Help me I am getting G99 error.......

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by ThaTrip, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. ThaTrip

    Today I woke up,

    I am starting up my game. I see the launcher is patching the game. I was like OK what is this patch about, and why is there not a thread created by Dev's regarding this patch?

    Anyways I wait until the launcher is done patching, I press play.
    I get the normal popup message the game is starting. Then when I get in game I see the planetside 2 logo with the loading bar.

    As soon as the loading bar hits 100% the game is crashing to my desktop. It automatically opens up a page at planetside2 with this error:

    Game Error G99


    We're sorry, there was a problem with the last action, can you please try again later?

    How can I fix this error?
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  2. Sentry51

    I'm getting the same error.
  3. Belkor

    Same problem. Sometimes I wonder if SOE even wants people to play their game.
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  4. Stew360

    Game Error G99


    Same here
  5. Ekopy

    Getting same thing. Probably nothing you can do.
  6. SmellyCakes

    Same issue here, guess I will just play something else...
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  7. Colinthetank

    Same here. I am running Windows 7 64 bit, Intel I5 3570k, 8gb RAM
  8. Donaldson Jones

    Same here, I restarted my machine but I made sure to unplug it for 10 seconds, I got through the login screen and started
    up toward the crown and it just stopped working. I'm thinking memory leak. I restarted again, deleted all local content (uninstalled)
    and am now reinstalling.

    I guess we'll see how it goes.
  9. Roach58

    Same here
  10. Altanore

    Phew, not just me then! :eek:
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  11. JibbaJabba

    Same problem.

    Was working at 8pm EST.
    Tiny patch
    Now G99 and can't play as of 11:15pm EST (1/28)

    WTF Sony?
  12. Amarsir

    G99 is the code for "Server Maintenance". I'm guessing this wasn't scheduled but you should be confident its' not just you.
  13. Adolie

    Same here. Error G99 says "Can't connect to the login server", so... We should just wait.
  14. Tommyp2006

    Same here, someone needs to go hit the login server hamster with a defibrillator
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  15. Reizod

    Same! :-(
  16. Altanore

    They posted a status on the main forum page. They know about it.
  17. Adolie

    Okay, here we are:
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  18. ThaTrip

    Nice found.. Thank you for keeping us up to date :D
  19. Wrox Razorvine

    Encountering same issue :-(
  20. Pirbi

    Just before the alert ended as well. There was a patch after a crash and then couldn't log in.