Have a look at these new XP awards on the horizon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MuldoonX9, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. MuldoonX9 Developer

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  2. sustainedfire

    Fair enough. Some incentives for using those grenades is definately welcomed.

    PS. You forgot XP for smoke grenades :eek:
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  3. Jaedrik


    Now I will throw my concs more often!
  4. Whatupwidat

    Wow, my Light Assault can get XP for being a team player now?

    ...there are no words...
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  5. ZephyrBurst


    Also I like the dead guy on each image.
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  6. DJPenguin

    Any chance of buffing flashbangs while you're at it? The new assist XP is nice and all but not much of an incentive to use flashbangs when it's the worst thing that can go in a grenade slot.
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  7. MuldoonX9 Developer

    He was the unfortunate test subject.
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  8. LT_Latency

    Yikes, Lets hope people don't figure out what spamming conc nades can do.
  9. Pikachu

    About time.
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  10. iller

    This SCALES based on threat level of the target? Yes?
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  11. Eyeklops

    I'm not sure encouraging more conc/flash nade spam is a good thing.
  12. MuldoonX9 Developer

    Those things are actively being worked on by top programmers. My main duties are mostly marketplace and XP, occasionally working on game systems like Continent Locking. So I'm not knowledgable on how to fix those issues. I'd be more likely to get in the way. Definitely for the best I'm working on this XP stuff.

    Unfortunately I am a programmer, and they don't let us near the design values.
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  13. MuldoonX9 Developer

    I've never seen a game do smoke XP before. It'd be hard to quantify what counts as helping out for smoke. The above XP rewards were fairly painless to add since they all had visible screen effects when you are hit by one. Smoke really doesn't have anything like that.
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  14. sustainedfire

    I was mostly joking- though perhaps being in the cloud and being killed could be made to count?

    I believe Light Assaults do have a smoke grenade option- which no one had probably ever used in game.
  15. Lethal_Sting

    Bahh, just wave your badge and scoot yourself onto a computer. :D

    Capture CP while under smoke cover [bonus]? Though I imagine it would not be clear-cut as to who "owns" the smoke cloud.
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  16. Regpuppy

    I don't regret dealing with the RNG to get Clear Vision 3 at all now. :eek:
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  17. MuldoonX9 Developer

    I don't think there's a way for me to easily ask "is this guy in the smoke?" because that all happens on the client and not the server. Plus, a lot of smoke is there for cover when crossing open terrain or getting through chokepoints, not necessarily to kill people inside of it.
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  18. noidea

    Really nice Alex, this will be appreciated by a lot of players.
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  19. Leftconsin

    This is definitely something I've wanted for a while now. Thanks Devs!
  20. Flashtirade

    All that's missing is the ground equivalent of air deterrence. Good stuff.
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