Helmet/Armor types are now in groups.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Puppy, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Puppy

    This means all composite armor for infantry are now in one package instead of getting them separately. Same with types of helmets such as protos. And it's fairly cheap (on test so it can change) from what it would normally be to get all the armors...

    Since I already have a lot of armor/helmet groups it kinda feels like I wasted my money... But for players who haven't already gotten more then one helmet of a type it is a good deal.

    How do you guys feel about it? :3
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  2. commandoFi

    Better give me refunds.
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  3. phreec

    Hahah,OF F***ING COURSE! The composite armors have been on sale the last couple of weeks and I've now kitted all my classes except the Infiltrator with them...

    Oh well, can't complain since I've bought 'em at half price anyway but still, it's classic SOE. :rolleyes:
  4. Jeralamo

    better not...
    supply and demand, well more just the demand bit but whatever :p
  5. o.Solei.o

    I'm really hoping they can toss a small cert grant to all the folks who bought all of the items in the new bundles (for example, the net loss for existing owners of all the welding masks is 2700 SC (600 each v.s. 900 for the new pack-only option) ... :eek: ), but at the same time I don't think they will due to the wild outcries in the past about cert grants for items that could also be earned with certs... For a purely cosmetic category of items, I don't think we're going to see anything.

    Makes sense, but makes me a lot more reluctant to spend SC on non-combat related gear. Don't get me wrong, I really like that they're streamlining the process and making it much cheaper to engage in, but it really feels like wasted SC at this point. Sales are cool and all, and I really like the changes to the system... I just don't like losing so much SC to make the game better for newer players.
  6. Narfwak

    It's not a new item. It's not unreasonable to lower prices for stuff over time. If anything it's a nice gesture.
  7. Crewell

    Being on PTR are you sure this is not just an item specific to that server?
  8. WetPatch

    Yeah if you hadnt bought the stuff separably already.

    Ive bought armor for 4 different classes, Compsit helmets for 2 and some other helmet for 1.

    So thats roughly 4k SC ive spent on Cosmetics.
  9. Regpuppy

    I'd be a little ******** about this... if I didn't only buy SC on double or triple sales and if 90% of my infantry cosmetics weren't bought on a half off sale or better. Most people will end up paying as much or more than I did for most of it :p
  10. DrBobcat

    I can see why they made the change, seeing as every recent helmet has been of the "all-class" variety. Still, as one of those who spent a great deal on the different helmets/armors, I would appreciate some kind of refund. The math isn't terribly complicated, and they could just divide the cost of each respective helmet by the "package's" total cost and then refund what you WOULD have saved (had you bought the package) in certs (as SOE is notorious for NEVER refunding SC).

    They're programmers, so it's at least possible. However, they're also businessmen; businessmen who work in the gaming industry no less. I expect no sort of compensation to be given out. The "deal with it" bombs dropping from the sky already.
  11. Littleman

    I spent around $600 for my PS3, then some years down the line they got marked down to the, like, the $300 range and expanded from 60 gig hard drives to 250 gig hard drives, so um... yeah... where's my $300-$400 in compensation SOE?

    In case the humor fails, let me explain how retail pricing works: $#!% gets marked down as time goes on to attract new customers, and no one will refund previous consumers because they clearly felt it was worth the price they paid for at the time. This isn't a new concept in the world of retail. Those who wait get cheap if outdated $#!%. The impatient pay full price to have the cool, hip stuff now.
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  12. WetPatch

    Your not getting why people are pissed off.

    I bought the same Armor 4 times and the same Helmet 3 times.

    I'm not upset because they are making it cheaper, I'm upset because i had to buy it 4 times.
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  13. DrBobcat

  14. Littleman

    I suppose then people that purchased a $50 game and then it's three or four expansions individually for roughly $40 a pop should be refunded when sometime later the publisher releases a collection or "battlechest" of said game including all released expansions for a one time $60 purchase?

    All I see in this thread are people woefully uneducated in retail practices. Uneeducated people tend to get angry over things they simply don't understand.
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  15. Snib

    fixed :eek:
  16. Zcuron

    What's wrong with you people?

    They lower the price of old items to encourage sales, or even because they're "nice".
    You are asking them to refund everyone who owns these items when they lower the price - if they were to do so, it would likely cost much more than they'd gain from encouraged sales, and I don't know about you but I'd quickly run out of "nice-ness" if I was forced to give money to people in order to be "nice".

  17. Cirevam

    I bought composite armor and the matching helmet for my engineer at 125 SC each. From what I can tell, I'll eventually be able to use those cosmetics I bought for a single class on the other classes since it will no longer be "Engineer Composite Armor" and just be "Composite Armor." I can't complain if that's the case. More free cosmetics.
  18. raumfahrer

    It's great that stuff becomes cheaper and stuff, but I still don't want to pay for stuff I wouldn't even use. I want the MAX Apex Helmet and only the MAX Apex Helmet. I don't want to pay for the other ones. As of now, it's friggin expensive at 750SC. When they change it to the one-for-all pack it'd effectively be 50SC more expensive than now... (if the price stays at 800SC)

    For all I care, sell the pack of 6 helmets for 800SC, but still offer the individual helmets at say 150. You'd still be better of buying the pack if you wanted every single one.
  19. DrBobcat

    If this DOES turn out to be true, I am fine with the change. There are some cases where I bought a helmet for just one or two classes, but would not mind if I had that helmet available for the others.

    If this is NOT the case, however, then there's a problem. Hypothetically, someone could buy an illuminated helmet (which I believe is 700SC) one day prior to the implementation of this change. Then, the "package" system is put and place and the only way they to obtain that same helmet is to pay 1600SC (or whatever price it may be). Assuming the player does not have access the helmet for all the other classes, they have been screwed over. They paid a markedly higher price than they should have. This is not the same as a sale as it's now permanent.

    Remember how mad people got when they proposed nerfing the fury just one day after putting it up for a daily sale, especially when it was still in high demand? They listened to the outcries and scratched the change so as to not appear untrustworthy.

    I am going to abstain from commenting on this matter until more information is made available. It's unproductive and unreasonable to get so worked up when we lack all the necessary details.
  20. Inu

    Early adoption clause.