Higby acknowledges that weapon balancing is done by TR and VS only

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Phazaar, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. Curse_Gamerkin

    "and so on" as i dont know the names of the other guns maybe? but ive tried the medic and engineer and they had very low recoil, it was easy to get all my shots into center of a target.
  2. LordMondando

    I don't think your argument has empirical basis, sir.

    Mine does.

    Ergo. There are strong independent grounds to favour mine over yours.

    I suggest you actually try playing the game with the NC1 Gauss Rifle, I think you'll find its high recoil and Low RoF make it pointless in anything under 100 meters. Its good for taking random potshots at distance, nothing more.

    As I noted, the AF-19 Mercenary is ok, however there is no reason to favor it over the GD-7f in CQC situations (60% of combat) or the AX-11 in 'distance' (40% of combat).

    The best you can say about any of the stock guns for NC is there are 'okish or heavily specalised, even then you have to invest a fair bit of certs into foregrib, and such'.

    1x sight, most (by which I mean, Trac, Cycler and Carv) TR guns are as good as anything else CQC. Their high RoF, large clip size and the games flinch mechanics are the reason for this. This is beyond the point of being a debatable proposition, its a statement of fact.

    As i've said, the TR's persecution complex is lulzy, you have arguably the best infantry equipment in game. Your tank is fairly neiche, but your maxes are the best AI above 20 meters, your Mozzie is easily the best CAS fighter in game due to its speed.

    Its almost as if, because you loose sometimes there must be a balance issue.
  3. Phyr

    And you wonder why Devs never tell us anything.
  4. GImofoJoe

    Upcoming buff to Jackhammer only? The MCG and Lasher doesn't worth a review???

    MCG has 800rpm only 50 more than 750rpm of the T9 carv, along with .75 pre spin and worse accuracy.
  5. Curse_Gamerkin

    you have bad guns, so do TR. both factions avoid them, and where is this ESF stuff from? ive flown reavers stock and taken fown upgraded mossys and scythes. i can care less about ESFs, and NC will defend to theyre last breathe the NC max saying its only effective at X range, but with slugs can do far better. In every situation between the 2 maxs, TR and VS are rushed face first, Mercies miss almost every shot especially close range. Where as a NC max walks in every must stay a distance, They kill so easily that every squad of NC theres 3 Scatter maxes. me and my outfit have been running into level 5s running with double scatters all week.
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  6. hansgrosse

    My KDR is currently 1.29, and my primary infantry weapon is the NC medic's default rifle whose only modification is a 100-cert laser sight. That rifle is beastly and I prefer it in every single way to my NS-11. In fact, all the NC default guns are great. Yes, even the Gauss SAW, which happens to be my favorite NC LMG (Compensator and forward grip?).

    I play NC as my main, and trust me, their weapons are fine. The only real "problem" with them, if you can call it that, is that you can't expect to win a firefight at range by holding down the LMB until the gun goes *click*.

    Semi at long range, 3 to 5 round burst at medium, and open up in close quarters combat. This is how you win at NC guns.
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  7. HyperMatrix

    I am so looking forward to a Jackhammer buff. Hadn't heard about it. Jackhammer and Hacksaw are the only reasons I made an NC toon (my main is Vanu). Jackhammer turned out to be utter garbage and a joke of a weapon. I think the Gauss SAW is good for its purpose of a 100 clip gun. I didn't the NC version of the Orion was as good though, imo. Might be just because I'm used to playing VS but something about it just felt "off" compared to the VS version.
  8. MrK

    No worry, Lasher and MCG are also getting checked, they apparently can't push the changes on them for the next update though.
    But they have listed the intended changes for these weapons too.
    On top of my head, they are going to change the spin-up mecanism on MCG so that it doesn't "do nothing" until spin-up time has passed, but make MCG shoot immediatly, just slower, and accelerate to its max RPM during the spin-up time. something along these lines, on top of other changes.
  9. Sharpe

    Just read this thread and I literally cannot believe you people don't understand he's joking.

    It's not possible so many of you actually took that seriously... boggles the mind.
    There are no words...

    Then again you people must be the same ones asking A and B to be nerfed cuz its overpowered.

