Higby wants to know #1 complaint about vehicle/weapon balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rockit, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. BITES

    Nerf Snafu .. as he r@pes me from he sky.

    (Note .. He fairly kills me since either my stupid *** is lumbering across open fields .. or trying to shoot him down with Ravens ... resulting in me rightfully catching munitions to the face)
  2. MagiKKell

    If you're not getting massive kills with a Magrider you're doing it wrong. Here is the correct setup;
    Max stealth
    Max magburner
    Racer Chasis

    With this setup you can usually maneuver right behind other tanks without them even noticing you. If you light up on a prowler from behind you're guaranteed to win. With Vanguards it's more difficult because of the shield, but I've gone on some pretty sick runs with this setup, and I wasn't even playing it safe.
  3. Fredfred

    My #1 problem:
    C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4

    Everyone has it, it is too easy to use, and too powerful.
  4. NeOn

    I don't get why medics get C4. Lol
  5. z1967

    1. yes, because my 24 rounds (by default) allows me to farm forever... I upgraded to carry 32 and I still run out of rounds every minute or two of combat. If you cut the amount in half, many tanks would only be able to engage one other tank before being forced to retreat and reload. This is a poor way of forcing logistics on the playerbase. Imagine if infantry only had one spare magazine for all of their weapons. then you would understand how tanks would feel under this limitation.

    2. So basically add a psuedo engineer class to reduce the amount of people that have access vehicles. Whilst also only removing one way of repairing a vehicle.

    These will only serve to worsen vehicle play. Not improve it. Infantry play will remain virtually the same.
  6. Alarox

    It is far harder to use and is more expensive than what it is designed to counter.
  7. z1967

    C4 is fine where it is, just let me pick up the ones that I messed up in dropping (like hold "e" to pick up C4). It has a lethal blast radius of 2m and can be deflected by flak armor. If you are a vehicle, too bad. Its a counter to you standing still and just shelling something.

    Probably because there is no reason for them to not get it. I can understand why it is not on infiltrators, but Medics just need something to use other than health kits.
  8. Fredfred

    Sadly, everyone seems argue with me on this one. I bet if they took out C4, the crying would be worse than pre-nerfed Striker, Vulcan-harasser, Zoe max, Hacksaw max all combined. Because players can't play very well with out it.
    It appears to counter everything but air crafts. C4 is the easy certs, very easy to use and costs almost nothing.
  9. Alarox

    1.) How is C4 easy certs, but a tank and a MAX aren't?
    2.) Likewise, how is C4 easy to use by comparison?
    3.) How is 100 resources/brick "almost nothing"? You can pull a MAX for 350 resources and be repeatedly revived while racking up massive killstreaks.

    Likewise with a tank (350-450 resources):

    Example A:

    Example B:

    Do the same thing with C4. And those aren't even with farming loadouts.

    I have over 10 days played in tanks and an auraxium medal with C4. I know exactly what it is like on both ends of C4. In all that experience I've come to the conclusion that C4 is fine.
  10. Pikachu

    I should also mention vehicle damage against infantry for allies and enemies is f***** up beyond belief. Touching a team mate while driving 2kmh with a flash will often kill them. For enemies you have to run over them twice at high speed 98% of the time. Lightnings has completely broken hit detection for enemy road kill. You can drive straight through them several times and they don't take damage. Same thing with sunderers but not as often.
  11. Fredfred

    C4 is the easy and cheap, pure and simple.
    You show me stats while you are in your tank, as if, C4 is only used for AV or Anti-max. It isn't, it is used for virtually everything in the game. I am all for making players decide if they want a AV type C4 (almost no blast radius but does the same damage to tanks) or HE (only affects infantry with a larger explosion radius).
    C4 also has a HUGE convenience factor, you can have it with you at all times, 4 classes can equip it,
  12. tf2hero

    hell eaven the NC will like that
  13. Alarox

    How much experience do you even have with C4?

    (As an aside, how is killing a few people with C4 overpowered when it takes multiple seconds to place and detonate during which you are defenseless, and how it costs a massive 100 resources/brick, and how those people will likely be revived immediately after anyway?)
  14. Fredfred

  15. Dethfield

    Lack of ammunition selection

    Why is it that in an age where we have nanites, shields and hover tanks, i cannot bring both AP and HE rounds with my tank? Have to strictly choose between the two (three) is quite the pain. I would also like to have a coaxial MG, but ill settle for selectable ammunition at this point. Right now this is one of the reasons tanks are in a wierd spot in the grand scheme of things.
    • Up x 2
  16. Fredfred

    How so?
  17. CptFirelord

    Every TR 'empire specific dakka' weapon is underperforming at its role (with the exception of the CRAP-M1, this being due to its only usable range as mid-range, and even then it's worse than a Commissioner).
  18. Ransurian

    The Vanguard's shield shouldn't have such a high damage threshold. It's simply far too powerful for a utility slot, and it has no drawbacks. Alternatively, it shouldn't completely stop damage, but should resist it for a set period of time. The Vanguard in general should be buffed up a little to compensate for its shield nerf. Overall, it's an overpowered gimmick on a somewhat mediocre tank.

    The Striker is hilariously, indisputably bad.

    The Vulcan is hilariously, indisputably bad, albeit with the narrow exception of its uncommon use on suicidal Prowlers under ideal conditions.

    The Marauder and C85 Canister are both severely underperforming in comparison to the Proton II PPA. Both need a range buff, and the Marauder could use a buff to its direct damage. Otherwise, there's no reason not to use the Kobalt for pure AI.

    AV mana turrets? Enough said.
  19. GantryPengy380

    No duh. If you could think of something less obvious I'd have a longer response.
  20. Bruhja

    hmm.. let see this is my opinion, but....

    1# semi auto sniper rifles seem to easy to rail with up close, a weapon of that length should be much more difficult to wield.

    2# smgs feel too much like an instagib on the receiving end, simple fix add COF bloom/bounce on ads when taking hits from enemy fire. This would make Infils be less of a hot engagement class and have to be a lot more cunning. basically if the infil is up close and fires first on a light assault its over. If falling 1 inch throws my ADS/COF off then taking a hit from a rifle round would surely do more. the amount of damage should directly correlate to flinch mechanics, this will force people think before they act.

    3# pistols up close have way too much knockdown power, I mean seriously I can get taken out with 3 hits from one but it takes 5 LMG or 7 carbine rounds for the same result.

    The COF bloom while taking hits was in the original planetside and effected some weapons more than others and made you plan your attack out more than COD running around spamming.