Hello Boys, ya miss me?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BamaRage, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. BamaRage

    May be stepping back in for a bit so whats new and whats screwed up now?
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  2. Demigan

    I dont know who you are (not surprising as odds are you arent on my server anyway) so i cant miss you.

    As for whats new that depends on when you were last on. Whats screwed up can be summed up with "the AI NC MAX". The VS MAX got its ZOE made virtually useless but without it its still a solid MAX. The NC MAX on the other hand got every single AI canon ZOE nerfed making it virtually useless at AI. the Falcin AV weapons are now a more reliable AI weapon. Just yesterday I had an enemy Infil sitting still at 5m distance and I still needed 4 salvo's with Mattocks... and still saw him run away and survive. Stationary. At. 5. Meters. Distance. A minute later it took 3 point blank salvo's to kill an LA.

    But dont worry, they've been releasing the Doku faction-specific weapons and the NC has been getting clearly the worst choices each time and they are about to buff the Magrider (afterburner auto-granted so a slot free for fire suppression or the new diagonally capable afterburner) and buff the Prowler (when anchored gets a 1000 health self-recharging shield). What does the Vanguard get? Nothing ofcourse!
    Oh and the new topguns! TR gets a weapon that is going to rival the Vulcan, VS is getting a weapon that takes just about every NC trait you can think off but at least looks balanced and the NC get a weaker Halberd with a reload that you have to finish when you see your enemy (it has to charge up for 3 seconds on top of 1.4 second reload) and is unwieldly because it auto-releases the moment its charged so you need to keep aiming at a target for 3 seconds instead of releasing it exactly when you want like almost any other weapon...
    And that VS topgun I talked about can fire instantly or has the choice to charge up for a total of 60% extra damage, then when charged it can hold that charge until you want to release it and the projectile can pierce through infantry and vehicles alike (even when uncharged).

    But there is no anti-NC bias here I swear!
  3. JibbaJabba

    Sup Bama, nice to have you back.

    Nah, ain't nothing changed much. NC Maxes got adjusted but you missed the horrors of the initial iterations. It's bearable now.
  4. BamaRage

    So, your basically saying everything is normal?
  5. BamaRage

    lol, sounds like DBG and its typical roll out....
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  6. Demigan

    HOW is it bearable?

    Currently MAX shotguns have one supposed advantage and that is a high alpha damage. But the ROF has been screwed over so much that it will rarely ever matter. Most of the times the other two MAX's can have a faster TTK than the NC MAX. You can get a OHK with two shotguns and one of those is stopped by nanoweave and the other requires so much RNG that your opponent must rub his face over your shotguns to get it.

    Then come all the disadvantages:
    - short ideal range and same DPS as other MAX's in that range.
    - bullet spread forces misses shortens effective range
    - high damage degradation shortens effective range
    - high punishment for misses
    - smaller magazines that empty fast
    - longer reloads
    - the stats that "proved" the NC MAX to perform better now show it performing at half of the other two MAX's.

    The only "update" these MAX's got is a few more bullets in the magazine. How does that make it bearable? Even if you made a single magazine as large as the entire ammo count the NC MAX AI weapons would still be inferior to the other two MAX's.
  7. JibbaJabba

    I'm not getting into a wall of text dual with ya.

    It's bearable.

    They are definitely the lowest of the 3 now though. I'll give you that.
  8. Demigan

    You dont have to do a wall of text, just a few points as to why the weapon has some merits.

    Its only "bearable" when inside its ideal range where it can keep up with the other two MAX's. But being bearable because in a niche condition it can equal the other two isnt exactly a good sign.
  9. JibbaJabba

    I can still stomp on infantry about the same as the other two maxes.

    The max -vs- max is where biggest difference is seen. The other two maxes have faced NC maxes knowing they were at a disadvantage for years. Nothing has changed other than that being flipped. When NC faces the other maxes now they fear.

  10. LordKrelas

    You mean when those other two Maxes, had the ability to out-range it, knowing that it required close-proximity..
    And now, the NC has less range than both of the other two, and is out-classed when it can fire back.

    Heaven forbid a Broken situation, not being adjusted to be broken in the other direction.
    As at least the other two Maxes were viable past a very exacting situation, and were usable outside of it.
    NC's in the first broken state: Were only viable in one kind of situation. And Dominated in that situation.
    NC in the 2nd Broken state: Have no viable situation. Are dominated in all situations.

    Do we mention, that NC is having this lovely lack of viable options for Weapons, at the same time as NC is losing in other fields?
    What exactly, is NC currently good at?
    Prior to this, NC was acclaimed point-holds with infantry & maxes, thanks to the Shotguns.
    Now what?
    It ain't armor, it ain't air, It ain't AV options for vehicles, it ain't AV for infantry, It ain't AI, and it ain't AA.

