helmets change colour with camo o.O?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GSZenith, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. GSZenith

    just notice it, has it always been like this, can't recall and didn't log out on nc infil.

    edit: 2000SC for a pistol modified look -_- wtf
  2. OddChelsea

    No it hasn't and no I don't like it.
  3. Lazaruz

    Some helmets did this before, but have they now made all helmets take on camo?
  4. Morpholine

    As others have said, it depended upon which helmet. Generally, the default and first-released composite helmets were stuck in empire colors. Later helmets had varying degrees of camouflage on them, depending upon empire and helmet type.
  5. Deadeye

    Some helmets change color. For NC, The illuminated helmets and helmets with cloth over the mouth (such as the LA and medic composite helmets) change to your camo. Also, the NC welding masks change color but just on the welding mask itself and not the helmet ( which is bugged itself but that's another topic).

    There are screenshots of the camo changing helmets around. Just Google the name of the helmet and add "screenshots" and something should come up.
  6. Radec594

    They did change it, now camo covers your chestpiece and helmet more uniformly.
    It can be ugly, but should be more useful. Technically.

    Kind of looks ugly on the TR infiltrator, as it covers some of the goggles too.
  7. MangoPunch

    Thank god, I've wanted helmet camo since release but I was convinced they'd never do it (apart from store helmets). I am extremely happy with this.


    It also looks like VS have almost full camo coverage with their skin update. Even without composite armour, there is virtually no purple/teal anywhere on the model with camo applied. Hopefully they do a texture pass on TR and NC and have camo cover more of the armour, especially TR. Without comp armour the camo looks wierd with huge red stripes running through it.
  8. Ravenorth

    Does anyone know if the camos also change color of other VS inf helmets, like Protos? I know that Apex change it a little, but I hate those glowing lines on it.
  9. Morpholine

    The silver portions (i.e. the whole face plate, barring a strip above the eyes) stay silver. The rest gets the camo treatment.