A few days ago I started playing as a stalker cloak infiltrator on NC and am having a lot of fun. However, I am having troubele with the magshot. It always seems like my opponents survive with a tiny bit of health left. So will the rebel do the trick or is its ROF too slow? Is the desperado worth the high price? Thanks in advance!
If you want a silencer, desperado (or crossbow but you ask for pistols) without any doubts. If you don't want a silencer, commissioner. Btw, think about running with ammo belt, the lvl 4 doesn"t cost that much certs and worth it with stalker cloak
I'm assuming you are sneaking up behind people? Any pistol will do, but u need to go for the head shots. that said, the other pistols pistols will "alpha strike" a little better.
You'll want the desperado silenced, or one of the Revolvers.. The Magshot is a panic fire weapon, and the Rebel is a finisher.... neither are well suited as primary weapons because they leave a huge gap for reaction time from your target. I will warn that the Desperado does require a little bit of trigger disciple, and that you have to get in pretty close if you're going for a fast kill. You have 7 bursts in the mag, usually takes 4 bursts without head shots to kill, and trigger cycle is just under 1 second..... so if you don't open with a head shot, go for the knife after the second burst. You also want to avoid ADSing with it if possible while mobile, as it interferes with your judgement on range, leading to a lot of sub-optimal attacks. The only time I would recommend ADS is in perfect hiding spots to help extend your reach against distracted targets. For general purpose, where stealth isn't an issue, I'd recommend either the revolvers. The Commissioner with an opening headshot is absolutely devastating, and can effectively dance around a target without giving up killing potential. The Underboss is a great power spammer if you catch them off guard, but the margin of error is very small if they start moving.
I swear by the Rebel. I'm just too fond of its potential to kill on a double tap. Especially after they increased the mag from 8 to 10 and extended the max damage range out to 15m (and is still 10m when suppressed) so I can usually kill targets on par with or faster than the other pistols I have access to, revolvers included. It's a good mag for its kill potential and a fast reload, and I really like that kind of usability. The Desperado is nice, but I have concerns over it's mag size and ammo efficiency, so I'm usually not 100% comfortable having it as my only weapon. It's a killer as a side-arm though, especially to a rifle. I never much cared for the revolvers, despite owning both of them, but I know I'm in a minority there. Too much recoil, more than double the reload times, accuracy issues... it just feels too clumsy to me for anything but a one-shot finisher when a primary runs dry. It mostly just goes against how I'm predisposed more than any issue with the weapon, especially since I picked up my pistol skills from back before SMGs even existed when your side-arm was basically your CQ option and shotguns hadn't been nerfed yet, so the order was to either get rapid headshots or don't fire at all. Though I think the biggest point here is to use what feels comfortable to you. You'll get more kills with a weapon that feels good than you will with a weapon someone told you was good.
If you are a stalker cloaker than you probably want a pistol that has a silencer. Cheap Option:- Rebel Expensive option:- Desperado
I agree on pretty much every point. I can't talk much about the Desperado because I have no burst-fires but I use a Cerberus as my go-to Stalker gun. The heavy power makes it easier to take people down than a standard semi-auto and I have a much easier time landing follow up shots than with the revolvers. It doesn't help that the revolver loudly announces your presence to anyone paying attention(but even so some people are surprisingly oblivious). I love my Cerberus and the Rebel is pretty much in the exact same boat, just with projectile drop and a longer time to damage drop-off. And it's only 250 certs to boot.
Silenced weapons just got a buff this update. I'm not going to pretend to understand the impact, but I was already planning on going Desperado myself. It's the only thing NC gets that really competes with Repeater/Beamer in a laggy chaotic crowded room. When carrying a sniper rifle however, I'm sticking with the Commish, no one gives flip about noise out in the backwoods and its range is much better there. Perfect "dueling" side-arm to any rifle with greater than an 8x scope and the long reload time isn't nearly as crippling. Could almost snipe with it if it had a better Sight.