Higby Asks : Balance Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Golconda

    You never used mcg, dont you?
    You can't compare weapons only watching at their damage and rpm, the mcg has a stagnant cof that is BIGGER than opponent model even at the distance of 10 meters. This makes the gun miss some shot even at that distance, even if you aim perfectly, even from the first bullet you fire.
    The brrt makes the gun more powerful but it doesn't do anything for the users that roll extended mags, so I'm suggesting to give more bullets to who rolls it, and keep the actual ammo profile for the brrt version.
    The mcg buff was like if they added an advanced forward grip to the lasher because it dealt to few damage, what would be the point of it? Lasher is meant to be spammed, pmuch like the mcg.

    Pmuch every review of the gun agrees on a buff to the gun's ammo profile, I discussed the stuff in this thread:
  2. AlterEgo

    - Buff Magrider. Increase speed to 70, and strafe retains 90% of cruising speed. Gun has drop off, but VERY little gravity drop. Reloads more rapidly. Decrease armor resistance by 10% to all sides, but make the whole tank smaller.
    - Buffs to audio. Terran and VS guns sound too boring compared to the TATATATATATATATA sounds NC guns make.
    - Buffs to AMP and MagScat. The Spiker (which became my favorite VS pistol with charged shot) got one, so why not these two?
    - Revamp Orion. It is a Terran gun disguised as frozen fish.
    - Reduce fire rate of all 845-800 VS guns to 769 and 723, respectively.
    - Increase accuracy of these weapons by 15%.
    - Reduce fire rate of GD7 to 750. Keep damage. INCREASE recoil tremendously.
    - Buff Striker. Increase damage to 250 OR increase magazine size to seven-eight.
    - Ravens are too effective versus infantry. They are getting nerfed, but instead of doing that, make the Ravens a rail gun for the MAX. Massive damage, velocity, and reload, but very little splash.
    - Banshees are STUPID. I say, increase magazine size by 20%, but decrease accuracy and damage by 15% for the former and 10% for the latter.
    - Phaseshift needs a charged shot buff. When you charge the gun, it deals 625 damage instead of 550, and velocity is increased by 400 m/s. Therefore, increase the amount of time needed to reach the third charge tier. OR, just make it so that it can be charged while cloaked.
    - Bring back no-drop VS slugs. This time, just reduce velocity by 100.
    - The Terran gun with 100 rounds and fires at a rate of 652 rounds per minute (the Rhino, I believe) needs a revamp. Make it a super-TORQ, without the quick reloads that belong to the VS.
    - Increase GodSaw's damage to 240 and velocity by 200. Reduce RoF by 30 rounds. Bring back USEFUL attachments.
    - Make the Butcher belt-fed. Increase RoF by 150, keep accuracy and recoil the same. Decrease the damage to 134 and velocity by 90. Bring back USEFUL attachments.
    - Betelgeuse= Orion (bad thing). Decrease RoF by 100, velocity by 40, and decrease damage drop off (125 at 70 meters). Make it AMAZINGLY controllable and accurate.
    - Buff Prowler's speed by 100 km/h. That would be hilarious.
    - Buff Vanguard's armor by 10% to the front. Decrease resistance to the back by 5% and speed by 15 km/h.
    - Make the Engineer's repair tool hack into terminals and allow it to destroy C4 as well as all mines (pretty much anything explosive).
    - Once revived, a MAX becomes a normal infantryman with double the shields but a quarter of the health.

    That's it. Plus, make the factions more unique in any way. PLEASE.