Higby Answers Questions and Talks About Upcoming Balance Adjustments

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WyrdHarper, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Pondera

    I have to say, I'm really concerned about what the official action is going to be about the overpopulation issue. The OP here said that the resource system has some way of benefitting underpopped empires by divining the resources between the player count? Well, that's just great. I'm already constantly constrained by resources....save for the Aerospace stuff. That seems to just be extremely over saturated.

    But honestly, will such a thing help? Against an overpopulated empire, they already have pulled their tanks and aircraft and aren't facing any deaths. So they aren't engaging in a resource draw. I can see it annoying unlucky individuals who get C4 dropped on them from drifters they never saw, or hit a tank mine, but that's about it. There's also the fact that ESFs drop like flies by design anyway.

    And time and again, I've seen people suggesting a lock-out of log-ins on overpopped empires. Mark my words, you will lose a big chunk of your playerbase with that decision. Including me. Sorry to take such a selfish sounding opinion, but if the game refuses to let me play Vanu, a character that I've put alot of time, effort, and real world money into, just to make things "fair", then I've got better things to do. Like do that let's play of XCOM: Enemy Within I've been meaning to record.
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  2. HadesR

    It might .. Since the resources will become common pool rather than Air / Inf / Ground and every resupply will draw from the bases pool.. So while you maybe able to pull a tank zerg to reach a biolab , once there the zerg has very limited resources in which to pull Max's, or us C4, nades, etc ( Which will not be pre-stocked like now 40/40 )..

    How it works in practice is another matter entirely though .. It could be a great addition or a chore of players sitting in friendly bases waiting for it's power to recharge in order to resupply ..
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  3. Pondera

    Well, at least we can enjoy how things work for this month without our status quo being "adjusted" by devs. My confidence level in their abilities.... if you claimed I was "petrified with fear" for my favorite game, I'd say you were putting it mildly.

    I mean, look at the ZOE nerf. That happened in December, and they're not going to fix it until April. I'm going to be able to graduate college, get a job in the field I studied for, and buy a car before they get around to fixing what they broke in the first place. If they break anything else, we'll be dealing with it for months.

    I'd really rather not see that happen. Call me crazy, but when it comes to this game, I've grown sort of attached.
  4. BengalTiger

    Isn't that the whole point?

    HE tanks need AP tanks to defend them from enemy ground vehicles and AA vehicles to defend them from planes, perhaps ask some buddies to fly CAP and SEAD while you fly CAS if you're worried about counters?
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  5. Admiralty

    I just hope the Vulcan on both vehicles, Striker and Lockdown are getting rebalanced.
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  6. ZeroErrorz

    ok maybe that isnt the problem, im sorry if im blaming the a2a of being too good,but my problem is that the overall feel is just kind of clunkier after the hover nerf (the main issue of the problem), instead of making a2g esf having worse manueverbility why didnt they just buff the amount of afterburner afterburner secondaries user have in a big margin ,infantry side wont have problem since not having rocketpod already make them innefiecent for a2g job (some speed limit needed for AI nosegun usage thought),at the same time making them better than any air vehicle in an aerial engagement since that what their supposed to be good at , and really any nerf to esf speed/manueverbility is like nerfing armor on tanks, i say that because esf relied on that for their survivalbility, if i got shot by dalton i wont whine since i know this thing isnt made to take hit.
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  7. p10k56

    So in April we will get nice April joke?
    Instead of balance SOE create another wave of forum ranting and QQ:)
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  8. sindz

    Not glad about the harasser buff, I think its in a great place atm - before it was straight up better than any tank.

    Also striker buff - Time to only play vs NC or make my TR char my main since I can't be arsed not to fly vs TR for 6-9months again.
  9. Phazaar

    Fear not, he's talking about it in its pre-nerf state - read again :)
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  10. St0mpy

    Higby said it- nothing for now then in June (which may suffer from slippage, lets say August) some kind of resource pool biassing to allow the underpopped to drink deeper from it.

    Now the IMO bit, ive yet to see a strong connection between resources and winning/losing a base. Sure its damn inconvenient if you go to pull C4 and you cant, and ultimately if you are attacking a base you pull from the previous one so its going to run out for other reasons than how much we all get to dip in a local pool but unless they are to resource cap bullets then its only a part of the equation.

    We can only hope these will be addressed in the faction balance pass.

    Theres nothing faction specific about a weapon worse than its NS counterpart (fury being far better than marauder, with halberd over vulcan).
  11. Pacster

    Unless they are NC of course...cause then they got a vanguard which is raking in about as many ESF-kills as dedicated AAs.
  12. JudgeDeath

    So next patch is gonna be TR time ?

    Harassers gonna rule the ground again and strikers gonna wipe the sky clear while competing with harassers on the poor helpless vehicle kills.

    Lockdown will provide the TR max with the ability to fire 4 guns and receive 50% armor increase while ZOE glow has been added By 20%.

    It will be just another day on auraxis.
  13. Hiding in VR

    So let me get this straight: They used the wobbly off-centre sight scope while moving to give you an indication of your current level of inaccuracy and because people found that confusing, they decided to remove ADS while jumping?

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  14. Cinnamon

    MAX lockdown is a lost cause. I would be surprised if many people at all care about it enough to want changes. They should spend their mental energy somewhere else. Naturally VS just want ZOE to be really OP again for obvious reasons. If I was in the mind for bargaining and balancing those abilites I would say leave ZOE as it is in exchange for removing lockdown and aegis from the game.
  15. Kanil

    So they removed a good mechanic (jumping while ADS) to fix an idiotic mechanic (ADS not lined up with camera) instead of... just removing the idiotic mechanic?

    SOE logic.
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  16. TheBloodEagle

    Why can't we have a modern game where bullets come from the actual barrel of the gun.
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  17. WorldOfForms

    You have literally nothing to worry about. The devs would NEVER lock people out of empires. Anyone suggesting otherwise has zero understanding of the most basic principles of business.

    If you want evidence, just know the PS1 ran for ten years and had its own population problems and they never locked players out of a faction. But you shouldn't need evidence because it's plainly clear from a business standpoint that locking players out will never, ever happen. Ever.
  18. PlatoonLeaderG

    I really dont want buffs from the striker,i just want it to be fun to use.If they just change some numbers just to make it stronger i will be very mad!
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  19. VoidMagic

    The OLD STRIKER, single handedly gave TR air control. Alot of the problem TR has today, stems from the fact that both VS and NC learned to FIGHT for air control, while TR only had to look up and spam button to win. Pilot skill is a resource each faction must covet, control, and promote, NC and VS have been forced to... TR needs a little catchup time. The striker is why.

    Not that there aren't talented TR pilots... there's just a skill gap overall population wise...
  20. TheBlazing

    Lolwut? Are you guys insane? When you jumped or used a jump pad before the nerf the crosshairs moved around like crazy, no one would ever expect the bullets to follow the crosshairs in that case. Do you really think we are that stupid? Yes, offset while strafing was r3tarded but while jumping it was pretty obvious that you couldn't get good accuracy even when ADSing.
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