@higby, can you post THIS metric?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChaoticRegiement, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. ShayeUK

    Currently, infantry are more of a problem than tanks. With the introduction of AV turrets its only getting worse, why spend certs on AP when the default gun for prowler is the best for the task? ie. Infantry > Tanks.

    Prowler is a glass cannon and hopeless against infantry, not speccing AP is more of a need than a want.
  2. Kurohagane

    Sigh. Did you really need to mention another language? That just shows how arrogant you are. I'm nitpicking on this because i myself know french, japanese, polish and english, and trust me - languages aren't that much to brag about. Everyone in the world knows at least one language. People will respond negatively to such bragging.

    No, it was not demanding. It consisted of the definition of "to lynch" and a correcting note. Nothing negative. Besides, you responded acknowledging your mistake so you most likely did not know the meaning, i assume.

    Just, no need to get angry man. Let's calm down.
  3. Xasapis

    All tanks are currently getting owned by infantry. Of course some people will be crying how underpowered lock on missiles are while the people that know how to play will bunch up, coordinate hits and one-coordinated-shot hit any vehicle, ground or air clearing hexes around them.

    A coordinated squad can and does kill one vehicle every 3 seconds.
  4. Flix

    Intresting..then on what do they base their data? On standard uncerted heat-magriders winning against he-prowlers? I hope so because he aint a weapon against tanks.

    Shure..and it has absolutly nothing to do with the fakt that prowlers murder infantry. And with HE it doesnt even need them to aim properly. Nooo..its because they lost against magriders. hmh. Keep telling yourself that. By the way ESF use rockedpods because they loose against other esf in airbattles.

    But yeah I agree. I would like to see the rest of the statistics not only the k/d-statistics.
  5. KRE8R125

    It's probably not but I just get very very irritated because more often than not (especially on this forum) people will break down every minute detail of the game and then cry "NERF NERF NERF" or whatever will help improve their odds of winning. Sorry if I seem like a downer but gaming never used to be like this. It never seemed like these sort of things were a major issue back in the day. :sigh: Maybe I'm getting old.....
  6. Disparu

    He may post this info, he'll just have to go away and check that it doesnt disprove his opinion with fact. If he posted this he might be endanger of taking into account statistics of genuine relevance to balance and we can't have that...

    Matthew Higby@mhigby
    Important life lesson: most people can't accept facts which disagree with their opinion.

    His solution? Don't look at said facts, post ones that support opinion with no actual significance.
    • Up x 1
  7. Mrasap

    Because to me it seems that every thread trying to start an honest discussion gets stomped by whining trolls.
  8. Bambolero

    I don't want Higby to waste even a second more talking to buthurt Vanu.
    His time is much more needed for dealing with the real problems in this game.
  9. Naturaliensammler

    Like it will get Metagame or Anticheat anytime soon... lol.

    So you mean more SC cashgrabs will solve the problems of this game? Because that is what they are working on.
    Because those new SMGs and the customization items really gonna solve nearly every problem we have in PS2!
  10. Sifer2

    I don't why you would use HE when Flak armor negates it so heavily. Use Heat so you wont be useless when a vehicle comes along. If you ask me neither HE or AP have been worth it since beta. The differences are just so minor, and Heat does almost as good at both.
  11. Naturaliensammler

    As a TR? Sure!
    HEAT rocks!

    As a NC or VS its not that easy. The splash radius is rather small and we fire slowly and not two rounds shortly after each other.
  12. Squirreli

    I'm mainly a TR player and thus have limited experience with NC and VS, but I'd have to agree here. Right now, the Prowler HEAT is almost as good as HE in infantry farming, as it is really easy to double-tap with the cannon. The projectile goes faster than before and thus drops less, and the turret now resets better after the 1st shot.... Now the Prowler HEAT is on the same level as others when it comes to MBT vs MBT, but our infantry farming ability is clearly superior and needs a nerf.
  13. Zaik


    "No, i won't do requests."
  14. Cyridius

    I only run AP on my Prowler, and so do most people I know who use them. The only time I don't is when I see a massive farm potential and I run HE.
  15. Squirreli

    Curious. Are the AP rounds really so much better vs vehicles that they make up for the lost anti-infantry potential? I have always thought them a bit too niche and so haven't really given them a try...
  16. Cyridius

    Thing about Prowlers is that they themselves are a niche vehicle. For you to be effective as an anti-tank vehicle you need to be well certed into things like deploy, zoom, and ammo capacity, and you have to hang back behind the main push. The Prowler is pure useless otherwise. HE requires none of that.

    It's not that AP can't make up for the HE's killing power - it does - but it's simply cheaper and easier to run HE.
  17. LameFox

    Why would people equip full AP when they largely face infantry, and can much more easily avoid enemy tanks? The only reason I've ever run AP/Vulcan was because I was in parts of the map where I can avoid infantry (flat open areas), I knew the enemy had tanks around, and killing them is more fun.

    Most of the time it would just be dedicating myself to targets I see less of, less often, and could as well go around.
  18. Cyridius

    Tank zergs are still very prevailent in this game, and more often than not the best way to answer that is a handful of co-ordinated Prowlers in well positioned areas, especially now Annihilators are useless.

    And it's alot easier than you think to snipe infantry with the cannons once you realise how it fires and are practiced at it.
  19. Koadster

    lol the Prowler HE myth again. Unless your a nub wanting to farm certs you dont run HE.

    HEAT has just as good splash and inf killing abilities but you got the extra dmg vs tanks.

    HEAT > HE/AP. The gain from killing armor better is a **** when you see infantry same as HE vs armor... HEAT gives best of both worlds and equip your 2nd gun to particular tasks such as Vulcan as AT or Kolbat/marauder as AP
  20. LameFox

    I tend to just pick people off the fringes of a zerg without even trying to stop it. Eventually it fizzles away and we recap whatever we lost. If there was actually some reason to do anything else, then maybe, but I can just ignore them.

    Sniping infantry for kills isn't what I'm talking about. If I'm able to comfortably deploy and pick them off the cannons might as well be actual sniper rifles, but more often I'm going back and forth to avoid missiles, and the cannons trying to adjust automatically to converge at the crosshair screws with my aim something tremendous. I can fire, see the shot misses by so much, adjust for it, but now my crosshair is over a new object, and the gun adjusts itself to hit that instead. Which is of course precisely what I don't want it to do, because I just did that manually. It's mildly annoying on most tanks, but with two barrels and an even greater offset, the prowler is great at creating gaps where it can't shoot unless I move (by which time this guy has fired his missile or whatever and moved anyway). Better still, firing once and reloading to eliminate that extra variable leaves me with the cannon most distant to the point I'm aiming from.

    All in all, if I'm shooting at infantry who are dangerous to begin with, I find AP more irritation than it's worth.