Heyoka Bloodworks For 48+ Hours Straight Was a Very Bad Idea

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    The entire time I've been on, both today and yesterday, Esamir and Indar have been locked, and Hossin is empty. Amerish never gets locked, nor do Esamir or Indar unlock, because every alert is a "pumpkin hunt" that doesn't lock a continent. Playing off-and-on for a period of around 12-16 hours each day, and Indar and Esamir have been locked 100% of the time, leaving everyone stuck on Amerish. Amerish inevitably just ends up locking everything into a permanent stalemate over Heyoka Bloodworks

    This is terrible for the state of this game. It's overall health cannot improve when everyone is stuck in the worst possible content that it has to offer, while Esamir and Indar (the best content) remains unavailable to the playerbase
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  2. Schizomatic

    Amerish needs more trees. So Scythes can crash into them. Mountains alone can't do the job.
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  3. FateJH

    Do you kow for certain that the continents have been locked this whole time or if they just gravitate to Amerish and Hossin at some point before you've logged in? Fortunately, they re-instated the 94% rule; so, with a lot of personal effort expended, you can go play in the snow and in the sand.

    Personal opinion.
    Personal opinion.
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  4. Predator01cz

    b-but.. I like Amerish
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  5. task_master

    wait, you complain about amerish stalemates and enjoy indar? wtf
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  6. t31os

    I'd rate those as the two worst. It's all a matter of perspective i guess.

    Do you favour driving vehicles per chance? (i'd agree with your choices for harasser runs, not much beyond that though)
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  7. Drasilov

    I cant stand Hossin and every damn time its either that or Esamir. Also, is the game so dead they have to force players onto less worlds just so they can have a halfway decent fight?
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  8. ronjahn

    They haven't been locked the entire time. I played on Indar last night while I was on from about 10PM EST - 2AM EST on Emerald Server.

    That said, I understand how OP feels. Indar is locked very frequently at this point.

    I also agree with OP and think that the Pumpkin Alerts are causing the continents that are available to play on to switch to infrequently. Probably an oversight, but after a month of playing this event the stagnant continent changes is making things a bit stale IMO.
  9. DatVanuMan

    Then you will be shot for your inexplicable opinions.
    Just kidding, Amerish isn't too bad. But I agree with the OP, Indar is crazy good:D
  10. EGuardian1

    Indarside is where it's at!

    Amerish is close IF you know the map decently well and you're not warp gated.

    Esamir is bleu nowadays, LA fun and games and too much Air dominance.

    Hossin is.... well I can't say it because last time I did my post got deleted :p But if you know me you know what i'm gonna say.

    I'd play on Indar and Amerish almost constantly if I could.
  11. t31os

    I wish SOE would just delete Indar already. :cool:

    Spent the first half of my PS2 life on Indar, it's like a well done steak when you've never eaten steak. It's all good because you don't know any better.. ;)

    It's all personal really... i'm just poking :p
  12. ScrapyardBob

    It's 100% the developer's fault for base designs. All single capture point bases have that flaw. Just stack enough defenders in the building and farm away.

    They should change it so that the two (or three?) satellite bases of Heyoka function as capture points and defender spawn rooms for the main tech plant. Give each satellite base a SCU protected by a SCU shield generator nearby so that attackers can take the spawn room away from the defenders (but do *not* give the attackers a spawn room just for flipping a point). Add an additional capture point inside the main tech plant facility so that there are a total of five capture points for Heyoka.

    Then to hold/take Heyoka, you have to hold 3/5 of the capture points. Either by taking both capture points inside the main facility plus one of the satellite bases, or by taking and holding all three satellite bases.

    That will spread the battle over about 1 square kilometer of terrain instead of 96+ vs 96+ all happening within a 30m by 30m single room.

    And all of the single-capture point bases need to be redesigned into three capture-point bases or removed entirely (such as Abandoned NS on Indar...).
  13. Xasapis

    Indar is the best continent terrain wise the game has. The only continent where you know exactly where you are by merely looking around.
  14. Goldmonk

    I kinda like Esamir the most *preparing for bashing*
  15. t31os

    No, that just comes with playing any continent. I use to feel that way about Indar, because it was all i knew(it use to be the default continent, so i can't blame you, me or anyone else for that). Any map where you get lost(ie. don't know your way around, either by map or eye) automatically puts you at a disadvantage vs a player that knows his way around, Indar is the same to a new guy coming into the game.

    I'm not gonna sit here and detail why i dislike Indar, but it's definitely something i'd never have imagined myself saying/suggesting when i was still growing(and learning) my way through PS2.
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  16. Hasteras

    Indar sucks
  17. Xasapis

    Perhaps I should be more descriptive on what I mean by terrain recognition. For starters, and I hope I made myself understood from the beginning, I'm not talking about base design, but about specifically terrain composition. Lets assume for a second that you choose instant action, you don't look where that drops you and you find yourself somewhere in the continent.
    • On Indar you have the whole continent divided into three very distinctive terrain styles. You can not possibly mistake the canyons of the SE with the grass land of the SW or the rocky desert of the N. Then you get distinctive landmarks on each side that makes it even easier to identify exactly where you are. Vanu archives, the Crown, Scarred Messa, tons of places that look nothing alike.
    • Esamir is expected to be disorienting due to the very nature of the icy continent. However, the only tech plant stands as a very good landmark from any point where it is visible (and fog allows it). Generally speaking and if you are not in a viewing distance of the Tech Plant, you won't be able to easily orient yourself without a map.
    • Amerish has no distinctive landmark that I can think of. Some bases are more prominent than others, like Bastion for example, but the land itself gives little indication on where you are without the help of the map. Also, unlike Esamir, this continent is full of rolling mountains and forest regions, that hide the more distinct base designs.
    • Hossin is even worse than Amerish. Apart from some regions with a bit more water, there is little indication on where somebody dropped without the help of the map.
    Indar is merely overplayed. Even the best food starts to taste bland if it's all you eat day in day out for years.
  18. FieldMarshall

    Atleast its not a 4 week Cyssorside fight.
  19. LibertyRevolution

    I hate Heyoka bloodworks... Any base where the only way in are choke points, I just refuse to attack.
    Those small infantry bridges at bloodworks are just death traps...

    Defending bloodworks? That I will do all day as long as someone is dumb enough to attack a defended bloodworks. ;)

    Let your snipers, vehicles and aircraft take care of those bridge guards. It is out out in the open with very few cover, easy to clear with just a little teamwork and a couple of guys who are willing to push. That is good chokepoint design for a change. Heck I would even go as for to say that taking Bloodworks is almost too easy once your team realizes that you can go around it and basically surround almost the entire base with vehicles and snipers, with good view on the garden area which makes it easy to take control of while infantry can flood in from all sides. Air has enough cover to retreat to and the trees on the ground obscure the view for ground AA in addition. But it's not that it's bad for defenders. Cap point is indoors and the tunnels make it easy to travel around safely. And it's still perfectly doable to defend the garden area, provided that the attackers only use one or two entrances at a time.

    I also love the area around the base for infantry and armor fights. One of the better bases in the game in my opinion.
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