HESH spam

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HippoCryties, Jul 18, 2018.

  1. Pacster3

    I just ain't sure how "shelling targets from the hill that have not the same range" qualifies as organized play tho. I think it's not the numbers or organized gameplay that people complain about...but that they just got very little options to retaliate even vs 1 or 2 players in some tank far away. The lockon of rocket launchers got nerfed. AV-turret got nerfed. Decimator or comets are way too slow for long range...and archer is too weak. Even if you spawn a vehicle you are toast cause the other tank most likely has the first shot and can hide behind the next hill(which helps against lockons as well). Tank shelling always felt bad for the receiving end...and it got toned down. But since the AV weapons of infantry got toned down at least as much if not more we are at the start again.
    The paper-stone-scissors game does not work...and never did. It was always air vs ground vehicles and which one of those is stronger(likely ground at the moment due to walker)...while infantry can only hide in buildings, peak out, shoot(if the target is close enough), hide again...or die. It's been like that since the very first day. Pilots and drivers are actually that used to farming infantry that they start complaining about op infantry whenever they can't klill more than 5+ in a row(see the c4 complaints).
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  2. FateJH

    At this point, you're just being defeatist for the sake of being defeatist and come across as extremely unimaginative. "Nothing works." "Nothing does anything." "It's all useless."
  3. JibbaJabba

    I agree (see other post) that we over nerfed AV weapons.

    But I'm just not sympathetic in these scenarios. The ones I'm picturing are generally where the "outer" battle has been lost and defenders are pinned within the base and having to fight to reach their own capture points.

    In these cases it's not the weapon that's the issue. You could take HESH out of the game and the overall scenario wouldn't change a ton. HESH is merely a symptom. The problem is the defenders got PWNED. They might want to consider leaving. If they stay, then the base requires a "rescue". The defenders must re-attack it themselves from a nearby base.

    So stand in the base and look wistfully at the HESH you can't touch, or pull AV form elsewhere and shoot that HESH in the back.

    Again, just not all that sympathetic here.

    And guys, I rarely run HESH. I'm on the receiving end of that "spam" 10 times for every 1 time I might do it. I deal with it or I roll with it and I'm still kicking butt and having fun.
  4. Pacster3

    HESH ain't the problem. The problem is that the attackers have the field advantage and can kill with 1 or worst case 2 shots, while needing 3-5 hits themselves(with rocket launchers that are much slower etc.). And if they get hit they can repair(which is a huge advantage vs 1HKOs).
    That is already a problem with infantry when they camp spawn rooms cause they can stand everywhere while the defenders need to come out of that small area called spawn room. But against infantry even if they outnumber you a bit you got a chance...if you have 6 tanks on the hills then even 15-20 people in the spawn room got no serious chance(cause they hardly can fight back and they usually need to run over some open field area). Vehicles are a huge force multiplier.
    Then people say: "But vehicles cost resources. They got to be stronger.". An argument that never caught on to me. Resources are limited...but they are FREE. You don't need to move a single finger to get them. It's not like you pay certs each time you pull a vehicle.
  5. FateJH

    That's called "not understanding you need to control the perimeter if you plan to control the base." It's what happens when you just let the enemy roll on up to your base however they please.
    If that many people are standing around inside the spwan room of a base, they're really not playing their cards well. If they're trying to run out of that same spawn room knowing it's nothing but certain death, they're really poor at tactics. When your back is that far against the wall, you need to switch from defending (which is the act of keeping your enemies out of the base and, failing that, keeping the enemies in the base under control) to counterattacking. Falling back and restarting the battle from the outside fighting inwards requires the strategic planning that someone who believes themselves caught in that terrible locked-down situation with no real escape but running against a wall generally does not have. Fall back to one of your earlier bases, regroup forces, pull those nasty force multipliers of your own, and trash the enemy. If you wanrt to go a step further, once your forces have tied the enemy up outside of your base, sneak back in with a squad and gets the capture points back under your control now that fewer eyes are watching them.

    Your enemy used the trick to great affect against you, fighting inwards towards your base. Turn it against them and encourage as many of the 14-19 people stymied in the death shack todo the ssame you so that you actually stand a chance at turning the fight around.
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  6. JibbaJabba

    What Fate said.

    This is NOT a fair game. It's asymmetrical at every level and you have to leverage this asymmetry yourself.
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  7. Pacster3

    No, it's not asymmetry, it's very symmetric...one way. Tanks+air stronger than infantry...infranty get farmed unless there is a building which means that they always got to stay inside.
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  8. HippoCryties

    Dude, for arguments sake I’ll tell you the fight I was in was with all 4 points in our favour of us. We were still being spawn camped.
  9. The Shady Engineer

    As much as I dislike HESH, I think the problem in the original post has more to do with base design rather than the weapon involved.

    Octagon (Waterson's) is notorious for how vehicles can get up on the surrounding hills and fire on infantry in the interior of the base. Why those hills surrounding the base haven't been flattened to prevent this farming is honestly beyond me.

