Here's an idea to think about. (meta/flow of battle related)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ripshaft, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Ripshaft

    I think often of ideas to create a better and more predictable but still relatively free form of battle. While thinking of a response to Brian TR's thread on BOOS ( I came up with a variation of an idea that... well it seems like it could be really good.

    My idea:
    What if you had to completely surround (control the territory around) a major facility (tech/bio/amp) before you could attack it?

    This is obviously not a one shot deal fix and all of a sudden the game's perfect (or even functional - by that I mean this idea might break it), but I wanted to put this out there so that I could get some feedback and discussion relating to this kind of idea. The reason I think this is kind of major is because of the following:

    • You will know when a large facility is going to be attacked, and can muster a meaningful defence prior to the attack. (this also means no pre-attack sabotage of major defences)
    • You will know when you will not have to defend many facilities.
    • Almost every major facility is connected to at least one large (3 point) territory that is reasonably defensible.
    • We may see larger battles at previously fairly low traffic bases due to their sudden tactical significance.
    • There will be a distinct "flow" of battle around the main facilities, which will not be linear, but also not completely random.
    • Makes major facilities seem more significant, even without any other changes.
    • Major facilities create logistical military barriers, meaning that you cant just go straight to your controlled territory all the time, it also creates an inherent defensive/offensive advantage to the holder of the facility vs the adjacent territories.
    Now what I'm looking for is feedback on the general concept. Obviously this idea has major issues with the current layout of the continents, mainly that it's not fair across the board... but then again maybe the asymetric nature would be a good thing, maybe your facility is harder to defend, which means you'd need to be more aggressive to take territory beyond the first bit to keep it safe, creating different tactical gameplay for the 3 spots on the continents... yeah, basically I had this idea and thought "my god this is actually pretty damn interesting". So figured I'd post this before I passed out, and let you guys chip at it overnight.

    Edit: also here's a massive flaw/thing with the idea - and that's that it would eliminate the possibility for 3 way battles on a major territory. So perhaps this isnt that bad a thing, or just that it'd have to be something a little different, or some kind of caveat to make it possible, dunno. Just thought I'd point that out.

    Edit again: To be clear, I am under no illusion that this *specific* idea is not a solution, but I think the concept, and what is has to offer makes the train of thought worth following.

    So yeah, discuss.
  2. Strilac

    nah, circling it already gives you a huge boost of how fast you cap it, and lets be honest, when you circle out some territory, its good as capped. this would only make it a chore, and would limit strategic depth

    My OF is already doing it.

    Defending wouldnt look hard if 90% of people would actually know what the hell are they doing.

    For instance, if we see one faction is braking trough, and conquering territories, first we cut them of from warp gate by taking teritories that connect them, and then we hunt them down, and each time they are deeper in our territory, with less places to spawn.
  3. 13lackCats

    There should be some sort of limit to number of reinforcements.
  4. Brian TR

    They tried something like this originally in Beta it failed because you had to hold 3 points before attacking the base or hold at least 2 to gain influence over a base. Its too much coordination as if there inst enough already and it created a whack a mole scenario It was an endless fight and didn't work. Good concept though.