@higby, can you post THIS metric?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChaoticRegiement, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. ChaoticRegiement

    Hey guys, I just wanted to see if higby would post these metrics,

    1) The Amount of HE/Heat/AP MBT's pulled in a said hour (per faction ofc).

    2) The KDR of MBT's compared to the others when only specced using AP Rounds.

    Why? My outfit runs AP tanks... And when we do, its to kill HE prowlers. I've yet to see a prowler spec AP in my ENTIRE game history and frequently see them shelling into infantry and ignoring tanks altogether.
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  2. GTGD

    Even if they were to provide you with the data you asked for, it wouldn't matter because the amount of people running AP rounds is so tiny.
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  3. ChaoticRegiement

    Agreed, but it will be some indication, if the prowler is specced for HE, then it should expect to lose vs tanks with entirely anti-armour set-ups.

    Please note that it can be gathered across all servers.... and if the metric shows nobody is using AP, it then also leaves us the question... WHY
  4. CrashB111

    Who runs HE? HEAT or ****.
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  5. wowie

    I ran HE/Saron before GU2 and I still do after. In fact, I still think it's one of the most common mag setups.
    *waits for lynch mob to break down my front door*
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  6. ChaoticRegiement

    *grabs the lyncher* :p
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  7. wowie

    tr.v. lynched, lynch·ing, lynch·es
    To punish (a person) without legal process or authority, especially by hanging, for a perceived offense or as an act of bigotry.

    (Not a NOUN. Get it right!)
  8. Pat Cleburne

    You know why? Because prowler drivers spent 3 months with a tank that was WORTHLESS against tanks. Meanwhile the magrider was incredibly OP against it. Randoms don't just change play styles in a week.

    PS, I run an Anti-Armor prowler. So, we do exist.
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  9. riker

    nerd rage lol

    i do agree tho
  10. ChaoticRegiement

    Apologies! English is not my first language, and thus I may misunderstand or misinterpret concepts or ideas. Tell you what, you go live in greece for 4 years and then come type here in perfect grammatical and semantically valid sentences, or hell even mandarin or korean.

    Considering I speak multiple languages fluently and that English is NOT a main language i ask you to keep your grammar ****(ing) to yourselves, unless of course, you which to discuss this in say? Cantonese?
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  11. Isila

    SOE's data shows Magrider clearly dominating everything pre-GU02, MUCH closer in-line post-GU02. Nothing to see here folks, just more Vanu reprobates desperately trying to defend the old swagrider.
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  12. ChaoticRegiement

    Actually, its a matter of curiosity.... I don't even pull the "swag" rider, main played class is Heavy, then Medic, LA, Infil, Max and then finally engie... so yeah...

    I'm curious..... while the mag rider is part of my faction, it doesn't mean I'm a swag rider fan boy.
  13. KRE8R125

  14. wowie

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  15. Xae

    Does how you equip yourself for a task effect how well something performs at that task?

    I would hope so.

    I mean if I'm going tank hunting on an Engineer with Anti-Personnel mines, a shotgun and the AI Mana turret I would hope it would be less effective than packing a smoke launcher (for cover), AT mines and the AV turret.
  16. KRE8R125

    Sorry. I cannot help myself when I read whining threads like these.
  17. Kaon1311

    With all the lock ons and the Engy AV turrets, why would anyone run with AP rounds? Infantry is now more of a problem than other armour, for all factions, (due to the fact you cant close the gap to get shots in, due to MBTS now sitting behind Infantry). So if you run with AP instead of HEAT your pretty much gimping yourself.
    Pre GU2 (my observation anyway) a very small minority of Prowlers and Vanguards ran with AP due to the fact that trying to hit a magrider was a pita, so stayed with HEAT or went HE to farm infantry.
    I run a prowler with HEAT and a Vulcan and irSmoke so good all round tank imho.
  18. Xasapis

    While the HEAT is an all rounder turret, the main threat vs armor at this particular time period is infantry. If we did have stats in the game, I can bet that the vast majority of vehicles do not kill each other, but are rather killed by infantry. Having the best weapon to deal with the highest threat makes sense. Having the best MBT for the job (prowler) also helps a lot.
  19. Mrasap

    Just out of curiosity, how is this a whining thread? The OP is only asking for more metrics, not to have changes made to the game.
  20. AquaKiller

    AP Vanguard > AP Prowler. Unless Prowler gets the first hits or caughts you offguard.