Help me fly :)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by entity009, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. entity009

    Guys i long for the skies but there are a few things i cant seem to get past. Id like any help you can offer me.

    My largest issue trying to pilot ESFs is that if i have the sensitivity at a point where I can fly the aircraft responsively it is so sensitive that when I try to target anything the crosshair is so shifty and touchy that i can hit a still target 2/10 shots. I have practiced and practiced in VR but i cant seem to overcome this. Is there a trick to it?

    I also struggle with getting severely disoriented when flying. With all the turning and flipping about I really have a hard time figuring out where the hell I am. How do u guys maintain your bearings while flipping around like tossed flapjacks?

    Lasty when it comes to practice as a sky noob its like being a cat in a a cage full of wolves. The vast majority of you guys fly so well that I dont even stay up long enough to get any practice, much less kill anyone while at it.

    Any tips or suggestions u skyknights can offer me on these topics?
  2. cobaltlightning

    The biggest tip I can really offer is to fly with a mouse and keyboard, rather than one or the other.

    I myself am no Skyknight, but I do fancy myself a skyguardian. As in I usually run air interferance, be it in a lightning or my own ESF, usually to escort a lib or galaxy. That being said, flying with a buddy is probably the best way to learn how to fly

    Picking up the high capacity nose-guns might be a good choice, as well. They're a bit less accurate and slower firing than the defaults, but carry a whole lot of ammo per magazine and are generously forgiving of missed shots.

    Picking up the A2A Missiles may be a good option, too, especially when learning how to control your aiming: Gotta keep your crosshair on target, or the missile will lose it's lock. These are the Tomcats for the TR and NC, and the Photon A2A for the VS. Tomcats and Photons function 100% The same, only differ visually.
  3. Alkaid1

    Lern how to hover!!!!!! its the most important thing!!!
    afterwards watch this: