[Suggestion] Heavies Overshields Are OP.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BattleMage, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Nerovox

    Ever thought MMO's are not your thing?
    Just saying...
  2. Grayson

    I play mostly heavy, but yes, the shield is a bit OP. The heavies main role is basically AV, so i would say that the shields should protect against explosions only.
  3. Dv2R

    HA is a crutch for terrible players, but its not OP. My current NC is sporting like 1 n half higher K/D than my other faction characters just because RS/ASC combo being stupid cheap to pick up early game and being incredibly effective.

    Altho having as many options as that class does to adapt to AV/AA/Inf with a plehora of shield choices and effective uses of some suit slots, not to mention obnoxiously fast travel corner camping rocket heavys and stuff, the class can be overly frustrating to fight constantly.

    Also the top players for kills/score on any given day will always be ESF/Tankers, so don't try to bring up that whole "heavys dominate da leaderburds xDDDddx" nonsense.
  4. Monkeydmomo

    Don't know about that, I run medic 24/7 only reason I'd lose to a heavy was because I got rocket primaried or my shields were down and I didn't have a 30 round magazine.
    • Up x 1
  5. Axehilt

    It relates to how initiative decides most fights (few fights are a raw DPS race,) because latency is so much more noticeable in PS2 than other shooters.

    Really no clue where you're coming from with the LA comment. Very few high-tier players are LA.

    If the game was wholly balanced around single, isolated 1v1 duels then sure LMGs would be fairly lackluster. But this is Planetside 2. Which means that high-tier players end up easily beating most players with LMGs because they're only slightly disadvantaged by the gun (which usually doesn't matter because ambushing and initiative decides the fight) and then subsequent kills are easier with an LMG than other options.

    SMG Infiltrators are probably the only exception due to how their class is able to manage the flow of battle better than others. (And even then I always choose the high-capacity SMG because of how rare it is to lose because of a DPS race.)
  6. Kitakami

    If we were starting from scratch, I'd divvy up the classes into Light and Heavy classes.

    Light Assault

    Heavy Assault

    Heavy weapons, LMGs, rocket launchers and MANA turrets, could only be carried by Heavy classes.

    Light weapons, including assault rifles, battle rifles, sniper rifles, etc., could be carried by both Light and Heavy classes.

    The heavier the loadout, the slower you move. For LAs, they also fly slower. For Pilots, their vehicles also accelerate slower. So there's always a reason to carry a lighter loadout.

    The Light classes have special abilities that more than make up for having no Heavy weapons. LA has jetpack, Infil has cloak, Pilot can pilot vehicles (which no others can in this model). There are major knock-on effects with this too. LA with sniper rifle, Infil with assault rifle. But then the Heavy classes could use these too.

    Class then becomes less about what role you think you fill in the battle, and more about what role you actually fill.

    Then the selection of weapons would make more sense. Why do we have carbines pretending to be battle rifles? Assault rifles pretending to be SMGs? LMGs pretending to be assault rifles? Battle rifles pretending to be scout rifles?

    There's so many crap weapons, perhaps only 10% of all infantry weapons are actually needed.

    That's my tuppence.
  7. FocusLight

    This is *another* "Heavies are harder to kill than the rest and should be nerfed because I said so" tread.

    I congratulate you on your originality OP. Well done.
  8. Luighseach

    Yeah I made a another post later on saying that good medics can actually kill a Heavy if they know what they are doing. Overall though Heavies are meant to be the room clearer with the larger mags and health(with overshield anyway).