    NC Maxes, had to fear the outside area's, even with the original shotguns.
    Now they have to fear the enemy Maxes in the only place, that they can return fire on said Enemy Maxes.
    Gee wonder why NC is bit cross, Could be that unlike VS who had viable weapons after ZOE was crippled, NC now doesn't.
    As their sole gimmick was nerfed into oblivion, and it was their weapons. Their only weapons.
  11. Liewec123

    Changing the subject from the abysmal NC max removal,
    Other stuff has changed, there is a new splash weapon, luckily it's fairly weak (as splash weapons should be) its a HA exclusive,
    Spawn system was also F%%KED hard, now with longer respawns and favouring zergs,
    Spawn beacons also for some reason have no CD to spawn at now,
    so enjoy endless streams of enemies falling from the sky while beacons are up!
    OS can now ruin lattice fights by nuking everyone inside, no longer restricted from no construct zones
    The airgame became more Skyknight-only from the huge nerf to airlock and a new high damage skillshot weapon being added.

    On the plus side we're running on DX11 now,
    And also...erm, k there is no more plus side, but stuff has changed!
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  12. PlanetBound

    You used to many big words for Bama.
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  13. BamaRage

    Nah man, I know my abzzzS and can even cypher a bit...
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  14. typnct

    lets start with the maxes, nc maxes are the best at point holding hands down even without the slugs, they got better reload times and smaller cof

    tr got its first 600 rpm 167 weapon, with the worst attachment gimmick ever(nerfs the gun completely)
    nc got the most precise doku guns with high versetility
    the prowler buff is going to be after 10 sec of being anchored, prowlers still cant compete with vanguard even with that in mind unless we can into their back(advanced tactic, gimmick)
    top guns, remember we had the worst of the worst top gun in the game and im talking about the gatekeeper, even now its considered as the worst top gun in the game lower than the basilisk at all ranges
    the new NC top gun will be the gatekeeper, a total trash of a weapon, i cant complain as we had the worst top gun until now, no medium range weapons at all
    if this gun is going to get a buff then i want a bigger mag(by 50% and 50% faster fire rate for the gatekeeper as i can see them on equal ground rn)

    there is no anti NC bias here, just an opinion which has a lot of sides
    and again with the max, the nc max can instagib any maxes that hold a point and charging with them first becomes viable tactic unlike the tr,vs which need to charge with infantry first to protect the maxes(totaly the opposite)
  15. LordKrelas

    Did someone just say NC has better reload times for their MAX AI weapons? When do I get THAT reload time?
    Did they just say the Prowler in their boosted stat, gaining a shield health pool, can't compete with Vanguard...
    An infinite duration regenerative extra-health shield vs 6 seconds directional damage-resistance shield.
    While getting the Deployment Benefits of lock-down on the Prowler at the same time... and it's infinite duration.

    Worst Gimmick Attachment:
    Is some-how not the "Increase time spent reloading, but only the first 5 bullets have the trait still"
    So you spend more time reloading, with non-boosted 167 bullets (the gun's entire gimmick is the 5 200-damage bullets)
    But TR has the attachment that nerfs the gun... What does their attachment do, Invert the RPM?

    I can't be arsed to quote..
    As sweet christ, NC's AI MAXes are not instagibbing enemy Maxes after that hammer-from-hell.
    Since.. you know.. NC's damage-output is losing the race hard against the other two maxes hard-core.
  16. Demigan

    How are they the best at point holds? They can't out-DPS the other MAX's and the only weapon that can still OHK if RNG is with you is the scattergun. By the time the NC MAX starts it's second reload the other two MAX's finally start with their first. The only exceptions are weapons like the Onslaught if you don't add extended mags to the Onslaught.

    The smallest pelletspread I could find is 1.5, the biggest stillstanding COF of the MAX's I could find was 1.65 (only the Cosmos has this). So with th exception of the Cosmos every single NC AI weapon is less accurate on their pelletspread alone. Ofcourse it's COF also starts to add up once you get moving. So the NC MAX's are not the most accurate by a long shot. Just having a bloom per shot of .5 instead of something on the lines of 0.06 for example is a great big FU to accuracy.

    About that Cosmos. It's a pretty inaccurate weapon right? Well it's still more accurate than the NC MAX's and fills mostly the same CQC role. Except ofcourse it fills that role more easily. The shots are all "unstable" making it easier to hit enemies, the weapon has a great ROF and it's got enough shots to fire for 13 to 20 seconds depending on extended ammo.

    Then there's the fact that pointrooms are larger than 10m in size. Even if you stand in the middle of it you are already suffering from the bad accuracy and massive damage degradation of these weapons. And as already mentioned even if you stick to a doorpost you can at best equalize your DPS to that of the other two MAX's... Besides that the enemy can be pretty safe throwing C4 bricks at your feet. Being plastered on the ceiling due to C4 kind of ruins the "best at pointholds" scenario and having to stand at a distance where you are being out-DPS'd and can't OHK enemies is also a big no-no to best at pointholds so... How can it be the best if it's basically nothing of what you proclaimed? Only the reload speeds are better if the TR and VS do not save up one or two bullets and use the fast reload.

