned flash is that its either the first thing shot, or the first thing to despawn.

    Now im just going to sit here and think about how much i would kill to get both radar and AMS on a single sundy.