Higby Tweet - Nerfing Phoenix Damage

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by IntergalacticYoghurt, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Herby20

    You haven't seen an organized platoon use it then, especially when a location has nothing but empty fields around it. I have seen several situations where the phoenix has made it quite literally impossible to attack a location, because you can't get within 100m of them. It's anti-infantry is incredibly broken right now.
  2. Armchair

    Organized platoons will kick the stuffing out of anything by using anything. It's hardly a phoenix specific issue.
  3. Ev3ntHorizon

    If you jack up the mouse DPI you can steer it much faster, as ive stated before i can weave it through trees, drop it in to steep troughs, ground skim from a climb and follow the contour of a rock feature almost 100deg around, ive even fown it through doors and down corridors

    If the AV buff is anythgin but a marginal inceas no MBT will be safe and deployed sunders are bye bye... let the new wave of moaning begin
  4. MasterTater

    • NC PHOENIX received what you asked for - rebalance against infantry (no onceshot anymore) and buff against vehicles (massive buff)
    • VS LANCER received ... oh wow ... faster bullet travel with the same lame dmg against all infantry and vehicles - still completely useless.
    => another proof how prejudiced and opportunistic the Game Devs favour their NC faction which most of them play.

    Hilariously laughable. :confused:
  5. Herby20

    I understand that, but it is quite different in practically every other scenario. Why is that? It is because the phoenix can be launched from far ranges and behind cover. A sniper, even at far ranges, still has to expose himself to the enemy to get the OHK. A heavy with a phoenix does not. Even a high flying Liberator can be shot down.
  6. Vicini

    God forbid anyone wears flak armor to protect against getting one shot. Why after all the AOE nerfs to explosives do we still have this armor upgrade if there is less and less use for it?
  7. Naithe

    Flak armor doesn't save you from direct hits. (it only mitigates the indirect damage portion)
  8. SgtBreastroker

    Blame the community.
    • Up x 1
  9. Armchair

    300m is not a far range.
  10. Mumnoch

    On Waterson for the last month Indar has been neutral. Once the Phonix got it's buff vs armor NC took Indar...the same freaking day. On Waterson NC already rules the roost (as every other server cept the Aussie one if you look @ server stats), they are holding Indar np and Amerish and I think it's because of this rocket (and their insane dmg with all their other weapons). Being able to mass snipe everything on the ground from 100% safety is destroying this game. Guided rockets allowing the person to shoot from 100% safety shouldn't have ever been introduced to this game, and it just show's which faction is without a doubt the developers favorite.

    Let's recap:

    Close Range:
    NC > TR > Vanu

    Medium Range:
    NC > TR > Vanu

    Long Range (after this rocket has been released):
    NC > Vanu > TR
  11. kisven

    flak armor has stopped me from being oneshotted by dumbfire that has to be direct hit we also tested if it stopped being instagibed by sticky nades. it does protect o=you from direct hits.
  12. Armchair

    Yeah, the phoenix nerf was totally the reason we took indar. It had nothing to do with indar population looking like: 56% NC , 20% VS , and 23% TR ;)

    Perhaps we wouldn't have taken it the other factions would have contested us.
  13. Mumnoch

    I was there for for it, we tried to "contest" the NC. What happened was every base was bombarded by these missiles, destroying any turrents from safety/destroying sundies/tanks without pause. You guys steadily pushed numerous platoon's from base to base in a steady retreat and we couldn't combat the ease that you guys destroyed the AA turrents/sniped the AA maxes with these missiles while laying suppression of your own with air. The total dmg capability of 6 HA's with these rocket's and a engineer is staggering against anything in the field. That was why you took Indar, not the population size advantage which NC has daily on any of the continents.

    Whatever continent NC decides to try and take you guys always have 50%+ if not 60%+ compared to 30-40% TR and 20-40% Vanu. To downplay the importance those rockets played in taking a zone you haven't been able to take in a month is foolish. Stop being a fool.
  14. Jump Jets

    But I'm sure the Inter-Outfit organization and attempt at a triple cap had nothing to do with it.
    I have not see that kind of teamwork on such a scale since before the merger.

    The Phoenix is not the reason, a helpfull tool yes but not the reason.

    Daily pop always NC? You must only play at a particular time of day and not for that long or not look after you log in b/c,
    If you did you would realize that the Higher Pop faction switches between NC and TR through out the day and night.
    If anyone is being foolish it would be you my friend
  15. drNovikov

    Well, this is not true. Not "the same freaking day", and not because of the Phoenix. It's all about coordination between outfits and large outfit actions.

    VS took neutral Indar before (we neutralized it again). OMG! VS are overpowered! Nerf! Nerf!!!

    Also, TR and VS are so used to farm spawnrooms in their tanks, that thwy just forgot how to fight.

    Quit whining. You are not going to cry for another nerf. L2P.

    We liberated Indar. Deal with it.
  16. Mumnoch

    It does switch between NC and TR throughout the day and night, however NC during Prime TIme has almost always had the majority, especially on any continent they wish to take from what I've seen. Sure it might have something to do with inter-outfit organization for the NC taking Indar @ the end of Prime time play the same day the Phoenix was released, but do you honestly believe that the Vanu and TR didn't have inter-outfit organization of their own? Typical night during prime time usually show's 2 of the 3 continents with roughtly equal population and 1 continent with NC having a distinct population advantage. This has been true for the majority of the days since I started playing this game (few months now).

    As far as the Phoenix being a "helpful" tool but not the reason, name 1 item that can be spawned for no resource cost that can kill anything in the game with only the default ammo supply? Not to mention a engineer's ammo pouch can resupply endlessly, and this item can be fired around corners, from inside rooms, from behind rocks, and controlled to it's target even if that target is sprinting across a field in a zig-zag pattern.

    I'll give you a hint, it's called the Phoenix.