    The Kindred? With 698 RPM and not 600 RPM for the first 7 shots? And instead of having to reload to get that 698 RPM back all you have to do is release the trigger and then hold it again as opposed to the Charger that has to reload for it's gimmick? And I don't see any special attachments for it, just the usual laser sights and so on so how can it nerf itself?

    Bishop: Not the most accurate. It's options all nerf it while not all options of the VS and TR nerf it. VS and TR options also allow for more varied playstyles.
    Charger: more accurate than the Kindred (as it should as it's got 1/3rd of the RPM and the same damage for only the first 7 shots). It isn't more accurate than the Horizon. It doesn't have more versatility options than the TR and VS and due to it's limited DPS and lower accuracy per shot it's more limited in it's usage.
    Gladius: Less accurate than the TR Jackal. This must also be the "it's first 600 RPM 167 weapon". That attachment indeed isn't good, but neither is the NC version that takes even more bullets out of the already limited magazine. At least the attachment is only active when you select it, as niche as it is. And once more the VS got the most versatile option...

    So basicaly "most precise" is only true in one situation where the NC weapon is vastly inferior anyway and the "high versatility" is wrong?

    The Prowler is a better MBT than the Vanguard, if you poke around in the Magrider thread you can see the stats backing that up as well. And the fact remains: A buff is a buff, even if it takes a few seconds to kick in. You don't say "The Sunderer shield is bad cus it takes a few seconds to reach maximum health!" do you?

    Actually the Gatekeeper scores about the same as it's counterparts. And on the MBT it's used about as much as it's counterparts (but who on TR is going to pick a Gatekeeper if they have access to the Vulcan eh?). So while the Gatekeeper might feel bad it's actually not worse off than the Enforcer for example.

    So you basically want a weapon that can outperform it's counterparts because you think it's bad? Cool!

    Ah no, there you are wrong. This isn't an opinion, this is a fact that you can gauge yourself. NC MAX's are the worst off right now and quite literally scoring half of the other two MAX's, with the exception of the Gladius all further Doku weapons for the NC are inferior with inferior options and mechanics and this trend is only getting worse as the VS and TR are getting more toys for their MBT's and the Vanguard is left out and the new top-gun is a straight trash weapon. Quite literally every gimmick on the weapon nerfs it, while the TR and VS versions have only advantages to speak off. From how they charge to their DPS and how their projectiles track the crosshair. If this trend continues then the next weapon for the NC will be making fart noises while the VS and TR get to fire miniature orbital strikes from their weapon.
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  17. Campagne

    [Emergency Gladius thread suppression activated]
  18. Savadrin

    So I have been calling this the Trashkeeper for a while now and I had some opportunity to use it the other day. Here is my opinion:

    It's still the Trashkeeper. The Halberd is king of MBT top guns for TR, really any of the MBTs imho.

    Now - here is why. If you are running the Bruce Lee (stealth Prowler, Vulcan) and rush-boxing, you can do some good work but because the Vulcan's effective range is still sub 30m, this is a niche build. It's useful against enemy harassers, but so is the Halberd.

    The Gatekeeper is useful out to maybe 100m, and inside of that range it's OK, but suffers from awful AI capabilities and face to face is worse than the Vulcan. Anything over 100m (please remember this is supposed to be the LONG range weapon right?) and you can only plink with it because similar to the Mjolnir, the grenades just go on drunken escapades in whichever direction they choose. Unlike the Mjolnir, it's designed to work at a range which makes it nigh on worthless.

    The Halberd is useful at ANY range, can snipe infantry and vehicles, and does pretty solid damage. The Trashkeeper isn't great in close, is just OK at medium range where the Vulcan falls off the cliff it lives next to, and becomes irrelevant at longer ranges. But it is solidly outclassed by the Halberd at every range.

    The quality of average armor pilots right now is as low as I have ever seen it. I think mostly everyone is new, or finally trying armor for the first time. It's good to test this stuff out in primetime when the few remaining armor vets are playing, but I can't lend as much weight to the numbers when these things are being used by people who don't know how to use them. FFS, I went on like a 10 kill streak in some random's completely uncerted Bassy Prowler topgun last night in the middle of a big armor fight. What is that? Bro wouldn't have lasted 2 minutes without me playing duck hunt on all the C4 fairies. SA of rice pudding. Earlier in the day I got to gun my own Halberd in my harasser and went 65-5 before primetime, and I'm not even that good. I only mount the GK on the Harasser to meme and die horribly. Crapola.

    Personally I would choose the Enforcer 100% of the time over the GK. The rounds actually go where you aim them and once you compensate for drop and travel time, it's an awful lot of fun for AV work. Still, I would choose the Halberd because of AI potential unless I am confident that we won't be finding a hillside to farm or a foot zerg to crush.
  19. JibbaJabba

    What hasn't changed Bama:

    Victim complex by members of all 3 factions.
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  20. JibbaJabba

    Bruh, I play NC just fine. This is epic levels of victim complex ok, just give it a rest. Go play as the other factions for a bit and face NC weapons. They work.
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