    Stupidity explained.
  10. HyperMatrix

    I am so looking forward to a Jackhammer buff. Hadn't heard about it. Jackhammer and Hacksaw are the only reasons I made an NC toon (my main is Vanu). Jackhammer turned out to be utter garbage and a joke of a weapon. I think the Gauss SAW is good for its purpose of a 100 clip gun. I didn't the NC version of the Orion was as good though, imo. Might be just because I'm used to playing VS but something about it just felt "off" compared to the VS version.
  11. }{ellKnight

    Sounds like sarcasm to me.
  12. Slyguy65

    Ya so that is why they shafted TR on RoF...gimme a break you NC whiners NOTHING is wrong with your guns, the issue is they gave vanu the RoF of the F'king TR, If they lowered that, you wouldn't feel so UP
  13. HannaDest

    Uh I am TR you know.....
  14. Linedan

    If there was somebody with NC experience on the weapon tuning team, they would've been able to walk over to whoever suggested implementing the Gauss SAW as the starter NC LMG and ****-slap them upside the head repeatedly.

    Yes, the SAW is a decent long-medium range weapon once you cert it. Out of the box with 0 certs invested, it's something my cat leaves in his litterbox. The EM6 should be the NC starter LMG because it is similar to the SAW, doesn't have the phenomenal damage, but is a bit easier to handle and better as an all-around weapon. It's still no Orion or CARV, but it's closer and still shows the NC tradeoff between stopping power and accuracy/ease of handling/ROF/COF.
  15. LordMondando

    Simply pointing out that as a whole TR has a fairly well stocked deck of cards.

    Your entire argument (which you now appear to be back tracking from) was originally that Both VS and NC fraction edges but poor wiwil TR had none.
  16. TomaHawk

    That's great, but it's not proof that NC weapons are unbalanced against their counterparts. In fact, I'd like to know why only an NC Scatter Max presses his mouse button ONCE and I am dead, whereas a TR or VS max has to actually work a little to kill anyone. An NC with a shotgun, like my TR Nighthawk variant, does the just the same in close quarters, it appears to perform no different than mine. As TR, I can barely stand the stock HA rifle, and even the TMG 50 (aftermarket) with front grip and mag upgrades is still hardly used except for mid range open fights. Otherwise, I have to rely on my shotgun for the rest of my play. I still see accuracy and dps issues with TR rifles so I rarely use them. If Higby is right and all that tuning is done by "TR guys", then why are they not that great?

    Perhaps, if Higby added to his tweet that NC weapons were far from copies of their opposing factions, that would make your claim more conclusive. What if NC weapons, despite "tuning guys being only VS And TR" are copied from TR/VS tuning? In that case, it would make Higby's words just inflammatory and conducive to getting NC folks angry, and prove nothing else.
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  17. {joer

    Exactly, don't confuse this with "Guy with a bias for TR" more like "guy who looks at TR weapons and nerfs them to crap".

    Exactly I've switch to shotguns on my TR to stay "even" but have no need on my VS or NC.
  18. Curse_Gamerkin

    Both having bad guns doesnt mean that TR doesnt get the bad end of the stick. Your guns just suck less.
  19. Phazaar

    No idea what game you're playing, but I'd love to see why the Mossie + Scythe don't completely decimate the Reaver in A2G... Damage is vastly outweighed by aim (as the indirect damage is so low now), and that's far easier with maneuverability, as is running away, avoiding incoming fire, and HOVERING (which the Reaver cannot do, even with a maxed hover frame)...

    I'd also love to see in what world the Vanguard is better than the Magrider at anything?

    We have a lower time to kill on enemy tanks than both the stock Maggie and the Maggie + Saron combo (Saron=best weapon in game, after all), and most importantly, during that battle, we've taken every single hit from the enemy, whereas the Magrider has taken 0 at significant range, 1-2 at medium range, and boosted straight past you in close range...

    Anyway, the rest of your points are a great rebuttal :)
  20. LordMondando

    TR doesn't have the bad end of the stick. You have at least 3/4 good stock guns. Nc have at best 1/4, at a push 2/4, though given how situational the guass saw is..

    The only thing the NC has that you can really write home about, is the hacky max, even then.. your talking about a an advantage that only really works in a biolab.