Take a look Into that video: As you see, when he fire his guns on enemys he doesent get any accuracy drops or having bad recoil, his shots are so accuracte... Unlike me in the game, when i trying to shoot some one i get massive accuracy drop and terrible recoil... How is that? Maybe because the guns that all newbies start with are crap? (Yes I started playing this game only Easterday.)
Every FPS player has to be able to compensate for their recoil, especially in this game. Pretty much you have to slowly move your mouse or joystick to adjust to the weapon's recoil pattern. Adding attachments like the forward grip reduces or eliminate horizontal recoil, leaving you with only vertical recoil. Same thing with a compensator, reduces vertical recoil, although my recommendation is a foward grip for PS4 players, and both for PC players. Hopefully this helped you on being a better shooter in Planetside 2, and other FPS's. Plus: The starter guns are good if you give it the attachments that suit you, same with the others.
the guy who runs this youtube channel is a known cheater, and nothing he says should be taken too seriously.
Recoil compensation. He knows how his weapons recoil and he pulls in the opposite direction pretty hard with his mouse, or at least that's how I do it. He's also using weapons with little cone of fire bloom, a very annoying mechanic that forces you to burst your shots in order to stay accurate. They're pretty good. If you have problems when you try to control them, slap a forward grip on your weapons. You'll have less problems with recoil because you only have to pull your gun down to compensate.
The starter weapons Planetside 2 has are, for the most part, among the most versatile and dependable in the game. What you're seeing in that video is a combination of weapon knowledge, aim control and trigger discipline. Key thing to remember: At nearly every range with nearly every weapon, if you're just holding down the mouse button, you're wasting ammo.
This is the problem, especially with NC carbines. Your red dot can be dead on target with perfect recoil control, but your bullets are flying all around it, because of this absolutely stupid, artificial mechanic.
This. To avoid the atrocious sniper balance in this game, one has to keep moving. Moving ADS for a 167 weapon is .3 CoF. 143's are much tighter than that (sans the .75x ADS ones, they're just a hair below the 167.) To "compensate," the 167 weapon while stationary has a more accurate initial shot. 200 damage weapons are literally pin point precise at 0, but bloom the hardest while on the move. Coincidentally, the higher tier of damage, the more the CoF blooms per shot. That tighter initial shot is really just to make the first few rounds as accurate as the 143's during a burst. Hence why SOME of the NC's problem isn't simply that they have worse players, but their weaponry is in fact asking for greater levels of discipline from those players. And some of that discipline just makes them easier pickings for invisible sniper guy #35341. It's a compounding issue, really. I wanted to love the Gauss Rifle, but until BASR's no longer one-shot or the 167 and 200 line up have sane move-ADS CoF's, I'll stick with weapons like Carnage AR, GR-88 (the NC ARs and carbines, in fact, don't have an "average" 143 choice) EM1, etc. I gotta be able to hit what I'm shooting at to kill it.
If you are a PC player you can also help your control by reducing aimed mouse sensitivity and scoped mouse sensitivity in the in-game settings (I use 0.33 instead of the default 0.5.). This reduces the effect of your hand twitching the mouse rather thn anything else. Other than that foregrip, compensator and firing in short bursts all help (as already covered). Also - hip fire has a larger CoF compared to aim down sights, though you can reduce it with a laser or advanced laser sight. Finally, remember certain other things affect performance - like HVA increases recoil and suppressors increase bullet drop because of slowing down muzzle velocity.
All the weapon you started with are great, except for the infiltrator (if you're not NC). Accuracy is just practice. I'd suggest to go to www.reddit.com/r/Planetside And ask for help there. Players on this forum are mostly at the same level as you, but you'd most likely want advice from better players. Seriously, understand that most players in this game are TERRIBLE. Go ask advice from a better player. A good way to see if a player is decent, is to go look at their overall k/d on the website. Now get me, K/d is definetly not a huge factor in this game; but someone with 30-40% accuracy will definetly not have anything lower than 1 - 1.5 k/d.
the infil on that video looks to me like he has no recoil what so ever, suspicious wouldn't surprise me if using no-recoil hacks
They aren't using hacks. It's a combination of setting up your sensitivity properly and playing the game so long that you automatically move and control your mouse to compensate.
Faction-to-faction, weapon-to-weapon the drop, spread, accuracy, and recoil of weapons differ. If this is a huge problem for you, I suggest either more time in VR practicing (don't just stand at the wall and shoot the dumbies but stand back at the far rail and shoot from there) and/or trying out the Vanu. SMG's are going to help mow people down at close range, but other weapons are better at longer ranges. The default Heavy weapons are pretty good at long distance if you plink off a shot at a time. It's all about knowing your weapon and knowing how many shots you can fire in a burst dependent on the situation. Compensators and the hand-grips do help, but knowing your weapon and how to control the motion while firing is a very real thing. Practice helps, and there is nothing wrong with spending some time in VR if they are going to make you feel better about your experience once you are in a live-fire situation.
It's not about how he manages the recoil, is about the fact that the recoil on his weapons looks like is almost non existing...now , from my statement you can take what you want.... But when i am looking at his saw montage, i sometimes wonder...
I'm playing as the vanu sovergeincy... As I heard this is the "Best" faction to play with... The starting weapon for VS for light assault weapon is effective at close range or medium ranges? and what about the Heavy assault? (Meh, heavy assault shield is terrible... I find infiltrators still out-tank my heavy assault with shields on even if i start to shoot them first.) And by the way I find others kill me in 3 - 4 shots, while for me to kill some one i need to unload the whole magazine... why is that?
You probably just hear three or four shots out of all the ones that hit you - something to do with the game mechanic (happens to me too). If you unload a whole magazine into someone a lot of the shots will miss because recoil, bloom, cone of fire etc.
Well, not exactly... While sometimes I've seen stuff like that due to lag, CoF and hit-detection, sometimes it really does come down to pure skill. Just last night, I was playing on my Uber Tryhard NC on Emerald. I can tell you, I had no shortage of those sweet 3HK's with the Gauss SAW. I actually got a couple of hackusations, but it was really just my aim was good enough that I was able to kill them before they could even react. Sure, there were other times when I sprayed bullets around them in a perfect circle, but those moments don't mean that there still won't be the times that I get a 3HK.
Gotta love the SAW. No other weapon can hit both the floor and ceiling around an enemy while aiming at center mass quite so easily.