Having problems with Night Vision on my Reaver?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by AbyssalSovereign, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. AbyssalSovereign

    Hello! I play the PS4 version of the game. Watched a few videos on how to loudout a reaver. I put the night vision on my rocket pods but I dont get a green backdrop at all. All I get are these slightly brighter grey horizontal line that run through my field of vision. It doesnt highlight anything at all actually. Just males it harder to see. I tried equiping a different lens and then re equipping the NV but nothing has changed. Tried resetting the game, nothing. Whats going on? Please help!
  2. ObiVanuKenobi

    Night vision is much worse than thermals since a long time ago, those videos must be outdated. But i'm having the same bug as you. Even without the bug thermals>night vision because thermals highlight enemies, night vision only makes everything green.
  3. AbyssalSovereign

    Ah. Well thank you then. Guess we just have to cut our losses with the cert then lol.
  4. Turiel =RL=

    They changed nightvision. In the old days it was green, now it's just like daylight with a few stripes.
  5. AbyssalSovereign

    So they just forgot to change te description box.. I see.
  6. AbyssalSovereign

    One other thing too. Im guessing they nerfrd the absolute heck out of the hellfire rockets? I iust unloaded about 36 into a zundr and it still didnt go down.. Wtf?
  7. YIT-Meta5

    Question related to this; Will the NV ever be changed back to the Green? I absolutely loved using it when flying, but my brain melts when I use this new NV, thus, wasted 300+ certs (got it on all vehicles what I like to drive/pilot.)
  8. ObiVanuKenobi

    Most likely it will eventually but almost nobody uses it since it's simply green thermals without target marking so it's not a high priority.
  9. Brewergamer

    Alot of the times I see that happening it's because the sunderer has one of those deployable shields, it's OP.