    That said, the other day I parked a blockade Sundy with 2 Kobalts on top on those hills and got 20 some odd kills in a two minutes. My buddy manning the other gun I'm guessing got roughly the same amount. Could we do better in HESH Lightnings? Possibly, but we were just as devastating in an infantry-farming battle bus.
  10. OldMaster80

    Wear Flak Armor man.
    Do you pretend to perform a 34 killstreak AND survive a tank shell all together? Loadouts are about choices: if you do not wear Flak then you explicitly decide to be weak against explosions.

    That being said I also feel much of the problem is terrain in many places seems designed to that vehicle can sit and shoot people like fishes in a barrel.
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  11. asmodraxus

    Simple solution give the Prowler and Vanguard the Magrider "balancing" treatment and destroy HESH completely

    Or reduce radius of the 1HK splash (and increase the AV damage) and then roll this mode to the Magrider and the other tanks.

    Or fix the bases so that the spawn room cannot be shelled by tanks, then make multiple routes to the base CC unable to be shelled, but make it so the spawn room can be destroyed by attacking infantry.
  12. HippoCryties

    What? Wear flak armour on a load out primarily based on infantry killstreaks , that would make me so much less competitive in comparison to Nanoweave which is better for my play style. I shouldn’t have to but the crappy base design allows HESH spammers to ruin small fights and large ones completely uncontested.
  13. HippoCryties

    Yeah I think maybe I didn’t make it very clear in OP (sorry). I did also mean to say crappy base design allows this farming
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  14. UrielSeptimIV

    A possible solution to the problem of balance between tanks and infantry is to use critical points in tanks.
    The concept of critical points is to disable important tank systems with point shots from light weapons.
    Take for example the main battle tanks:
    • The sensor system: if the system suffered critical damage, the crew could not obtain intelligence from the allies (don't see 3D markers and map) and to highlight enemies.
    • Reloading system: if the system takes critical damage, the tank's main and additional weapons will receive a debuff in the form of an extended reloading time.
    • Engine: when receiving critical damage, the tank loses its ability to accelerate rapidly.
    I'm not asking for an advanced armor penetration system or a reduction in the combat effectiveness of tanks: a critical damage system can be introduced in conjunction with increasing the amount of tank health.
    Thus it is possible to achieve that tanks become more dependent on support, but with the support they have increased efficiency.
  15. OneShadowWarrior

    They’ve nerfed tanks so many times, I doubt much more can be done.

    Anti Vehicular weapons do work, they got huge buffs especially when you hit them tanks from behind.

    There are so many ways you can repel back with vehicles on your own, let alone aircraft.

    If an area becomes to unbearable with camping, how about just leave?
  16. Pacster3

    Yeah, you can hit tanks from behind. That is very smart. Given that they are far away, turn their front to you...and infantry is the slowest in the game. The only tankers that actually have to show you their rear are the magriders(cause they can't simply turn the turret)...and even they can use third person view instead.
    Nice try, but seriously...this mostly matters in tank vs tank or in case some tanker got REALLY bad awareness(and they usually use radar for that).

    And no, running from tanks is NOT a solution. I know that tankers would love that...but infantry is not having fun running or getting farmed all day long.
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  17. FateJH

    You have to go to them.
    You have to ambush them, preferrably coming from another base (you know, this one's easily watched).
    You have to take advantage of vehicles yourself to close the distance.

    Have you no ability to plan engagements at all?
  18. Blam320

    This isn't always viable. In empty fields tanks will see you coming the minute you break cover, regardless of whether you're using a vehicle yourself or not. And you'll immediately be killed by a hail of shells. If you manage to get some damage off on a tank, they'll use their superior speed to maneuver out of the way for repairs. If you pull a flash to try and close the gap, you're probably going to be one-shot by an AP round to the face. There's also the slight problem of Proximity Radar if you're dealing with dedicated anti-infantry builds.

    Essentially, you're suggesting the solution for Infantry's problems is to pull tanks themselves, then try to flank the enemy. Which in and of itself also isn't always viable, since sometimes you might need to take a roundabout route deep behind enemy lines, or wherever the road goes.
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  19. adamts01

    Open fields are a tank's natural habitat. It makes sense that they don't have much of a counter in that area, especially by infantry. Lucky for infantry we only have a few vehicle capture points in open fields. As for a counter to tanks with a clear 360 view, that's cloaked flashes, and it used to also be aircraft before the flak buff.

    Lesson to be learned: Don't fight tanks in open fields as infantry.
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  20. FateJH

    So far everyone who has complained, and the specifics about the complaints, have basically pointed out that what has been suggested is not a surefire kill. This could be the case, so no. That could be the case, so no. If the only way you would leave that spawn shanty against an offending tank is a "surefire kill" or something that barges through all possible defenses of that tank, then I hope you enjoy rotting in there until the painfield turns against you. It's a miracle you would even leave to fight other Infantry, those who could do at least everything the tank would do against you with their accumulated perks, within the same base battle even, detection, mobility, up to and including ways of exploding you and ways of one hit killing you.