Headshots actually do 250% damage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zoopshab, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. The Shady Engineer

    Bringing 6x multipliers and hacking into the discussion is absurd, borders on strawmanning and has nothing to do with the point the guy in the video was making.

    2x is fair imo. You're trying to hit a small target that's moving. A crouch throws your aim completely off is you're going for the head but is irrelevant if you're shooting the body. Going for the head also requires more bursting otherwise COF issues will cause misses whereas you can just mag dump if you're going for bodyshots.

    Problem is, like OP and the dude in the video mentioned, because nanoweave exists, the headshot multiplier is a lot stronger than 2x. Remove nanoweave and the TTK gap between going for bodyshots and headshots compresses to fair levels for both sides.
  2. Somentine

    Cheating is a completely separate issue from balance.
  3. Demigan

    I think that 2x would be about right as well, but the question is how to achieve it:
    1. Remove nanoweave. Lowers the TTK for everyone, makes spray&pray weapons easier to use and puts the HS% at 2x in all situations.
    2. Make nanoweave standard and affect the head/apply a 20% reduction to all small-arms weapons (with some exceptions probably). This keeps the TTK the same for all players with bodyshots but increases the TTK for headshots to pre-nanoweave change update.
    I'm in favor of the second one. It keeps most of the mechanical skill and survivability that players expect and puts more emphasis on the full range of skills required to manage weapons. There are some other things you need to consider immediately when removing nanoweave either way: What will happen to that slot? If almost everyone picks flak armor it will have a massive effect on how many other aspects of the game are played and that has to be taken into account.

    @Somentine: Do I really need to tell you how a GD-7F is worse at headshot kills at most ranges compared to an AC-X11? You do realize there are differences between accuracy ratings and DPS between weapons right? Stop deflecting and get to proving your point you troll.
  4. Somentine

    Except the GD-75 is considered one of the best guns NC has, while the AC-X11 is only a decent gun?

    You're trolling, right?

    And are you seriously trying to say i'm deflecting, when one of your two points was that low acc weapons suffer against high acc? Now i'm asking which weapons, and this is the trash you bring to the table?
  5. DarkStarAnubis

    We should stop talking about damage and instead start to think in terms of TTK.

    If you achieve a TTK below 250ms you are below the average reaction time.

    That's the reason why headshots are so potent (even without factoring in packets round trip).

    As you can't get rid of client-side the only cure is to increase TTK to always give at least a chance to the potential victim yet reward finesse: either give more health or decrease the damage model.

    Statistically once again we could debate about ACC and HSR until our thumbs turn blue without proving or disproving anything because the distance at which kills are achieved is unknown.

    Personally I believe ACC and HSR should be on average the same on every automatic weapon of an experienced player.

    That is not to say all weapons are equal: all weapons are different but with imprecise bullet hoses we engage in-close and whereas with needle-like weapons we engage at range: at the end the ratio between the weapon precision and the target shape is invariant so the accuracy one can squeeze depends on the shooter.
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